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PART IV. MANAGING THE BRAND COMMUNICATIVE SCOPE. Price premium potentiality Preference for the Brand Purchase Intent. Accounting value of non tangibles Future profits Marketing assets. Remember you are building Asset values. Treat customer nicely
PART IV MANAGING THE BRAND COMMUNICATIVE SCOPE PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
Price premium potentiality Preference for the Brand Purchase Intent Accounting value of non tangibles Future profits Marketing assets Remember you are building Asset values PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
Treat customer nicely Keep close to him Measure his satisfaction Make switch cost higher Give more than competition Build emotional relationship You are building loyalty to the Brand, so … PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
Brand Building takes time and is irregular among population clusters Bond + Affinity Advantage Performance Relevance Presence Birth PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
It aims at strengthening overtime, i.e. making more valuable, the perceived relationship that the different audiences have with the brand key is VALUABLE(to the consumer...) it therefore consists in creating & managing the meanings/experience that all contacts with the Brand bring/add to each individual the Brand wants to reach key : ALL contacts Brand Building is A continuous creative process PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
Create ALL Contacts so that they bring and keepconsumers in the Brand’s own world PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
... I really mean ALL CONTACTS (systemic approach) PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
Performance of a « marketing contact » ATTENTION X PERCEPTION Selection Distorsion Retention Memorisation X ATTITUDE BEHAVIOR RESPONSE X PERSUASION PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
Direct Mail Image TV /Media DR TV /Media Branding Corporate Loyalty (CRM) E-Media SalesPromotion The Multi-Touch Points Integrated Solution WOM BUZZ Events/ Sponsoring PR Mobile Personal PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
Prod Price Dist Comm Prod Price Dist Comm Prod Price Dist Comm DM ADV SP PR EV SP DM PR EV ADV DM ADV SP PR EV Integrated Marketing Communications Model Customer/Prospect Database Database Demographics Psychographics Purchase History Category Network Segmentation / Classification Loyal Users Swing Users Competitive Users Contact Management Contact Management Contact Management Contact Management Communications Objectives and Strategy Communications Strategy Communications Strategy Communications Strategy Brand Network Brand Network Brand Network Brand Network Gain / Extend Usage Marketing Objectives Maintain Usage Build Usage Prod Price Dist Comm Marketing Tools Build Loyalty Trial Volume Marketing Communications Tactics Prod Price Dist Comm Prod Price Dist Comm ADV SP DM SP DM ADV SP ADV DM DM = Direct Marketing ADV = Advertising SP = Sales Promotion PR = Public Relations EV = Event Marketing PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
Succesfull Brand launches with PR only Apple Microsoft Linux Segway Red Bull Zara Viagra Dotcoms Starbucks Krispy Kreme Failures using advertising KMX (Coca Cola) Royal Crown Chevrolet Ford ….. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
Hybrid Contact grid (Kotler) + Another Way of looking at it + PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
Marketing Contacts Options PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
Total Brand experience • Individual experience • Shared experience • Individual/shared experience • Hybrid experience = more than one of the 5 basic experiential modules : • Sense, Feel, Think, Relate & Act. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
The experiential grid PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
16 types of Consumption emotions & « experience » PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
Brand Communicative Strategy Managerial Decision Tools PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
The Brand «project» &The Brand creative brief PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
Lifestyles are expressions of sub-cultures Signs : icons, indexes & Symbols Heroes Rituals BRAND ? Values Expressions of cultures A value is a broad Tendency to prefer a certain state of affairs Over others PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
Most typical Physical offer and salient aspects Of Brand Most typical/salient aspects of Brand « Persona » Most typical/active apects of Brand Culture & Ligitimacy Nature & activenessof Relation established by Brand BRAND IDENTITY Brand Non-Adepts’ Set of mind of Brand & of Brand Adepts Brand Adepts’ set of mind of Brand & of themselves PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
THE BRAND COMMUNICATIVE PROJECT The idea is to make sure you create and build competitive meanings into the Brand. In other words, get organised so that you really work and establish a "UNIQUE BRAND'S PERCEPTIVE MODEL and a UNIQUE WORLD AROUND YOUR BRAND » PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
Start with a "WARFARE" Type of ANALYSIS of the market and of the competitive Brands’ PERCEPTIVE MODELS . . Conclude and identify which brand(s) «make(s) the law or set the rules » and which «basic law/rules». Then, BUILD YOUR BRAND PROJECT, i.e. CREATE YOUR BRAND ’s RULES and «law». THE « warfare » BRAND COMMUNICATIVE PROJECT APPROACH PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
Adapt the concept to each «vector» Organise contacts with the Brand concept in a creative & pertinent way via selected «vectors», from media to products & any pertinent support. Create Brand offer that proves it A vision A mission An objective A demonstrated qualification for the mission A communication concept (not just a slogan!) WRITE YOUR BRAND PROJECT STATEMENT PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
The Top 20 Ad Campaigns of the Last 20 Yearsadweek PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
The Brand is a contractor Constant creation is needed Products/services are the proof of the brands qualification for its «mission» need a specific managerial tool for communica-tion agency : Brand Creative Brief (Need Also a specific managerial organization !) Some implications of the Brand project dynamics PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
THE BRAND IDENDITY STRATEGY It defines the BRAND’S PROJECT /TERRITORY DIFFERENT PERTINENT CONNIVENT DURABLE THE COPY CREATIVE STRATEGY. It defines : THE SALE * product advantage, * created difference, THE RELATIONSHIP * nature of the relationship between brand and audience. THE BRAND COMMUNICATION CREATIVE BRIEF PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
You are on Clan Campbell Estates PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
Ballantine's ….. Stubbornly different ??? PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
??? PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
… also express the Brand’s identity thru all communicating elements The Brand Name The Logo(type) Packaging ..... ....all actions of the marketing mix... PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
Why is the brand out there ? What’s it’s know-how? Where is it’s legitimate territory ? What product(s) illustrate it best ? What is it’s style ? What does it want the costumer to think of himself ? Another way to look at itThe Brand “platform” questionnaire • What does it bring ? • What’s it’s viewpoint • What’s it’s vision of what it sells ? • What values is it pro- moting ? • What’s it’s mission on the market PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
Managing Brands in the culturally diverse global context PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel
Remember THE BRAND SPEECH PYRAMID . Rarely change Values Always recognizable : Territory of expression = style of discourse +Brand roles Brand Role & Mission Takes environment + brand reality into consideration Is « re-created » constantly Brand Offer & Scenarii PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel