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Sharia Law. I s the moral code and religious law of Islam. Sharia is derived from two primary sources of Islamic law: Quran , and Sunnah . The Topics of Islamic Law: Ibadah (Ritual or Spiritual Worship) Mu'amalat (Transactions and Contracts) Adab (Morals and Manners)
Sharia Law Is the moral code and religious law of Islam. Sharia is derived from two primary sources of Islamic law: Quran, and Sunnah. The Topics of Islamic Law: Ibadah (Ritual or Spiritual Worship) Mu'amalat (Transactions and Contracts) Adab (Morals and Manners) I'tiqadat (Belief) ‘Uqubat (Punishment) Purification (Thaharah) Prayer (Shalat) Funeral Prayer (SholatJenazah) Alms(Zakat) Fasting (Puasa) Pilgrimage (IbadahHaji) Marriage (Pernikahan) Divorce (Perceraian)
IBADAH (RITUAL OR SPIRITUAL WORSHIP) • Ibadah is the way how Muslims give their faith to worship Alloh. • Ibadah is following beliefs and practices – its commands, prohibitions, the halal, and the haram.
MU'AMALAT (TRANSACTIONS AND CONTRACTS) • Muamalat means Transactions or Communications or Interactions or It's the way you treat others . • Commercial transactions are concluded through contracts which are permitted by the Shariah as evidenced by the Quran, the Sunnah and other sources of Islamic Law.
ADAB (MORALS AND MANNERS) • Adab means good behavior at both morals and manners or all the good things a Muslim must do. • The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم) ) had the best of manners, and truly we are taught the manner of everything from eating, drinking, to social interacting and even private things such as relieving ourselves; through His noble examples and teachings.
I'TIQADAT (BELIEF) • I ‘tiqadat, embraces all that is contained the Muslim faith, namely, Belief in • (a) God; • (b) His angels; • (c) His Books; • (d) His Prophets; • (e) The Day of Judgment; • (f) The Decrees of God.
UQUBAT (PUNISHMENT) • Uqubat is the punishments inflicted by way of beating; amputation of an arm; nejm (or najm), which means stoning to death; or killing.
PURIFICATION • Purification is the act of cleaning by getting rid of impurities. • Muslims use water for purification in most circumstances. • Before prayer or other religious activity, Muslims must clean themselves with wudhu • Muslims' cleaning of dishes, clothing and homes are all done in accordance with stated laws.
PRAYER (SHALAT) • Muslims are enjoined to pray five times each day. • Muslims must turn to face the Kaaba in Mecca when they pray.
FUNERAL PRAYER (SALATUL JANZAH ) • SalatulJanzah is FardKafayah, that is, if one prays the prayer than all are free of the responsibility otherwise all those who received the news but did not come are sinners. • There are two parts of this Salah:1) To say Allahu Akbar four times2) Qayam which was three SunnatMukeda: Sana, DuroodShareef, and Duaa for the deceased.
ALMS(ZAKAT) • All Muslims who live above the subsistence level must pay an annual alms, known as zakat. • This an obligation owed by the eligible Muslim to the poor of the community. The amount is calculated based on the wealth of the Muslim. There is no fixed rate stated in Quran; but the generally practiced rate is 2.5 percent.
FASTING (PUASA) • During the Islamic month of Ramadan, Muslims abstain from food, drink, and sex between dawn and sunset. • Exceptions to this obligation are made for children who are pre-pubescent, the infirm, travelers, and pregnant women.
PILGRIMAGE (HAJJ) • One of a Muslim's duties, as described in the Five Pillars of Islam, is to go on Hajj at least once during his or her lifetime. This is a pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca) in Saudi Arabia. • The Hajj formally begins on the eighth day of Dhul-Hijjah (Zul-Hijjah) - the 12th month of the Muslim lunar calendar.
MARRIAGE (PERNIKAHAN) • Nikah, is more commonly used in translations of the Quran to mean marriage. “Nikah” implies the relationship between a man and his wife solely sexual. • Nikah is marriage. Akadnikah is marriage contract. It is a legalizing marriage by making a certificate signed by the bride and bride groom,witnesses and the islamic religion officer. This certificate contans the photos of bride and bride groom and the date of marriage and also all rights and obligations of both husband and wife.
DIVORCE (PERCERAIAN) • A marriage can be terminated by the husband in the talaq process. Talaq is a divorce which is initiated by the man. The divorce initiated by the wife is known as Khul' (if the husband is not at fault) • Allaah provides general guidelines for the process of divorce with emphasis on justice and kindness.