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Targeted Social Media Campaigns that Work for SEO

Targeted Social Media Campaigns that Work for SEO

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Targeted Social Media Campaigns that Work for SEO

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Targeted Social Media Campaigns that Work for SEO Presented by Kaila Strong and Elise Redlin-Cook Today’s Hashtag = #SM4SEO @cliquekaila @VerticalMeasure @redlincook

  2. Staggering Statistics • Over 175 million users log into Facebook every 24 hours • There are more than 3.5 billion pieces of content shared each week on Facebook • Twitter now has more than 75 million user accounts • 600 tweets are produced every second • Over 60 million people are on LinkedIn Twitter: @cliquekaila @VerticalMeasure @redlincook #SM4SEO

  3. What Is a Targeted Social Media Campaign? • Less Sites • Targeted Market • Mass Marketing Tactics Don’t Always Work Twitter: @cliquekaila @VerticalMeasure @redlincook #SM4SEO

  4. Strategy • Guy Kawasaki http://holykaw.alltop.com/how-to-demo-twitter • Jay Baer “7 Steps to Creating a Social Media Strategy” http://www.convinceandconvert.com/ • Social Media Examiner “8 Simple Steps to Growing a Quality Twitter Following” http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/ • Dan Zarrella “Science of ReTweets” http://danzarrella.com/science-of-retweets.pdf Twitter: @cliquekaila @VerticalMeasure @redlincook #SM4SEO

  5. Strategy (cont..) What do the experts have in common? • Knowing your objective • Figure out who your audience is • Plan out your message • Have something meaningful to say • Set goals • Measure results Add in some basic SEO too! Twitter: @cliquekaila @VerticalMeasure @redlincook #SM4SEO

  6. Apply to Targeted Social Media Campaigns Figuring Out Your Objectives • Ask yourself what you want to accomplish with your targeted campaign • Know your options Image from: Search Engine People Twitter: @cliquekaila @VerticalMeasure @redlincook #SM4SEO

  7. Source: http://www.dailybloggr.com/social-media-cheat-sheet.gif Twitter: @cliquekaila @VerticalMeasure @redlincook #SM4SEO

  8. Get Started Figure Out Who Your Audience Is If you don’t know who you are marketing to, you won’t know which social sites to focus on. Source: http://images.businessweek.com/mz/07/24/0724_6insiid_a.gif Twitter: @cliquekaila @VerticalMeasure @redlincook #SM4SEO

  9. Get Started (cont..) • Use tools to listen • Check out your competition too! Tip: When checking out your competition use search commands: • intitle:“keyword* on twitter" site:twitter.com • intext:"bio * keyword" site:twitter.com • near:“city, state" within:25mi • "small business" OR entrepreneur OR "start up" filter:links Twitter: @cliquekaila @VerticalMeasure @redlincook #SM4SEO

  10. Get Started (cont..) Plan Out Your Message Have Something to Say Tips: Use Hootsuite, SmartBrief, AllTop page or use RSS, Google news, social search, and participate on blogs. SEO: Integrate your keywords into your messaging, and remember to drop a link whenever possible (within reason). Twitter: @cliquekaila @VerticalMeasure @redlincook #SM4SEO

  11. Get Started (cont..) Set Goals and Measure Them Tips: Use Google Analytics for Facebook, measure CTR with shortened URLs, twitter analytic tools, insights on Facebook, and onsite traffic measurement tools. SEO: Check your rankings and keep track of them using both traditional methods as well as social media search tools. Twitter: @cliquekaila @VerticalMeasure @redlincook #SM4SEO

  12. Execute Save time whenever possible: • Use plugins • Platforms • Get e-mail alerts • Use free applications Twitter: @cliquekaila @VerticalMeasure @redlincook #SM4SEO

  13. Tying Social Into Search • Algorithms • Results Page • Link Building • Social Media Search Twitter: @cliquekaila @VerticalMeasure @redlincook #SM4SEO

  14. SMO General Rules • Be keyword conscious in everything you do • Build the PR of your pages: comment links, badges to your page, etc. • Import your blog • Fill out everything Twitter: @cliquekaila @VerticalMeasure @redlincook #SM4SEO

  15. The Best of Both – Social & Search • Build Great Content & Promote it • Good for Social Media? • Is it “Link Worthy”? • Can you promote it? • Examples: • Lists • Case Studies • Comparisons • Satire & Parody • Interviews • Polls & Surveys • Videos • Contests • Promote it using social media!!! Twitter: @cliquekaila @VerticalMeasure @redlincook #SM4SEO

  16. Twitter: @cliquekaila @VerticalMeasure @redlincook #SM4SEO

  17. Twitter: @cliquekaila @VerticalMeasure @redlincook #SM4SEO

  18. Q & A Contact Kaila or Elise @cliquekaila @redlincook socialmedia@verticalmeasures.com 602-314-3462 (direct) www.VerticalMeasures.com Twitter: @cliquekaila @VerticalMeasure @redlincook #SM4SEO

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