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The events of john f. Kennedy's presidency. Source: urbantimes.co. Virtual Field Trip Mr. Greg Butler U.S. History. Tour the major historical events of 1961 - 1963. Let’s Take A Journey.
The events of john f. Kennedy's presidency Source: urbantimes.co Virtual Field Trip Mr. Greg Butler U.S. History
Tour the major historical events of 1961 - 1963 Let’s Take A Journey Welcome! President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, our 35th United States President, is unfortunately most well known for his assassination on November 22, 1963. As a result, students tend to gloss over his many accomplishments. Join me on a trip to the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum in Boston to explore the events that shaped the latter part of the 20thCentury!
What you’ll need? Source: www.321coloringpages.com • We’ll be traveling by bus. Bring with you: • A pen or pencil • A notebook • A laptop • An open mind • Money for meals • Snacks! (Most importantly snacks!)
President Kennedy Source: blog.watershed.net Before we board the bus, let’s find out a little about Jack! Click the picture below to read a short biography from whitehouse.gov. After reading get together with your assigned partner. In a TPS, create two QARs from the reading to ask your classmates.
Kennedy’s Challenges Source: millercenter.org/about Source: millercenter.org Speech Transcript Audio/Video File Also before we leave, listen/watch & review President Kennedy’s Inaugural Address from January 20th, 1961. I have included a transcript & a link to the audio/video (click the photos) from the U of Virginia’s Miller Center. Consider the task on the next slide as you listen.
Kennedy’s Challenges Task As you listen & review to Kennedy’s First Inaugural address, create a list of challenges President Kennedy faces at the outset of his administration. After creating your list, with your assigned partner, compare it then rank the challenges facing President Kennedy from most difficult to least difficult.
AND AWAY WE Go!!! Source: youtube.com – avia-IRL
WE Have ARRIVED!!! Source: http://www.jfklibrary.org/ JFK Presidential Library & Museum
Directions Visit each event exhibit & complete the task associated with it in your notebooks Be sure to review each link, document, video, etc. to complete the task effectively. Source:blog.smartpen.com.au Source:samsungnotebook2.wordpress.com
JFK Creates the peace corpsMarch 1961 Sargent Shriver & President Kennedy Source:jfklibrary.org Click on the picture below to learn more about the creation of the Peace Corps, its goals, & its legacy today. Take notes as you go.
JFK Creates the peace corpsMarch 1961 Click on the sound bar to hear the audio Source:jfklibrary.org Click on the picture to access an audio file of President Kennedy’s comments regarding the establishment of the Peace Corps. Take notes as you listen.
JFK Creates the peace corpsMarch 1961 Peace Corps Volunteer Barbara J. Wylie teaching English to children in Nepal. Source:jfklibrary.org Click on the picture below to view a video on the introduction of the peace corps. Take notes as you go.
JFK Creates the peace corpsMarch 1961 Task With your assigned partner, discuss & complete in open-ended format the following questions: • What was the primary objective of the Peace Corps? Why did President Kennedy create it? • What requirements must be met by countries to participate in the Peace Corps program? • What are the three original goals of the peace corps that the organization is still chasing today?
JFK & the space programApril-May 1961 Source: www.classzone.com • Click on the linked document below to explore issues in the competition between the United States & the Soviet Union in the space race. Primary Source • After reading the document, respond in open-ended format to the Think Through Historyquestion (Assignment downloaded from McDougal-Littell’sClasszone website). Record your response in your notebook.
JFK & the space programMay 1961 President Kennedy addresses Congress on the nation’s space program. Source: jfklibrary.org • Click on the picture below to learn more about President Kennedy’s dedication to the advancement of our nations space program. Take notes as you go.
JFK & the space programMay 1961 President Kennedy addresses Congress on the nation’s space program. Source: jfklibrary.org • Click on the picture below to listen to an excerpt & review a transcript of President Kennedy’s speech to Congress on the space race with the Soviet Union. Take notes as you go.
JFK & the space programMay 1961 Task With your assigned partner, discuss & complete in open-ended format the following questions: • Why did President Kennedy adopt as one of his main objectives the advancement of the space program for the United States? • What accomplishments did President Kennedy’s accomplishments achieve for the United States in its Space Race with the Soviet Union?
JFK, The cold war, & cuba1961 - 1962 President Kennedy & George McBundy Source:jfklibrary.org Click on the picture to learn first about the Bay of Pigs Invasion. Take notes as you read.
JFK, The cold war, & cuba1961 - 1962 President Kennedy & Attorney General Robert Kennedy Source:jfklibrary.org Click on the picture to read about the Cuban Missile Crisis. Take notes as you read.
JFK, The cold war, & cuba1961 - 1962 President Kennedy Click on the picture to listen to President Kennedy’s reaction to the nuclear buildup in Cuba from the U of Virginia’s Miller Center website. A transcript is also provided by the linked website. Take notes as you listen. Source:jfklibrary.org
JFK, The cold war, & cuba1961 - 1962 Source:jfklibrary.org Explore the microsite The World On The Brink – JFK & the Cuban Missile Crisis by clicking the picture below. Take notes as you explore.
JFK, The cold war, & cuba1961 - 1962 Task With your assigned partner, discuss & complete the following writing prompt in essay format: How would you evaluate President Kennedy’s handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis? Supporting your argument with details from the article, speech, & interactive you have explored. (Writing Prompt has been adapted from Upfront Magazine’s September 17, 2012 article 1962 - The Cuban Missile Crisis supplemental resources)
JFK & civil rights1961 - 1964 Civil Rights struggles in Alabama Source: www.britannica.com Click on the picture to read about JFK’s challenges as a result of racial violence in the South. Take notes as you read.
JFK & civil rights1961 - 1964 President Kennedy addresses desegregation in Alabama Source: jfklibrary.org Click the picture below to view a video of President Kennedy’s address to the nation regarding racial violence in the South.
JFK & civil rights1961 - 1964 President Kennedy & notable civil rights leaders including Martin Luther King Jr. Source: www.amistadresource.org Click the picture below to explore an interactive timeline of the Civil Rights Movement. Review specifically the years that President Kennedy was in office. Take notes as you explore.
JFK & civil rights1961 - 1964 Task With your assigned partner, discuss & complete in open-ended format the following questions: • Why is the president sometimes called the "Persuader-in-Chief"? What rhetorical methods enhance a persuasive speech? How did President Kennedy try to persuade the American people? • How does a president show leadership through ideas, words, and deeds? What tools does a president use to try to persuade the public on a controversial issue? What leadership and tools did President Kennedy use in this instance? (Questions have been adapted from the JFK Presidential Library & Museum 1963 – The Struggle for Civil Rights lesson plan supplemental resources)
JFK’s Legacy Source: youtube.com – CBS Sunday Morning
Culminating Project ENJOY!!! Task • Since JFK is one of my favorite U.S. Presidents & I created a Virtual Field Trip related to him, you must now create your own VFT on a U.S. President other than President Kennedy. • Your VFT should include: • A review of at least 4 events of your U.S. President’s time in office. • Articles, pictures, videos, primary sources, & audio recordings related to your U.S. President & the events of his presidency. • Review questions related to your U.S. President & the events of his presidency. • A works cited page
Works Cited • Online Articles: • Freidel, F. and Sidey, H. (2006). John F. Kennedy. White House Historical Association. Retrieved from http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/johnfkennedy • (2014, Aug). Peace Corps. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. Retrieved from http://www.jfklibrary.org/JFK/JFK-in-History/Peace-Corps.aspx • (2014, Aug). Space Program. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. Retrieved from http://www.jfklibrary.org/JFK/JFK-in-History/Space-Program.aspx • (2014, Aug). The Bay of Pigs. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. Retrieved from http://www.jfklibrary.org/JFK/JFK-in-History/The-Bay-of-Pigs.aspx • (2014, Aug). Cuban Missile Crisis. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. Retrieved from http://www.jfklibrary.org/JFK/JFK-in-History/Cuban-Missile-Crisis.aspx • (2014, Aug). Civil Rights Movement. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. Retrieved from http://www.jfklibrary.org/JFK/JFK-in-History/Civil-Rights-Movement.aspx • DePalma, A. (2012, Sept 17). 1962 – The Cuban Missile Crisis. New York Times Upfront Magazine. Retrieved from www.upfrontmagazine.com
Works Cited • Online Educational Resources: • Miller Center University of Virginia (1961, Nov). John F. Kennedy Inaugural Address. Retrieved from http://millercenter.org/president/kennedy/speeches/speech-3365 • John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum (1961, March). Statement Upon Signing Order Establishing the Peace Corps. Retrieved from http://www.jfklibrary.org/Asset-Viewer/2DfDYdJEAE65QLj6otQQkQ.aspx • John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum (1962). Peace Corps Introduced. Retrieved from http://www.jfklibrary.org/Asset-Viewer/Bp-WV6bx-0K7IKZ0Dx4aYA.aspx • McDougal Littell Class Zone. (1961, April). On the Space Program. Retrieved from http://www.classzone.com/cz/books/americans05/resources/pdfs/psource/TAS03_28_887_PS.pdf • John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum (1961, May). Excerpt from an Address Before a Joint Session of Congress. Retrieved from http://www.jfklibrary.org/Asset-Viewer/xzw1gaeeTES6khED14P1Iw.aspx • Miller Center University of Virginia (1962, Oct). Address on the Buildup of Arms in Cuba. Retrieved from http://millercenter.org/president/kennedy/speeches/speech-3372
Works Cited • Online Educational Resources (continued): • John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum (2014, Aug). The World on the Brink – John F. Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis Interactive. Retrieved from http://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/ • John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum (1963, June). Report to the American People on Civil Rights. Retrieved from http://www.jfklibrary.org/Asset-Viewer/LH8F_0Mzv0e6Ro1yEm74Ng.aspx • John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum (2014, Aug). 1963 – The Struggle for Civil Rights Interactive. Retrieved from http://civilrights.jfklibrary.org/ • Video: • Avia-IRL (2014, Mar 3). TranslinkGoldlineIrizar i6 departing Newry Bus Sation. Video posted to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTxLR9Qryy8 • CBS Sunday Morning (2013, Nov 17). JFK: The legacy of America's 35th president. Video posted to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjA4mtnCkM4