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Golf Greens Turf Suppliers

If you have installed artificial grass in your lawn area with the help of golf greens Turf Suppliers like Turf Suppliers Installation, then you must take care of several things to avoid. These things will permanently damage your artificial turf if you do not avoid them in use. Here is the list of things.

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Golf Greens Turf Suppliers

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  1. Things to Avoid that Permanently Damage your Artificial Turf turfsupplierscanada.com

  2. Make sure to keep the cigarettes away from the artificial turf as it would permanently damage your artificial grass. • Another most important thing you should avoid using on artificial grass is BBQ. You should keep BBQ at a distance from this artificial grass you have installed. Hot ashes that blow in the air will damage it. turfsupplierscanada.com

  3. Do not try to pick and pull the artificial layer of grass. It would pull out the fibers, and your whole lawn will get destroyed. • The most important thing you should take care of is that you should never park your vehicle on the artificial grass. This is because the tires can pull the roots and fibers of it and damage your area. turfsupplierscanada.com

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