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BABY DRIVER opening sequence analysis

baby driver opening sequence

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BABY DRIVER opening sequence analysis

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  1. B A B Y D R I V E R O P E N I N G S EQ U E N C E Vita Pestman-Mackintosh

  2. ESTABLISHING SHOT A fade in establishes the first location of this opening sequence to the viewers, suggesting that the upcoming robbery sequence will take place in this building. The shot is interrupted by a car wheel entering the frame, referring to the arrival of the main subjects. The abrupt change of composition, from the building to the car wheel, could connote that there is going to be an abrupt change to the peacefuland calm environment of the building in frame due to the arrival of the characters in the car.

  3. MEDIUM SHOTS The following four medium shots introduce the characters of the scene. The music that has started playing from the driver’s headphones, play in a diegeticfashion over this scene. The medium shots of the characters facing the camera are synchronised with the first four beats of the song. The characters’ wardrobe—sunglasses, dark clothes and their serious expressions connote that they are going to do something important and dangerous which requires their anonymity.

  4. LONG SHOT This long shot of the three subjects crossing the road is one of the many shots of the characterscrossing the street and entering the building. Thisfast-paced editing style suggests that the mission requires speed and precision. This shot shows the difference in roles between the dynamic of the four characters – the three crossing the street are the mainpart of the action and the driver does not participate in the action and only focuses on his part as a driver.

  5. MEDIUM TRACKING SHOT This tracking three shot is part of the fast-paced editing sequence that depicts these characters robbing a building. The composition of the three characters suggests their authority—the man framed in the centre front of the shot connotes that he holds the most power over the group of three. The two characters behind him suggest that their role is of less importance in their mission.

  6. TRACKING MEDIUM SHOT This tracking shot pans around the character and ends with a profile compositionof his face. In this shot, he is singing along to diegetic music playing from his headphones. The character's calm state seen through his comfortable posture and relaxed mannerisms. This shot is the first insight the audience gets about the character's personality in the film. He is part of a high stress and dangerous job, but appears composed and in controlof his task as a driver in this tense mission— through the help of his music.

  7. EXTREME CLOSE UP This extreme close up shot of the driver taking off his sunglasses is a reaction toward the robbery taking place opposite him, as he anticipates his co-workers to complete the mission and be driven away by him. The detailed framing of the shot illuminates his relaxed reaction toward a high-stress environment he is in. The seriousness in his face suggests that he is committed to his task, and highly alert—however his relaxed composure and sunglasses suggest that he is also a laid-back character.

  8. LONG SHOT This long shot places the red car, that the characters are driving in the middle of the frame. The fast-paced editing style of this car sequence shows the audience how fast the car is going. In addition to this editing style, the numerous action match cuts in this scene are rapid and perhaps confusing to watch —but by blurring the surroundings of the shot, including this one, and only focusing on the red car, the audience knows where to direct their attention to. The chaos and speedinessof the scene suggests the pressure and stress of participating in such criminal activities.

  9. LOW ANGLE SHOT This low angle shot of the driver is part of the fast-paced car sequence. The rapidness and chaos of this high-stress driving scene is contrasted by the character's calm composure. The driver is still listening to his energetic and loud diegetic music, as he is keeping a focused expression and continuing to wear his sunglasses—this suggests that he is able to find order and peace within the chaos he is surrounded by. The lower angle shot also indicates his authority and control over the car chasing sequence—suggesting to the audience that he has the ability to safely complete his mission.

  10. PROFILE MEDIUM SHOT This profile medium shot of the two characters suggests their affiliation to each other. Although both characters are dressed similarly and are both completing the same mission, the driver is operating the wheel and therefore dominating this sequence. His authoritywhile successfully operating the car during this mission is seen through the camera shot— the driver is the only character that is completely in frame and focus, as the shallow focus of this scene blurs out the other character and does not frame his entire upper body in the shot.

  11. MEDIUM THREE SHOT Similar to the previous shot, this medium three shot suggests the characteristicsof these three characters during the car chasing sequence. Captured, and well-lit, in the front of the shot, is the driver—who remains calm and focused while listening to his energetic diegetic music. In the background, two of his co-workers participating in this crime are seen turned around, looking at the police car, with worried expressions and tense postures. The contrast between the driver and the two characters' emotions is emphasized through the lighting, the position of the characters in the shot, as well as their demeanorand expressions.

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