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Spicing up your Y7 SOW. Helena Butterfield HOD MFL St. Michael’s RC School Links into Languages Trainer eTwinning Ambassador. The future in our hands. What do we want our pupils to be able to do?. Cross curricular Creativity Active learning More engaging (compelling contexts)
Spicing up your Y7 SOW Helena Butterfield HOD MFL St. Michael’s RC School Links into Languages Trainer eTwinning Ambassador Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
The future in our hands What do we want our pupils to be able to do? Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Cross curricular Creativity Active learning More engaging (compelling contexts) Intercultural understanding Less prescribed content with a focus on skills “New” Secondary Curriculum http://www.all-nsc.org.uk/nsc/ Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
The big picture Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Bringing it all together http://www.all-nsc.org.uk/nsc/?q=node/86 Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Transition Previous learning Mixed experiences What can we learn from Primary Languages Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
How can we put this into practice? Phonics Songs Stories International links Poetry ICT Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Having a real audience Blogging www.langwitch.org/stmichaelsmfl Letters Podcasts Explain –er verbs / irregular verbs / explain anything / pronunciation practice Wikis www.langwitch.wikispaces.com Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Challenge • Quévasacomprarparatuhermano? • Qué vas a comprar para tu hermano? • Quelleestladatedetonanniversaire? • Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire? Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Challenge H*c* b**n t**mp* Je ne suis pas sportif Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Who wants to be a Millionaire? Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Competition - Answer this question in just 7 words “Tu as un animal à la maison?” - Answer the same question in 12 words • Draw image on partner’s back – school subjects • Running dictation Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Trouvez l’intrus • bière, vin, café, cognac • potage, glace, fromage, tarte • chou, pomme, carotte, radis • cuiller, couteau, verre, fourchette • Vous avez choisi?, Vous avez une table sur la terrasse?, Vous êtes combien de personnes?, Et comme dessert? Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Venn Diagrams Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Cross curricular links ICT History Geography Technology Music Drama P.E. Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Animals but not as we know it Les animaux en danger: Animals with a twist Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
The idea • To introduce the children to animals and descriptions in a more interesting way • To introduce the Global Dimension into MFL • To introduce a cross-curricular theme Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Where and when I used it • From ALL publication Deutsch Lehren und Lernen • Year 7 pupils within the topic of animals • Could be used at anytime in Year 7 Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Introduction • Erdkunde • Les animaux en danger Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Working with the language • Building sentences • Descriptions: mystery • Speaking / Listening: Clouds Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Linguistic Output • Support sheet / independent writing • Create a ppt / video / glogster to inform people about endangered animals • Video making – Windows Moviemaker • Glogster – www.glogster.com (create and educator account) • Some glogs: Glog 1Glog 2 Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
What happens next…? Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
References and resources • Suzi Bewell: MFL PGCE Curriculum Area Leader,The University of York http://petitepipelette.posterous.com/ • Rachel Hawkes: SSAT Lead Practitioner, AST, AHT Comberton Village College www.rachelhawkes.typepad.com • Isabelle Jones: Head of MFL, The Radclyffe School, www.isabellejones.blogspot.com • ALL Deutsch Lehren und Lernen, Spring Term 2009 Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Further reading http://www.all-nsc.org.uk/nsc/ www.rachelhawkes.typepad.com www.isabellejones.blogspot.com www.chrisharte.typepad.com http://ilanguages.co.uk/ Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Thanks for listening www.helenabutterfield.net www.langwitch.org/stmichaelsmfl Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com/langwitch Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Wordle: word clouds www.wordle.net YouTube Storybird: Write and collaborate on stories www.storybird.com Wallwisher: Sticky notes on a virtual wall www.wallwisher.com Slideshare Go animate: Animated cartoons www.goanimate.com Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Helping them to learn vocabulary Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Showcasing pupil work Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Promote independent learning Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Share authentic material Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Fun! Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Dans ma valise: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgOcr_EFBsE Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Homework Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Peer assessment Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Buch Wildwasser Jo-jo Zug Biene Vogel Eis Hai Haus Eule Mäuse Löwe sehen Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD Küssen Bär heiß
Ton Christ est Juif (Anonyme, Julos Beaucarne) Ton Christ est juif Ta voiture est japonaise Ton couscous est algérien Ta démocratie est grecque Ton café est brésilien Ton chianti est italien Et tu reproches à ton voisin d'être un étranger Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Helping them to learn vocabulary Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Promote independent learning Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
More static than a blog Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
www.etwinning.net Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Travelling bear Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Wiki project (in English) with France, Italy, Turkey, Romania, Poland Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD
Whole class letter exchange Helena Butterfield/Stockton LA CPD