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Chapter 7 Vocabulary. Learn it. Your brain will thank you!. Procedures…. Raise your hand to speak, then wait to be called on so we can ALL hear you. Remember to “show” your thinking, two fingers to your temple.
Chapter 7 Vocabulary Learn it. Your brain will thank you!
Procedures… • Raise your hand to speak, then wait to be called on so we can ALL hear you. • Remember to “show” your thinking, two fingers to your temple. • When you have a response, show me by holding your two fingers away from your temples. • Under cover thumbs up when you agree, thumbs tucked in when you disagree. Keep it close and to yourself! • Everyone participates, it is fun and your brain will learn!
Think about it…. • What do you see? • What do you think it means? • What is it showing?
What are the similarities? What is happening in this picture? How does it compare to the map?
Comprehensive • Adjective • Latin • of large scope; covering or involving much; inclusive
Friendly Definition • Work with your partner or trio to come up with a friendly definition. (2min)
Example or Non-Example? • Our company’s comprehensive insurance plan covers most health services. • The comprehensive school taught only science.
Think about it… • What do see? • How is this man dressed? • How would you describe his clothing?
What kind of family do you see? Can you think of a word to describe them? What similarities do you see?
Conventional • Adjective • Latin • conforming or adhering to accepted standards, as of conduct or taste
Friendly Definiton • Work with your partner or trio to come up with a friendly definition (2 min)
Example or Non-Example? • The teacher’s conventional hair had wild color stripes of blue and orange. • The conventional Valentine’s Day gifts are roses and chocolates.
Think about it… • What do you see? • How do you think these climbers feel? • What do you think it means?
What is the relationship? What term are we talking about? What is happening now?
Persevere • Verb • French • to persist in anything undertaken; maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles, or discouragement
Friendly Definition • Work with your partner or trio to come up with a friendly definition. (2 min)
Example or Non-Example? • It was not easy to complete homework while working two jobs, but Kara persevered until she earned her diploma.
Think about it… • What do you see? • What do you think it means? • How do you think this person feels, why?
What similarities do you see? What word do you think the pictures show? What is the relationship?
Venture • Verb • Middle English • an undertaking involving uncertainty as to the outcome, especially a risky or dangerous one.
Friendly Definition • Work with your partner or trio to come up with a friendly definition. (2 min)
Example or Non Example? • My dog’s appetite ventured between eating a lot of food to eating very little. • I will venture going on any ride at the amusement park, even the Twister that makes me sick to my stomach!