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PRE DINNER ACTIVITY SUGGESTION . Cocktail at the Underground Cistern with an Exclusive Performance of the Whirling Dervishes & Turkish Mystic Music. PRE DINNER ACTIVITY. Basilica Cistern.
PRE DINNERACTIVITY SUGGESTION Cocktail at the Underground Cistern with an Exclusive Performance of the Whirling Dervishes & Turkish Mystic Music
BasilicaCistern The Basilica Cistern is the largest of several hundred ancient cisterns that lie beneath the city of Istanbul . This cistern is thought to have been built after the Nika revolt in 532 AD. It was known as the Basilica Cistern during the Roman period, as there was a Stoa Basilica above the pre-existing one at the time. After the conquest of the city by the Ottoman Turks, it was forgotten of and nobody knew that it existed. Re-discovered in 1545, it was used to water the gardens of Topkapi Palace. Today it has a rather eery and mystical ambiance. Clever spotlighting makes the water shimmer with coloured dancing lights and the water ripples from an occasional fish swishing its tailin exuberance. Cistern has a huge structure, measuring 140m (460ft) long and 70m (230ft) across, and it is virtually empty; only a couple of feet of water line the bottom. Some wooden walkways have been constructed for visitors. The atmosphere inside is so quite and beautiful.
Our guests will have an orientational drive on the coastal road along the Marmara Sea up to the Sultanahmet area. At 20:00 Underground Cistern will be open exclusively for the group. Drink service will be started upon guests upon the guest’s arrival after the short orientation tour of the cistern. Before the show they will be given brief explanation about the philosophy of whirling dervishes. Show will last about 15 minutes. The Sema ceremonies of the Whirling Dervishes are a rare treat. According to Mevlana, founder of Mesnevi sect and philosophy, the spirit was relieved of the weight of the flesh in the course of sema ceremony which also symbolizes man's love for God and is one way to reach total peace with oneself and with the universe.
HALF DAY ACTIVITY SUGGESTIONS Explore Beyoglu in aTime Tunnel Find out the Magnificent of the Past ! Visit of Dolmabahce Palace & Stroll Around Ortakoy Village Visit of Chora Church & Hagia Sophia Museum Cruise on the Bosphorus with an Exclusive Visit of Waterside Mansion “Hekimbası Salih Efendi” Along the Bosphorus by Old Timers & Visit of Beylerbeyi Palace Revitalize Your Body at the Traditional Turkish Bath Discover the Ottoman Relics of Istanbul ; Visit of the Topkapi Palace & Blue Mosque Ottoman Style Shopping at the Grand Covered Bazaar
ExploreBeyoglu in aTime Tunnel Find out the Magnificentof the Past ! Theavenuehoststhousands of shopswhereyoumayfindallkinds of originalclothesandaccessoriesfromjewelryto incense, fromwigstoperfume, fromhatstoscarves.Insomepassagesthereareonlyantique-bookstoreswhereyoumayfindsecondhandbooks.Wewilltake a walkintothe Aznavur Passage, totake a lookintohandmadeoillampswhicharesold in theworldonly on a shop in Aznavur Passage.
BEYOGLU This avenue is the most important part of the unique textures of Beyoglu. The centers for food and drinks, entertainment and culture-arts are lined up one after another here. IstiklalAveue is like a shoppingheavenwhereshopsarelocatedwithinhistoricalpassagesandinns.
We will stop at St. Antoine Church, light a candle and become part of the quiet and tranquil atmosphere. Next stop will be the Cicek Pasaji (The Flower Passage) with many small restaurants and taverns, we will try the stuffed mussels and drink local beer.....
Visit of Dolmabahçe Palace Dolmabahçe Palace in Istanbul, Turkey, located on the European side of the Bosporus, served as the main administrative center of the Ottoman Empire from 1856 to 1922. The design contains eclectic elements from the Baroque, Rococo and Neoclassical styles, blended with traditional Ottoman architecture to create a new synthesis. The palace layout and décor reflect the increasing influence of European styles and standards on Ottoman culture and art during the Tanzimat period.
& StrollAround Ortaköy Ortakoy is Taksim seen from the first former fishing village on the Bosporus. Ortaköy traditionally had always multicultural character. Two churches, a synagogue and a mosque are located in the waterfront area still close together.It is an interest point, a small district where artists gather every Sunday to display their work along the narrow streets. Elegantly spanning the water and linking Europe and Asia for the first time is the BosphorusBridge, one of the longestin the world.Whilestrollingaroundthevillageguestswill be offeredoneglass of “Turkishtea” and“simit” bread. “Simit”is often eaten as a breakfast food bylocals. Itis light and flaky, baked to a golden brown color, and topped with sesame seeds.....
Visit of Chora Church The Kariye Museum (Chora Church) has the best Byzantine mosaics in the region. The mosaics are breathtaking. The first ones are those of the dedication, to Jesus and Mary. Then come the offertory ones: Theodore Metochites, builder of the church, offering it to Jesus. The church was enclosed within the walls built by the Emperor Theodosius II in 413, less than 100 years after Constantine, so the church ‘outside the walls’ has in fact been ‘in the city’ for 1550 years.For four centuries after the Ottoman conquest of Istanbul it served as a mosque (KariyeCamii), and is now a museum because of its priceless mosaics.
& St. SophiaMuseum St. Sophiais a formerOrthodoxpatriarchalbasilica, later a mosque, andnow a museum in Istanbul, Turkey. The church was richly decorated with mosaics throughout the centuries. They either depicted the Virgin Mother, Jesus, saints, or emperors and empresses. Other parts were decorated in a purely decorative style with geometric patterns.
Cruise on the Bosphorus The Bosphorus is the 32 km long strait which joins the Sea of Marmara with the Black Sea in Istanbul, and separates the continents of Europe and Asia. The width of the Bosphorus varies from 500 meters to 3 km its depth from 50 to 120 meters averaging about 60 meters deep. It runs right through the heart of Istanbul, past the Istanbul Modern Art Museum, several Ottoman palaces, at least two fortresses, forested hills, and shore villages with Ottoman architecture.
The private boat will cruise around 2 hours along the Asian and European sides of the Bosphorus.The guests will have a chance to view old marble Palaces, fortresses and Ottoman villas on the waters.
Optional / Exclusive Visit of Waterside Mansion“Hekimbası Salih Efendi” Hekimbasi Salih Efendi wasthelastchiefphysiciantotheOttomanCourt. He wasalso a scholarandreformer. But plantswere his passionandtheground of his mansionwerefilledwiththescents of carnations, liliesandpeonies...Thegardenshavegone but themansionlives on...“Wewantthismansionlive..liveandflourishwithbeauty...we can onlytellstoriesaboutthepast, thefamilyandsharethestilllivingspirit of an entireheritagewithyou...andthe rest is yours....thismansion is an antiquemuseum, inhabitingpiecesyou can findnowhere”...says Zeynep, the 4th generationgrandchild of thefamily. Zeynep opensthedoors of thisone of themostphotographedmansions on theBosphorusstrait...andwelcomeyouto a journey of a simultaneouspastandpresentthroughMr. Salih’sBotanicGarden, his wifePayidar’slove of beauty...tracingthestory of a familythroughthesmell of carnationsandlilies...theantiquefurnituresandthesound of a relaxingturkishclassicalmusic.
Along the Bosphorus by OldTimers We would like your guests to experience a nice ride with these beautiful Old timers…For long years the old fashioned Chevrolet, Buick and other well-known automobile brands. These luxury redesigned classics will serve our group to feel the nostalgy on streets of Istanbul full of history at every corner. Guests will be driven along to Bosphorus. On route we will stop at a local coffee house for a tea/Coffee then continue to the Asian Side of the City. After the visit of Beylerbeyi Palace return back to the European Side of the city and to the hotel.
& Visit of Beylerbeyi Palace It takes place in İstanbul – Anatolian side , Üsküdar-Beylerbeyi. Beylerbeyi is a beautiful area on which the Asia tower of the Bosphorus Bridge is built and has been devoted to Palaces since Byzantine Empire’s time.It was built by SarkisBalyan with direction of Sultan Abdülaziz in 1861-1865. Construction of that palace lasted in 4 years. 5.000 workers worked in the building construction, musician were playing their instruments constantly to build morale for workers.Itsmagnificient decoration is spectacular.The most interesting part of the palace is ; the historical tunnel which passes under the Set gardens.
Revitalize Your Body at the Traditional Turkish Bath The CağaloğluHamam, constructed in 1741, is the last hamam to be built during the Ottoman Empire. It is the last example of its kind to be built in Istanbul and is a successful hamam that is still operational in our time. The door of the women’s section is on a side street called Hamam while the mens' entrance is from the main road with two marble columns with classic stalactite capitals on both sides
DiscovertheOttomanRelics of IstanbulVisit of the Topkapi Palace The Topkapı Palace is a palace in Istanbul, Turkey, which was the official and primary residence in the city of the Ottoman Sultans for approximately 400 years (1465-1856) of their 624-year reign. The palace is full of examples of Ottoman architecture and also contains large collections of porcelain, robes, weapons, shields, armor, Ottoman miniatures, Islamic calligraphic manuscripts and murals, as well as a display of Ottoman treasure and jewelry.
& BlueMosque The Sultan Ahmed Mosque is a historical mosque in Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey and the capital of the Ottoman Empire (from 1453 to 1923). The mosque is popularly known as the Blue Mosque for the blue tiles adorning the walls of its interior. It was built between 1609 and 1616, during the rule of Ahmed I. Like many other mosques, it also comprises a tomb of the founder, a madrasah and a hospice. While still used as a mosque, the Sultan Ahmed Mosque has also become a popular tourist attraction.
Ottoman Style Shopping at the Grand Covered Bazaar The grand bazaar began construction in 1455 and opened in 1461. It is well known for its jewelry, pottery, spice, and carpet shops. Many of the stalls in the bazaar are grouped by the type of goods, with special areas for leather coats, gold jewelry and the like. The Grand Bazaar (Turkish: Kapalıçarşı, meaning Covered Bazaar) in Istanbul is one of the largest and oldest covered markets in the world, with more than 58 covered streets and over 4,000 shops which attract between 250,000 and half a million visitors daily.