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HUMAN SERVICES. 3 rd Grade Career Development. HUMAN SERVICES.

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  1. HUMAN SERVICES 3rd Grade Career Development

  2. HUMAN SERVICES This year we will be learning about career clusters. A career is a person’s work or job (also known as an occupation). It’s what they do to earn money and most people will work for about 30 years! This is why it’s important to select a career that you are good at and will enjoy doing for a very long time. A career cluster is the way jobs are organized or grouped together. We group / organize jobs based on the skills needed and our interests.

  3. Career Clusters

  4. A cluster is the way we organize groups of similar items. • How can we group or organize the students in our class? • Clothing color • Favorite color • Gender (male / female)

  5. Each cluster of grapes represents a cluster of careers. • For example this cluster is the Human Services Cluster. • Each grape represents a different career in that cluster. • For example, one grape represents a counselor, one grape a childcare worker, and one grape represents a home health aide.

  6. Social workers Psychologist Counselors Preschool Teacher Nannies Religious Leaders Emergency and Relief Workers Community Food Service Workers Barbers Cosmetologists Nail Technician Funeral Directors Home Care Aides Personal Trainers Massage Therapists Bankers Sales Consultants Small Business Owners Financial Planners Real Estate Services Adult Day Care Workers Event Specialists Insurance Representatives What does a career in this cluster look like?

  7. The Human Services career cluster includes jobs that relate to families, human needs, and education. These are jobs for people who like to work with people to help make things better for others. • The key word is HELP. These are occupations that usually help other people. • Handout: Human Services Careers • Social Worker • Clergy • Family Therapist • Rehabilitation Counselor • Educational Counselor • Public Health Social Workers • Childcare Workers • Home Health Aides

  8. Read the handout “Occupational Information for Home Health Aide” • Write a brief want ad for a home health aide. Include the skills and qualifications needed for the job. • Do you want a person with experience or would you be willing to hire a person without experience? • Will you provide salary information in your ad? • Will you include all skills and qualifications in the ad or just those that are important to you? • Will you require some type of education? A high school diploma?

  9. Remember with training and hard work you can be anything you want Think about your strengths… What are you really good at? What do you enjoy doing? I Know I Can!!!

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