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Freedom of Religion:. Challenges and Opportunities for Local C ouncils By Charlotte Baines, Monash University. Freedom of Religion and Belief as a Human Right. Article 18 of the UDHR states:
Freedom of Religion: Challenges and Opportunities for Local Councils By Charlotte Baines, Monash University
Freedom of Religion and Belief as a Human Right Article 18 of the UDHR states: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
New York City Council Challenges for Promoting Religious Freedom : • Perceived discrimination against Muslims, Arabs and South Asians in a range of areas – employment, housing, public accommodations and bias-related harassment or violence. • Sikh Coalition advocates council to address discrimination in the workplace on the grounds of religion. Opportunities for Promoting Religious Freedom: • New York City Council member joins with diverse faith communities to rally against religious discrimination. • Council votes on legislation to improve the protection of religious freedom in the workplace. • Council supports a mosque and cultural centre in Lower Manhattan.
City of London Challenges for Promoting Religious Freedom : • Anti-Islamic public discourse and hate crimes in London and Europe • Faith groups advocate the council and wider community to preserve freedom of religion via public rallies Opportunities for Promoting Religious Freedom: • Speaking at a national rally to preserve freedom of religion, conscience and thought • Speaking at a national conference to celebrate diversity and challenge racism on Islamophobia
City of Melbourne Challenges for Promoting Religious Freedom: • Anti-Islamic Rallies • Faith groups advocate the council via consultation forums on multicultural action plans Opportunities for Promoting Religious Freedom: • Council working with multi-faith groups to support the Parliament of the world’s religions. • Lord Mayor opposing a ban on the burqa • Lord Mayor supporting the Chanukah, a festival of light for the Jewish community in federation Square
Recommendations for MAV: • A Systematic review of where and how local councils in Victoria are producing good results for faith communities and whether and how local councils are monitoring and addressing tension between freedom of religion and non-belief. • Collaborating with other councils to improve education about the world’s religions and to produce a guide to accommodating religious diversity in the workplace.