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Consider using our lightweight and speed tested WordPress themes which help in more customers as well as more speed means customers can easily browse various pages and engage through call to action which will in turn increase your sales for the website.
Common Errors People Face While Using WordPress Themes Since more and more users are jumping the WordPress bandwagon more and more users are facing difficulties dealing with new errors they face while using WordPress. Most of the times users don't know where to search and they also don't know whom to blame. Some blame the plugins, some the WordPress theme they use and some the hosting itself. Lets discuss the common errors people face while using and installing WordPress themes. Stylesheet missing: Many users face this common error while uploading a WordPress theme zip they recently purchased. Mostly what happens is the zip contains all the files like theme zip, documentation, sample data, images and PSD files sometimes. Hence when uploading the zip directly it gives an error of stylesheet missing. Hence one should always extract the zip first and check if this is the case and then upload only the theme zip file separately to Appearance>Themes>Add new. The above solution should solve this error for you. Sample data missing: Many times developers give you localhost sample data and hence while uploading you get sample data missing or images missing error. Not to worry these developers do give you the uploads section separately which you can use. The reason for doing so is because if they give sample data from their host it will lead to constant load on their own server. Homepage set up: Homepage set up is important because once you have purchased a WordPress theme you should be able to set up homepage easily. Some premium WordPress themes have difficult set ups for their homepage while others give direct shortcodes to be pasted in homepage to get the exact homepage. Some theme developers have homepage set up via theme options itself and it loads itself quickly. White Screen of Death: White screen of death happens when you install the theme and activate it. It might happen due to serious errors within the theme or it is incompatible with the current version of WordPress or else it can most likely happen if there is a plugin conflict. Both of these reasons cause the above error. Most of the cases happen due to plugin conflict. Quick method to know about this is to deactivate all the plugins and check if your website returns to normal. If it does then slowly activate the plugins and check which plugin your theme conflicts with. If you can remain without the use of that particular plugin then you surely can keep it in disabled mode. Otherwise you might have to ask theme developer to resolve conflict issue with the plugin. Making changes and nothing happening: Many a times you do changes within a WordPress installation and blame the theme developer that the changes aren't reflecting. Many times you do changes in WordPress theme options and also changes don't reflect. Reason is simple. Cache plugin is causing this. Check for cache plugins and delete cache or disable them for sometime until you are done making changes to the website. How to set up Menu: Many times WordPress themes uses primary menu and requires user to create primary menu and footer menu. If the menu is not set up via Appearance>Menus then it shows blank and this makes users think that there is an error with the WordPress theme but its not the case. Check documentation and most of the developers address on how to have a menu
on your website using their WordPress themes. Theme shows broken or has shifted to the left: This is mostly caused due to javascript or jquery error or happens when we set up minify js and css in Cache plugins. This is a common type of error which happens when the WordPress theme javascripts and jquery doesn't load by default and due to cache plugin has been either minified or due to plugin conflict has stopped working. It also happens with use of old jquery and compatibility conflict with recent WordPress themes as well. Mobile Responsive not working: Many old WordPress themes which were developed before 2014 might not be mobile responsive and hence its important you test them before purchase or using them. You might also be using the outdated version of the particular theme and hence that too might be the reason for the same. Use the most recent version and test in your mobile phone for mobile responsiveness of the theme. Theme looks broken on IE: Many WordPress themes do not actively support IE 8 and 9 and only support IE 10, 11 and Edge (available only in Windows 10). The reason is HTML5 doesn't work on IE 8 and 9 and works only on 10, 11 and Edge and hence it is important that if you have more visitors from IE 8 and IE 9 you should focus on WordPress themes which actively support these browsers. However since Microsoft has stopped them and since Windows XP support is also now stopped in coming years these browsers will be gone. You can also have plugins like Facebook which encourage your user to upgrade to better browser. Some of my galleries are no longer working: This happens due to js conflict as many js are present in a theme file it might be the reason for some lightboxes to not work or function improperly. Hence check for them and try to deactivate or have conditions within them so that it doesn't load on that particular page. Many theme developers though test their WordPress themes for popular plugins and have integration with them. They also help in resolving such conflicts. We hope these 10 common WordPress themes error will help you in determining the cause and using your WordPress theme properly and efficiently.