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The power of the word of God is not ordinary; we are spreading the glory of word of God through our CD/DVD and other articles. Visit: http://deonallers.com/<br>
The Power Of The Word Of God God started with the word and will end with the word. An understanding of how powerful Jesus' words are will give you peace and victory in life. It will make you a master over the enemy and challenges of life.Most people would much rather seek blessings from the Lord, but not the Lord Himself, the Provider of those blessings, and rarely receive the blessings they desire. They live in ignorance and poverty by their own design. Perhaps the real reason we rarely receive the blessings the Lord has promised for those who seek Him, is the fact that we would rather seek the blessings than the provider of those blessings. Jesus always operates principally through the Word. He is the Word. But his power comes channelled via the Holy Spirit. And when we bring the invocation for the Spirit to bear through his Word - the Bible - we find that we have our foundation for power, through poverty, meekness, humility, and fatigue - in sum, weakness. When we are weak, we are closer to the revelation of temptation - Jesus is trying to tell us we are close to the line of disobedient offence. The Holy Spirit is trying to pique our conscience toward action. That's power! Add to this power of awareness, the power of faith. Then add to the power of faith the power of an insistent peace.
If the scriptures of the New Testament, read and studied in context, say one thing that is clearly evident, no feeling or visceral bodily sensation felt by a person should refute that clear and distinct understanding. For by grace are ye saved through faith; and not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast." There is no other verse in the New Testament that defines salvation, or being saved by grace through Christ's precious blood. Paul said it all in this particular verse in the Book of Ephesians, and being saved by Jesus' grace through faith in his precious blood shed on the cross of Calvary is the beginning to scriptural understanding. Our Popular DVD BEKERING KRAG EN HEERLIKHEID ROOK VERASSING DIE VERHAAL VAN SIMSON HALLOWEEN EN DIE OKKULTIESE KONNEKTASIE DOOP DIE WAARHEID OOR DIE KINDERDOOP ESKATOLOGIE For more information please visit: http://deonallers.com/