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Coaching for IAS

SRIRAM IAS is one of the decent play over the three decades or those who were preparing for IAS. SRIRAM'S IAS provides best coaching for IAS in Delhi. Teaching faculty has years of experience with great knowledge in IAS. Out main focus is to give best education to our students & pay extra attention on weak students. <br><br>Student's success is our Success!!

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Coaching for IAS

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  2. SRIRAM's IAS is Top IAS coaching centre in Delhi, India for IAS General Studies, CSAT, IAS Sociology, IAS History, IAS Political Science, IAS Public Administration, IAS Philosophy, IAS Anthropology. Our presence is as Best IAS Coaching in Delhi, IAS coaching institute in Delhi, Top ias coaching in Delhi, Best IAS institute in Delhi, IAS academy in Delhi at both Old Rajinder Nagar and Kamla Nagar


  4. General Studies Fee : Rs. 156000/- • Total 10 months integrated course for Preliminary and Mains. • Coaching will imparted in English Medium only. • Duration of Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be 2 hours. • Classes will held with a clear announce schedule.

  5. CSAT Fee : Rs. 20000/- • General Studies at the Preliminary level is divided into two papers- GS-I and GS-II. • GS-II is popularly known as CSAT. • CSAT classes are held a few weeks. • entire weight is on Paper-I of GS. • Paper-II Course lasts almost 3 months.

  6. Mains Optional Subjects Fee : 50000/- 1. History 16thJuly 4 Months 8-10AM 2. Public Administration 16thJuly 4 Months 10:30 AM- 1:00 PM 3. Anthropology 16thJuly 4 Months 02:00 - 4:30 PM 4. Political Science 16thJuly 4 Months 05:00 - 7:30 PM 5. Sociology 16thJuly 4 Months 05:00 - 7:30 PM


  8. 1. Prof. Sriram Srirangam Indian Polity and Governance; Indian Economy 2. Dr. B. K. Banerjee Physical Sciences; Science & Technology; Defence and National Security; Disaster Management 3. Mr. P KISHORE Life Sciences Read more…


  10. Phone No. : 9811489560, 011-25825591, 011-42437002 Mail : sriramsias@gmail.com Address : 22-B, Pusa Road, Bada Bazar Marg, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060

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