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How to Fail at Sales

6 ways to commit sales suicide

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How to Fail at Sales

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How to fail at sales

  2. 6 ways to commit sales suicide

  3. Current situation You are new at sales You are striking out far more often than you are winning

  4. Complications You do not know what you are doing “wrong”

  5. implications You are willing to learn and feel you would have a real chance at success if only you could figure out what to change

  6. LSA Point of view 6 ways you may be sabotaging your sales efforts: Talking too much Assuming you know the real client problem too early Selling by telling Forgetting to prioritize your time and accounts Ignoring a potential customer objection Jumping to conclusions instead of qualifying

  7. About LSA Global Founded in 1995, we are a consulting and training firm that helps high growth companies get there by aligning their culture and talent with strategy. Who we work with - Leaders Our clients are typically mid-market leaders of high growth companies who want to avoid the culture and talent mistakes that keep so many great strategies from becoming a reality. The majority of our clients come from the high-tech, life-sciences, and service industries and often lack the internal resources or expertise to get the job done. They want more than what traditional consulting and training approaches can deliver. They think systemically and demand results. What we do – 3X Alignment™ We get results. We are a consulting and training firm that helps high growth companies get there by aligning their culture and talent with strategy. We call this 3X Alignment™. It is based upon the premise that neither talent, nor culture, nor strategy alone will produce results. Operationally, we are organized in seven key practice areas: Sales, Loyalty, Leadership, Management, Project Management, Change, and Assessment/Measurement. Our Guarantee - Results We formally measure everything we do and tie our compensation to measurable outcomes for your business. We are fiercely devoted to the success of our clients and guarantee results.

  8. Tristam B. Brown Chairman & CEO LSA Global tbrown@LSAGlobal.com 925-258-0582 www.LSAGlobal.com

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