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Learn about the Performance Review and Development System benefits, objectives, and steps. Discover how it improves employee performance and fosters professionalism in the Public Service.
OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this session you will be able to: ·Define performance management and discuss its rationale • Define the Performance Review and Development System (PRDS); · Discuss the objectives and benefits of the PRDS; Objectives (cont/d.)
OBJECTIVES (cont/d.) ·Identify the steps in the process/cycle of the PRDS. Background
PRESENT APPRAISAL SYSTEM What should I write on this person? Present system is ineffective. Then what? Rationale
RATIONALE FOR THE PERFORMANCE REVIEW AND DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM It is an initiative of the public sector reform effort: • The White Paper on Public Sector Reform identified the development of an effective performance appraisal system as a critical element of our public sector reform effort. Rationale (cont/d.)
RATIONALE (CONT.) A review by the Ministry of the Civil Service exposed a number of inadequacies: • High levels of subjectivity displayed by some reporting officers when conducting and completing the annual appraisal; • Submission of incomplete information on appraisal forms; • Appraisals were not done on a continuous basis; Rationale (cont/d.)
RATIONALE (CONT.) • That the period of a year was too long for a meaningful assessment to be made, especially when supervisors and staff often are changed during that time; • Performance appraisal was perceived at times as a chore, to be disposed of quickly or as a threat, to be carried out at the opportune time against the employee; and Rationale (cont/d.)
RATIONALE (CONT.) The perception that the previous appraisal system was used for punitive, rather than for developmental purposes. What is performance management?
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT • DEFINITION A planned system designed to assess employee performance by providing continuous feedback on actual performance, in relation to agreed and clearly defined performance standards. Rationale for performance management
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENTRATIONALE Staff should know ….. • The performance standards expected of them; • How they are performing; • What assistance is available to help them attain the expected performance standard; Rationale (cont/d.)
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENTRATIONALE (cont’d) • The rewards for attaining and exceeding the performance standards; and • The sanctions for continuous poor performance. The PRDS
Features of a Good Performance Management System A good performance system should be: • Transparent; • Non-discriminatory; • Based on measuring important job elements, rather than traits / behaviours that are irrelevant to job performance Functions
FUNCTIONS OF A PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM It …. • ensures employees know and are committed to achieving individual and team performance goals • assists employees in developing their on-the-job skills and abilities through constructive feedback, coaching and training Functions
FUNCTIONS OF A PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (cont/d.) It… • improves communication among managerial, supervisory and operational staff • improves management’s knowledge of employee’s capabilities and training needs.
THE PRDS • …is a means of measuring an employee’s work performance. • …is an annual cycle of planning, objective setting, coaching, review and feedback. PRDS Cycle
PRDS: AIM • …to develop a culture of “renewed professionalism” in the Public Service by… PRDS: Objectives
PRDS OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES: (a) Linking individual performance to the key tasks and key results for each Ministry/Department; (b) Improving work planning; (c) Clarifying authority, responsibility and reporting relationships in order to ensure accountability and transparency; Objectives (cont/d.)
PRDS OBJECTIVES (cont/d.) (d) Identifying employee competencies and allowing the prioritising of training and development needs; (e) Providing opportunities for improved dialogue between managers/supervisors and employees; (f) Identifying unsatisfactory performance and developing employee performance improvement plans; Objectives (cont/d.)
PRDS OBJECTIVES (cont/d.) (g) Recognising and rewarding good performance through incentives and opportunities for career development; and (h) Appraising the performance of all employees in an open, objective, fair and consistent manner. Basic features
PRE-REQUISITES • Strategic Plan/Programme Budget Document; -Unit Plans -Individual Work plans • Organisational Charts; • Job descriptions; and • Operational/Procedures Manuals Prerequisites
PRDS ANNUAL CYCLE Planning, setting and agreeing on performance measures for appraisal period (March/April) Evaluation and annual appraisal on work performance agreed to at beginning of period (March the following year) First progress meeting (July/August) Second progress meeting (Nov./Dec.) Prerequisites
PRDSANNUAL CYCLE • STAGE 1: March / April PLANNING MEETING – Development of the Individual Work Plan. Supervisors and employees discuss, agree on and set performance targets or objectives for the appraisal period. Stage 2
PRDS ANNUAL CYCLE • STAGE 2: July / August FIRST PROGRESS MEETING – Supervisor gives feed back on the work performance of the employee as he/she tries to attain the agreed objectives and rates performance. Provide assistance as needed e.g. coaching, counselling, mentoring, training, etc. Stage 3
PRDS ANNUAL CYCLE • STAGE 3: November / December SECOND PROGRESS MEETING – Supervisor gives feed back on the work performance of the employee as he/she tries to attain the agreed objectives and rates performance. Provide assistance as needed e.g. coaching, counselling, mentoring, training, etc. Stage 4
PRDS ANNUAL CYCLE • STAGE 4: March the following year EVALUATION AND ANNUAL APPRAISAL on the work performance agreed to at the beginning of the appraisal period. The final grade is given; supervisor and employee signs the form. Necessary follow-up action is taken. Performance Improvement Plan
WHAT IS A PIP? A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is a: • …specific course of action developed jointly by the employee and the manager / supervisor to help the employee improve his/her work performance. Please refer to page 12 of the PRDS Guidelines Definition of PIP (cont/d.)
SOME BENEFITS OF THE PRDS • Offers improved communication, career planning and development; • Acts as a framework for fair and open discussion between supervisor and employee; • Identifies performance standards and key performance indicators; Benefits (cont/d.)
SOME BENEFITS OF THE PRDS (cont.) • Provides a basis for objective, fair and transparent performance appraisals in the Public Service of Barbados ; • Reviews actual performance against established objectives; • Focuses on the expected results / performance and development;and • Seeks to reward performance objectively. Assistance to improving performance
REWARDS AND THE PRDS The PRDS has now become the instrument by which ministries/departments identify those officers who merit performance related rewards.
ASSISTANCE TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE Assistance includes: • Performance Improvement Plan; • Coaching and mentoring; • Counselling (EAP); and • Training. Dealing with continued poor performance
COPING WITH CONTINUED POOR PERFORMANCE Sanctions include: • Reprimand; • Discipline; or • Dismissal. Please refer to the Code of Discipline in the Public Service Act 2007-41. Employer's responsibility
WHAT IS YOUR PART IN THE PROCESS Ensure that you know: • The objectives of your organization; • What your job requires you to do; • What are your job performance standards; and • Your targets for the appraisal period. Current status
UPDATES The Public Service Act
PRDS and the Public Service Act, 2007- 41 The Public Service Act, 2007- 41 has now afforded the Performance Review and Development system legal status within the Public Service (Section 10-A)
PRDS and the Public Service Act, 2007- 41 Section 10 (a) of the First Schedule (Recruitment and Employment Code) reads:- The Commission shall ensure that:- “Effective performance review and development instruments for measuring competence, performance and productivity exist to facilitate appointment on merit.”
PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION’S DIRECTIVE • With effect from April 2007, the Public Service Commission started using information gleaned from the PRDS forms, for human resource decision-making (i.e. appointments, promotions, transfers) in relation to the agencies that are using the PRDS. Contact information
IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY The system will be implemented in phases sequenced as follows: • Sensitisation of officers; • Training (ALLofficers must be trained): Senior Managers/ Managers/Supervisors Non-Supervisors/Training of Trainers; • Preparation of prerequisites (technical assistance); • Implementation (progress meetings); • Monitoring and Evaluation.
CONTACT INFORMATION • For further information, please contact: The PRDS Unit, Personnel Administration Division E. Humphrey Walcott Building Cnr. Culloden Rd and Collymore Rock St. Michael Tel. nos.: 467-4500 (PBX) PRDS Unit – 467-4554/4555/4556/4557/4558 Fax. No. 429-5169