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Acts 5:14. The Power of God. The Power of God. “... the Bible teaches that benevolence when rendered to non-saints is an evangelistic vehicle” (Mac Deaver , Deaver -Sharp Debate, September 24, 1991).
Acts 5:14 The Power of God
The Power of God • “... the Bible teaches that benevolence when rendered to non-saints is an evangelistic vehicle” (Mac Deaver, Deaver-Sharp Debate, September 24, 1991). • Anything which will help get the lost to hear the gospel is scriptural as an aid to evangelism. (Lewis G. Hale, Nashville Meeting, December, 1987 • A congregation in Calabar, Nigeria grew from 150 members to 1500 in two years by consulting a “church growth professional.” They offered a job placement service. • “Missionaries” from institutional Churches of Christ justify every social gospel activity as a means to reach the lost. • How shall we lead the lost to Christ?
The Power of God • The Question is not, How shall we build a large congregation? The “Market-Driven” model advocated by Robert Schuller, Rick Warren, etc. and now practiced by our institutional brethren is a proven winner at this. • But I believe they are simply building up large congregations of lost souls. - Matthew 7:22-23 • The question is, How shall we lead lost sinners to salvation in Christ. - Acts 5:14
Shall we follow the “market-driven” model? Authorized Aids or Unauthorized Additions?
Shall we follow the “market-driven” model? Authorized Aids or Unauthorized Additions?
Did the Lord employ material attractions? • Christ repeatedly fed multitudes. - Matthew 14:15-21;15:32-38 • He did this as a miraculous sign to prove He is the Bread of Life. - John 6:1-14,35 • He rebuked those who came for “the loaves” and refused to feed them. - John 6:25-35
Shall we follow the “market-driven” model? • The “market-driven” model is simply the end justifies the means. - Romans 3:7-8 • Did Jesus “give ‘em what they want”? - Matthew 16:24 • The gospel divides between the spiritually minded and the carnally minded. - Romans 8:5-8 • Only a small remnant will be saved. - Matthew 7:13-14
What is the Lord’s way to reach the lost? Isaiah 55:8-11 • Preaching the gospel is the divine means to reach the lost. - Romans 1:16-17; Acts 5:14,42 • Our lives must adorn the word. - Matthew 5:16; Titus 2:9-10