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Is online coaching the right way to prepare for IAS

IAS online coaching is really very beneficial for students but it can vary in specific circumstances, many online platforms provide quality content for IAS aspirants. To know more about IAS online coaching visit: www.youthdestination.in

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Is online coaching the right way to prepare for IAS

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  1. Is online coaching the right way to prepare for IAS? Every year millions of students prepare for the IAS exam in India. Candidates devote their precious years in IAS preparation. Do you want to know if online coaching is the right way to prepare for the IAS exam? then you are at the right place. IAS online coaching is really very beneficial for students but it can vary in specific circumstances. So you will have to make your own decisions by checking these factors. Pros Quality courses IAS online coaching are mushrooming in every city. It has grown as an industry for the IAS exam preparation. The increasing demand for the online coaching also has increased the competition between institutes. Many online platforms provide quality content for IAS aspirants. Youth Destination provides quality courses and study materials for UPSC online coaching in Hindi medium at an affordable price for civil service coaching. Affordable Cost Offline coaching brings a lot of financial burden on the candidate but online coaching is cost effective. You can save travel time, accommodation, food and other expenditures. Courses are available online for free or minimum charge. Many students may have financial issues. IAS online coaching is really advantageous for them. Flexible time schedule Some working professionals, housewives and regular college students also prepare for the IAS exam and classroom coaching is not possible for them because class timings is an issue for them. You can attend online coaching as per your convenience. This flexibility of time in attending classes makes online classes popular. Online classes also provide recordings of the lectures which you can see later. Prepare in your own way Some students feel difficulty in the physical classroom because they cannot cooperate with the speed of other students but in online coaching you can see video lectures as per your convenience and according to your speed you can devote more time to particular sections in the syllabus which you feel are difficult. Some students cannot note down fast; they take a longer time to make notes. Online coaching is good for them. No need to come Delhi Every year a lot of students apply for IAS coaching in Delhi. In online coaching you have no need to come to Delhi for civil service preparation. Many students have successfully cleared the IAS exam with the help of online coaching. Some aspirants who belong to remote areas or farflung areas can prepare with online coaching. Social backgrounds of many aspirants don't allow them to relocate if you live in a small city or you are a housewife or differently abled then you can get access to best faculty, quality study material and so on via online coaching. Better ability to concentrate

  2. You can attend online classes in any environment as per your convenience. You can also review your course material. If you are feeling sleep deprived or facing work problems then there is no need to attend class at that moment, you can attend it later when your physical and mental health feel good. Study with world wide students In online coaching you can also learn from fellow students, compare notes and share insights. You will interact with fellow students who come from different cultures, it will broaden your horizons and will make your learning experience more powerful. No pressure Students constantly face comparison in schools or college, many of them cannot handle this pressure and they will have to get help from counselors for mental health issues. Extreme pressure can cause poor performance but in online classes you will face a completely different environment. Here you will not face a competitive atmosphere but still can interact with other students daily. Boost your brain power In Online classes you can work with your brain anytime. These classes stimulate your brain when you take quizzes, listen to educational podcasts, read blogs and watch educational videos. When your mind faces continuous challenges then it remains active and healthy. Study according to your style There are different ways to absorb information for different people. Some like to hear information and can learn it for a long time while others are visual learners. They prefer grafs, videos, photographs and some other Aspirants also learn via learning gamification. Online classes are suitable for both visual learners and for those who learn better through listening. You can study according to your style. Cons In classroom coaching you can clear your doubts with your classmates which you hesitate in asking teachers. Environment of the classroom also motivates competition and we find emotional support from peers. Direct student teacher interaction is not possible in online coaching although you can clear your doubts in doubt clearing sessions. If you are good at self study then online coaching is good for you. Self motivation is very necessary in online classes because here you will miss support systems from mentors and senior students. Thus, online coaching has its limitations. Then also it is beneficial to score good marks in the IAS exam. Ultimately the work of coaching is only to guide you either offline or online. Success in the civil service examination depends on your personal efforts, hard work, understanding and preparation strategy.

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