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INDUCTION FOR EAL PUPILS. Providing a welcome – good induction “Most come with basic anxieties that you can do something about – in the first few weeks there are anxieties about needing to be part of the school, needing the security of belonging.” Managing Pupil Mobility - DfES.
INDUCTION FOR EAL PUPILS Providing a welcome – good induction “Most come with basic anxieties that you can do something about – in the first few weeks there are anxieties about needing to be part of the school, needing the security of belonging.” Managing Pupil Mobility - DfES
Strategies to think about when receiving a new EAL student - 1 Worries on entering a new school School was very different back home That child pushed me. What shall I do? I’m shy. I don’t want to say “Yes, Mrs. Teacher” in front of everybody. They may laugh at me. I’m confused. Am I allowed to play all the time? Can I eat this? Will I like it? I’m angry. I was happy back home. I miss my grandma and my friends. I’m lonely. I can’t join in with the others so I have no friends. Everyone ignores me or treats me like I’m dumb. I’m tired. All this new language around me I can’t follow it all … zzz … I’m worried. Everyone else can do the work, knows where to go and what to do next. I’m frustrated. At my other school I had much more stimulating work. All I do here is colour. I’ve never been to school before …
Strategies to think about when receiving a new EAL student - 2 Strategies to think about when receiving a new child . Speaking. Don’t insist on speech too early. Listening time is important. Naming. Check the pronunciation of the child’s name. Make sure you pronounce it correctly. Surviving. Show classroom routines. Introduce basic language e.g. greetings, name of class/teacher, toilet, coat, yes/no, please/ thank you. Communicating. Use non- verbal clues and materials. Be careful about gestures, body contact and personal space due to cultural differences. Buddying. Pair with a responsible, caring, articulate child who will act as a guide, friend and role model. Grouping. Seat child with supportive pupils of similar ability, who under- stand the work.
Initial Meeting • Provide a positive, welcoming atmosphere for initial meeting with new pupil and parents/carers – a new school is even more daunting for EAL pupils • Show them around the school • Establish good links with parents/carers (dialogue with home is important despite potential language barriers) • Use interpreters if necessary (not other pupils if possible)
Initial meeting (cont) • Ask for previous school records – these can be translated if necessary • Ascertain whether pupil has any additional needs • Use previous records, info. from parents and good initial assessment (normally by EMA Teacher) to place pupil in appropriate group • Is the pupil entitled to free school meals?
What does a school with a positive, welcoming atmosphere look like?
The welcoming school • Staff who model inclusion • Displays which reflect the composition of the school and local community • Multi-lingual displays • Display of photos of staff • Buddies – other pupils willing to befriend the EAL pupil – some with same language if possible • “Having someone to show me round school was really good. She was like a really good friend.” (Year 9 pupil – Pittville School, Cheltenham)
Personal details • May be necessary to enlist the help of a translator to obtain accurate info. • Check birth date/Year group – these often get confused so ask parents/carers towrite down dates and numbers • Address – again ask for written address • Ask parents/carers to write down contact phone nos. – can they understand if school makes a call to them in English? • (If not make sure there is an alternative no. which school can call in an emergency)
Contact with home • Letters sent home to all pupils need to be checked for “readability” by EAL pupils and their families and if possible translated to ensure that messages are fully understood and that they are not denied any opportunities e.g. • Activities days • School trips • Inset days • Non-uniform days
Uniform • Show parents/carers items of uniform including P.E. kit and give the name/address of where to buy it • Check any cultural issues re. uniform e.g. girls wearing shorts, girls swimming with boys etc. • Make it clear what is/is not acceptable to wear e.g. jewellery, make-up, footwear
School rules • Explain carefully to parents and pupil – British school rules may be very different to what they are used to • Make explicit what is expected in terms of: behaviour,attendance/absence,dress, forbidden items Give parents simple communication cards to convey messages to school if they are unable to write in English
School day/timetable • Use visuals e.g. clock, calendar to explain school times, term dates, holidays • Describe the school day – where to go on arrival, arrangements for break and lunch-time, end of day arrangements • Attendance – if the pupil has an appointment on a school day they should still come to school before/afterwards
School day/timetable (cont) • Go through the pupil’s timetable together explaining any abbreviations, initials, room nos. • Provide a simple map of school • Refer to staff photo display/video to identify Tutor and other key staff members
Library/ICT • Show the library and computer facilities • Organise for someone to do a library induction tour with the pupil • Organise a user name and password so that the pupil can access school IT system
Induction Checklist • Explained school rules and routines to family and child(ren) e.g. money for snacks, procedures for obtaining FSM in canteen, transport issues: bus passes and times/bus stops? • Explained general routines of the school e.g. start time, breaktime, lunch time – eg if pupils allowed off-site? • Made family aware of any entitlements to school uniform grant, free school meals? • Told family where they can buy uniform? • Highlighted days to bring in P.E kit? • Explained school equipment needed, eg stationery, calculator? • Explained additional materials needed for certain subjects, eg art, food technology? • Given school number to ring if absent? • Involved parents in tour of school? • Shown form/tutor room, lockers, explained procedure for obtaining locker? • Shown the break-time facilities? • Shown dining facilities? • Shown toilet facilities? • Shown ICT suites, sports facilities, library, language units, etc? • Shown school website & where to access further information? • Given up-to-date list of school holidays, INSET days, forthcoming school trips? • Shown and explained pupil timetable? • Explained NC for KS3 & KS4 & outlined where & when options/ choices made?
Tutor Checklist (1) • Read the admissions form? • Become familiar with the pronunciation of the pupil's name? • Prepared journal/ planner/ timetable/ plan of school? • Considered setting/ options to best support pupil? • Talked to your class about welcoming pupils new to the class? Have you informed them of children due to arrive? • Placed the pupil with a friendly and helpful ‘buddy’ who can help them during the break and lunchtimes? Buddies can also help pupils become familiar with classroom & school routines. • Familiarised yourself with the pupil’s recent history and experiences, which may include being homeless or other difficult circumstances? What is the pupil’s current living situation? Does the pupil have any siblings or relatives in the school? • Have bilingual books/dictionary.
Tutor Checklist (2) • Familiarised yourself with the pupil’s first language and cultural background? • Are there any other pupils in the class/school who share this? • How well does the child function in English? Your EMA teacher will be able to provide support and resources. • Looked at the pupil’s record from previous schooling (if available) and considered how to build on previous achievement? Has the pupil experienced being moved to several schools? Is the pupil new to schooling? • Made contact with the pupil’s parents/carers? Are there any concerns that you need to discuss with them at an early opportunity? Have parents/carers had an opportunity to share their own concern? • Referred any health concerns to the school nurse? • Put up phrases and words in pupil's first language? • Got set of survival pictures e.g. toilet, drink.
Useful websites • There are a number of useful websites which can be used for different purposes e.g. • Translation – free online dictionaries and translation web-sites e.g. google language tools, http://www.worldlingo.com http://babelfish.yahoo.com/ • English language learning sites e.g. http://a4esl.org/, www.englishbanana.com, http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/ • Web based resources in secondary EAL • Background information on EAL pupils’ culture, language, education system –Pathways to Learning for New Arrivals • Translated letters in various languages for communicating with home – http://www.primaryresources.co.uk/letters • Community languages – www.cilt.org.uk/commlangs/index.htm