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How does it help Paramount to produce, market, sell and distribute movies?

How does it help Paramount to produce, market, sell and distribute movies? Why do Paramount Pictures like it? Are there any negative effects for Paramount Pictures? How have Paramount Pictures incorporated it into production, distribution, marketing, content etc.?

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How does it help Paramount to produce, market, sell and distribute movies?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How does it help Paramount to produce, market, sell and distribute movies? • Why do Paramount Pictures like it? • Are there any negative effects for Paramount Pictures? • How have Paramount Pictures incorporated it into production, distribution, marketing, content etc.? • The information sheet should be written in easy to understand language, in your own words (no copy and pasting!) You MUST include real life examples and can include pictures on the presentation / sheets if this helps.

  2. Mobile phones have a big significance in the digital media and play a big part in the media institutions opening making it easier for audiences to access media. • With it being so easy to access media on mobile phones now by downloading apps has now been considered an every day normal thing, you can now check cinema times, watch trailers, read reviews and much more. • Now we can use apps on our mobile phones to check what films are on, as well as the times reviews and more. • There are now apps available to make films. • Audiences may like using media technologies as it is a quick and easy way of finding out information or watching quick clips.

  3. These different types of media technologies benefit the audience by making it easier to watch films and to just generally access the media. • Now audiences expect more from media products usually expecting there to be internet and apps access.

  4. How has it changed the way audiences can access / engage with the movie, Anchorman2?

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