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The Frontier Influences Development of the U.S. I. Def. – farthest region of settlement – dividing line bt. civilization & wilderness II. Westward Migration A. Seek economic opportunity B. Social and political democracy C. Adventure & excitement III. Peaks of migration
The Frontier Influences Development of the U.S. I. Def. – farthest region of settlement – dividing line bt. civilization & wilderness II. Westward Migration A. Seek economic opportunity B. Social and political democracy C. Adventure & excitement III. Peaks of migration A. after Am. Revo. B. Manifest Destiny 1840s and 1850s C. after Civil War
IV. Mining – series of gold & silver strikes flow of prospectors moving west 1. placer mining – “panning”
2. deep shaft mining – required large amts. of $ mining companies
4. Major discoveries a. Comstock Lode, Nevada b. Pikes Peak, Colorado c. Black Hills, South Dakota d. Klondike, Yukon in Alaska 5. Lifestyle – rugged, lawless 6. jobs – timber, farming, ranching (cattle & sheep)
V. Ranching A. Began in Texas B. longhorn cattle introduced by Spanish C. shipping east main problem D. thousands roamed free
E. Cattle drives – cattle rounded up and driven north to railheads in Kansas where they loaded onto trains and shipped east to Chicago
F. ended due to: 1. overgrazing of plains by end of 1880s 2. blizzard of 1885-86 killed 90% of cattle in U.S. 3. introduction of barbed wire
VI. Farming A. Wheat belt – eastern grt. plains 1. Homestead – tract of public land available for settlement 2. Sod Busters – name given to those who settled on grt. plains
B. Factors encouraging settlement 1. military outposts/forts – protect settlers from Inds. 2. Homestead Act of 1862 – 160 acres of free land to who could live on it and develop it for five years 3. Timber Culture Act – additional land to plant trees 4. Desert Land Act – additional land to build irrigation 5. Dept. of Agriculture est. to promote farming issues 6. Hatch Act – est. experimental stations to research grains that could survive the grt. plains
C. Technological Advances 1. windmills – H20 scarce; uses wind to pump water from beneath the earth’s surface 2. dry farming techniques – keep moisture in ground 3. barbed wire – fence in land w/o wood; keep out wild animals & Inds. 4. improved machinery a. John Deere – 1st steel plow b. Gang Plow – connected 3 plows together c. steam operated seeders, reapers 5. Russian wheat survived the extreme draught and temps on the plains
D. Frontier Life 1. Housing – no wood; a. used sod bricks to build homes b. dugouts – dug out parts of hills 2. Hardships a. isolation, weather, hard labor, insects b. fuel – corn cob, husks, & animal waste c. Indian threat