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Is Your Website Hurting Your Admission Efforts?

Is Your Website Hurting Your Admission Efforts?

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Is Your Website Hurting Your Admission Efforts?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Is Your Website Hurting Your Admission Efforts? Presented by Arnie Kuenn @ArnieK Patty Adams @PattyAZ23

  2. Getting Found Online: Optimizing for Search is Critical • When someone types a keyword into the search box, there are only two possible outcomes: • They will find your school. • They will find your competitor. Is Your Website Hurting Your Admission Efforts?

  3. Search Marketing Reality • Organic search traffic can be so valuable, it can sustain an entire business. • Organic search rankings are something you can work to influence, but ultimately you do not control them. The search engine algorithms make that call. Is Your Website Hurting Your Admission Efforts?

  4. Why Invest In Search? • 95% of searchers do not go past page one! • Natural search results receive many more clicks than paid search • Natural search converts 30% better than paid search • Clicks are Free Is Your Website Hurting Your Admission Efforts?

  5. How Does it Work Today? Bot or Spider Is Your Website Hurting Your Admission Efforts?

  6. What Does It Look For? Title tag H1 tag Content Bold Meta Description Award winning SEO Link Building Services. Vertical Measures is a reputable, USA Internet marketing company helping businesses get more website traffic thru higher search engine rankings, link building, social media, local search, and search engine optimization. Is Your Website Hurting Your Admission Efforts?

  7. Biggest Factor is Still Inbound Links • The best links: • From trusted sites • Have proper anchor text • Have varied anchor text • Are from many different domains (new 2010) • Determined editorially (Social!) Is Your Website Hurting Your Admission Efforts?

  8. Search Engine Results Indented Listing Local Listing Is Your Website Hurting Your Admission Efforts?

  9. What Are Students Search For? • Do you know what potential students are searching for when looking for prospective schools like yours? • Keywords are Key: are you targeting the right ones? • Example: “vocational school” vs. “career college”, “cooking school” vs. “culinary school”, “phoenix” vs. “scottsdale” • Leverage geography for brick and mortar schools • Do you know what keyword phrases are driving traffic to your website? • Website Analytics • Brainstorming session Is Your Website Hurting Your Admission Efforts?

  10. Your Website as Your Primary Marketing Tool • Is it optimized for the search engines? • Communicate unique value proposition – you have 7 seconds to persuade • Engage your end user. • Are you constantly adding new info so they come back for more? • Does it give them enough information? • Do you have an offer? (Free guide, CD, campus visit) • Reinforce the offer site-wide – don’t let them forget Is Your Website Hurting Your Admission Efforts?

  11. Conversions are Critical • Are you measuring conversions? • What do you consider a “conversion” on your site? • What are you conversion goals? • Are you making it easy for them to tell you who they are? • Asking for too much info? • Are you making them call you? • Websites should be interactive, not one-way communication with your end users • Make your forms engaging – all about the details Is Your Website Hurting Your Admission Efforts?

  12. Your Website: Create Good Content • Build pages around your keywords • Add real value to the web visitor • Unique • Informative • Entertaining • Who do you link to? • Good neighbors • It’s your reputation Is Your Website Hurting Your Admission Efforts?

  13. What Kind of Content? • Build Great Content & Promote it • Examples: • Lists • Case Studies • Comparisons • Career Guides • Interviews • Polls & Surveys • Videos Is Your Website Hurting Your Admission Efforts?

  14. Social Media - Participate • At a minimum you need to be listening • Your prospective students are using it • Use the voice of the student– they need to hear from people like them • They use Social for navigation – helps people figure out what school is right for them • Ads to your credibility! Is Your Website Hurting Your Admission Efforts?

  15. Q & A Contact Patty Adams pattya@verticalmeasures.com 602-314-3467 (direct) www.VerticalMeasures.com

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