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THE STUDY OF PERCEPTION. Chapter 1 Outline. Why study perception? Perception is reality How we percieve. Historical Approaches Scientific Study of Perception: The Scientific Revolution: Hypothesis, Data & Theory Functionalism The problem of Perception: Psychophysics Evolution
Chapter 1 Outline • Why study perception? • Perception is reality • How we percieve. • Historical Approaches • Scientific Study of Perception:The Scientific Revolution: Hypothesis, Data & Theory • FunctionalismThe problem of Perception: • Psychophysics • Evolution • Structuralism • Neuroscience Anthony J Greene
Why Study Perception? • What we get from perception • Perception is our only source of information: we have no knowledge, or experience except through perception • Perception allows survival • The utility of perceptual systems informs us about why they evolved Anthony J Greene
The way we perceive • Perceptual systems are incredible–Nothing man-made is even close • The mechanisms of perceptual systems inform us about how they evolved • Sensory enhancement (glasses, hearing aids), • Sensory substitution Anthony J Greene
A Song of Ourselves • Perception is not always veridical • What we are able to perceive • We are fundamentally perceptual beings • Thought, memory and experience are perceptual (either directly or indirectly) • Art, Music, Food, Physical Sensations etc. Anthony J Greene
Lemon A man makes a picture A moving picture. Through the light projected He can see himself up close. Man captures color, Man likes to stare, He turns his money into light To look for her; She is the dreamer, She's imagination. --U2 Anthony J Greene
Philosophical & Historical Approaches to Perception Realism Subjectivism-e.g. Democritus, Plato Dualism-e.g. Descartes Materialism-e.g. Bacon Nativism-e.g. Plato Empiricism-e.g. Socrates Anthony J Greene
Science Derived from the Philosophies of Empiricism & Materialism– Fact & Theory Anthony J Greene
Fact & Theory • Facts must be observable (data) • Theory = understanding • Theory is not hypothetical • Theory is broad, fact and hypothesis are narrow • Theories must be consistent with all available (relevant) facts • Theory guides the search for fact • Facts are only important if they inform theory • Theory is more important than fact • The progress of theory is the purpose of science Anthony J Greene
The Advancement of Theory Anthony J Greene
Scientific Approaches to perception Functionalism (purposes of perception) • Evolution • Psychopohysics Structuralism (mechanisms of perception) • Neuroscience Anthony J Greene
Perceptual Systems Vision • Object Identification/recognition • Spatial Vision: Navigation & Motion Perception Audition • Object Identification/recognition • Object Localization Touch • Object Identification/recognition • Pain (detection of tissue damage) • Proprioception Gustation & Olefaction • Chemical detection and identification • Nutrition & and poison avoidance Anthony J Greene
Problem of Perception 1 Cornea 2 Lens 3 Retina 4 Optic Nerve 5 Brain Anthony J Greene
Proximal vs. Distal Stimulation Proximal Stimulus is upside down • The brain is not looking at retinal pictures Proximal stimulus is 2 dimensional (Depth Perception) • 3rd dimension is lost from distal to proximal, however we perceive in 3 dimensions • How does then do we experience a 3rd dimension? Anthony J Greene
Perceptual Experience Mirrors Distal Stimulation 1 Size Constancy 2 Shape Constancy 3 Position Constancy 4 Brightness Constancy 5 Color Constancy Anthony J Greene
Size Constancy Anthony J Greene
Size Constancy If object moves 2x further away, the retinal image decreases by a factor of 2, but we do not perceive it to shrink Anthony J Greene
Shape Constancy Anthony J Greene
Position Constancy Anthony J Greene
Brightness Constancy A light meter would read that the right side of the panel is white and that the left side is gray Visual systems interpret them both as white Anthony J Greene
Color Constancy • Under different ambient lighting conditions, the mondrian will reflect different frequencies (as measured by a light meter). e.g. green light reflected off a red surface would be read by a light meter as orange or yellow Anthony J Greene
Brightness Constancy • Visual systems compensate for ambient lighting, so that under almost all conditions the colors appear stable • There are instances when there does not exist a correspondence between distal image and perception (illusions and ambiguity) Anthony J Greene
Illusions • Cases where our perceptual experience is inaccurate • How does the brain get tricked? Anthony J Greene
Illusions Anthony J Greene
Perceptual Ambiguity One proximal stimulus produces many perceptual experiences Perceptual experience is not just a function of what hits the eye The man bent over his guitar Anthony J Greene
The Man With The Blue Guitar A shearsman of sorts. The day was green. They said, "You have a blue guitar, You do not play things as they are." The man replied, "Things as they are Are changed upon the blue guitar." And they said then, "But play, you must, A tune beyond us, yet ourselves, A tune upon the blue guitar Of things exactly as they are." --Wallace Stevens. Anthony J Greene
Psychophysics • Psychophysics: The science of defining quantitative relationships between physical and psychological (subjective) events • Fechner (1801–1887) invented psychophysics, thought to be the true founder of experimental psychology • Pioneering work relating changes in the physical world to changes in our psychological experiences Anthony J Greene
Psychophysics (cont’d) • Weber (1795–1878) discovered that the smallest change in a stimulus, such as the weight of an object, that can be detected is a constant proportion of the stimulus level: “Weber’s Law” Anthony J Greene
Psychophysics (cont’d) • JND (Just Noticeable Difference): The smallest detectable difference between two stimuli, or the minimum change in a stimulus that can be correctly judged as different from a reference stimulus. Also known as difference threshold • Two-point threshold: The minimum distance at which two stimuli (e.g., two simultaneous touches) can be distinguished Anthony J Greene
Psychophysics (cont’d) Fechner’s Law:Relationship between stimulus magnitude and resulting sensation magnitude is exponential. Anthony J Greene
Psychophysics (cont’d) Stevens’ Power Law: Relationship between stimulus magnitude and resulting sensation magnitude. Exponent can be positive, zero, or negative. Anthony J Greene
Some species sense energies that humans cannot: Bees see ultraviolet lights Rattlesnakes sense infrared energy Dogs and cats can sense sounds with higher frequencies Birds, turtles, and amphibians use magnetic fields to navigate Elephants can hear very low-frequency sounds, which are used to communicate Evolution Anthony J Greene
Darwinian Evolution Variation • Every species has enormous diversity • Sexual reproduction insures diversity by recombining genes into new combinations • Variability allows a species (not an individual) to survive Conch Anthony J Greene
Darwinian Evolution Selection - reproduction of the fittest • Differential survival advantage • Differential reproduction advantage • No selection pressure after the age of reproduction Anthony J Greene Tarsier
Evolution of Accuracy and Acuity in Perception • Strong Selection Pressure for accurate perception. • At every stage of evolution, organisms with better perception gained a differential survival advantage • Better acuity • Larger range of detectable stimuli • Consistent representation of distal stimulus • Illusions Don't Occur in Natural Scenes -- Selection pressure for perceptual systems not to be tricked (e.g. black light) Anthony J Greene
We can think of variation as branching And selection as pruning There is no distinction between micro- and macro-evolution. Species alive today are the tip of the branch, not the top of a ladder. Evolutionary Tree of Life Anthony J Greene
Neuroscience:Review of Physiology Central Nervous System (CNS) • Consists of the brain and spinal cord • Communicates with the Periphery (anything other than the brain and spinal cord) Anthony J Greene
Nerves • Efferent- outflow (CNS to Periphery) • Afferent- inflow (Periphery to CNS) Neurons • Motor - Associated with muscles (efferent) • Sensory - Associated with sense receptors (afferent) • Interneuron - Rest of the CNS - Makes up pathways between motor and sensory neurons and the CNS. Most of brain. Anthony J Greene
Cerebral Cortex White Matter Vs. Gray Matter Fissures & Sulci 1 Central Sulcus 2 Lateral (Sylvian) Fissure 3 Longitudinal Fissure Lobes 1 Temporal Lobe - Auditory Cortex - Language Processing - Object Identification (Visual-Auditory-Tactile) 2 Occipital Lobe - Visual Cortex 3 Parietal Lobe - Somatosensory Cortex - Spatial Perception (Visual-Auditory-Tactile) 5 Frontal Lobe - Motor Cortex - Behavior Control - Planning/Strategy Anthony J Greene
Cerebral Cortex White Matter Vs. Gray Matter Anthony J Greene
Corpus Collosum A P Anthony J Greene
Corpus Collosum A P Anthony J Greene
Cerebral Cortex Central Sulcus Anthony J Greene
Cerebral Cortex Lateral Fissure Anthony J Greene
Cerebral Cortex Longitudinal Fissure Anthony J Greene
Cerebral Cortex Temporal Lobe Anthony J Greene
Cerebral Cortex Occipital Lobe Anthony J Greene
Cerebral Cortex Parietal Lobe Anthony J Greene
Cerebral Cortex Frontal Lobe Anthony J Greene