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ALBERT BANDURA. SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY. Biography. He was born on December 4, 1925 in Mundare, Alberta, California. At the age of 24, he received his BA from the University of British Columbia in 1949.

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  2. Biography • He was born on December 4, 1925 in Mundare, Alberta, California. • At the age of 24, he received his BA from the University of British Columbia in 1949. • He earned his MA in 1951 at the age of 26 and his PH.D. in 1955 at the age of 30 from the University of Iowa. • After receiving his doctorate, he served as clinical intern at the Wichita Guidance Center for 1 year. • He was then appointed to the Department of Psychology at the Stanford University.

  3. Some achievements • He was awarded the David Star Jorgan Professor of Social Science. • In 1972, he received the Scientist Award from the American Psychological Association. And in 1974, he was elected president of the said organization.

  4. Some of the books he published: • Social Learning and Personality, 1963 • Principles of Behavior Modification,1969 • Aggression, 1973 • Principles of Social Learning Theory, 1977

  5. THE THEORY • SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY • - imitating what a child sees and hears and acquiring the manner of speaking and doing similar acts observed from the model. • - this is also known as OBSERVATIONAL LEARNING

  6. The EXPERIMENT • BOBO DOLL EXPERIMENT Bandura gathered 4-6 years old nursery children watch a 5-minute televised movie which showed an adult, the model for imitative learning, exhibiting 4 types of behavior towards an adult size plastic Bobo doll, each response accompanied by distinct verbalization. The model laid the Bobo doll on its side, sat on it and punched it on the nose while remarking, “pow right in the nose,boom,boom.” the model kicked the doll about the room and these responses were interrupted with the comment, “Fly away.” Finally, the model threw rubber balls at the Bobo doll each stroke punctuated with a “bang.”

  7. Three different endings: • 1. model-reward condition • 2. model-punished condition • 3. no consequence condition

  8. AFTER THE SHOW The children were then left in a playroom for 10 minutes with an assortment of toys. Among those were a Bobo doll, and an object similar to the one used as the instrument of aggression in the film. An experimenter watched through a one-way window to see if any of the responses with verbal remarks seen in the film were learned.

  9. What did the experiment reveal? • Reinforcing consequences to the model significantly increased the number of matching responses that the children spontaneously reproduced. • Boys performed more imitative responses than girls. Girls were more influenced by the rewarding consequences to the model. • The introduction of positive incentives showed an equivalent amount of learning for the children in 3 groups.

  10. FOUR-STEP MODEL • 1. Attention or Acquisition Processes • 2. Retention Processes • 3. Behavior Production Processes • 4. Reinforcement and Motivational Processes

  11. THINGS THAT AFFECT IMITATION • 1. Nature of the model • 2. Learning may happen even without practicing it. • 3. No matter how well we learn, it will not manifest if there’s no social approval or reinforcement.

  12. Effects of Imitation • 1. Modeling Effect • 2. Inhibitory or Disinhibitory effect • 3. Eliciting effect

  13. EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATIONS • Students learn by observing

  14. EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATIONS • Students learn by observing • Describe the consequences • Alternative to shaping • Model appropriate behavior • Exposure to variety of other models • Develop sense of self-efficiency • Set realistic expectation • Self regulation provides effective method for improving student behavior.

  15. The experiment

  16. References • http://images.google.ph • www.holah.karoo.net/bandurastudy.html • www.wikipedia.com • Psychology of Learning by Tria, Limpingco, Jao

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