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Aggression and violence AGAINST CHILDREN

Aggression and violence AGAINST CHILDREN. HOW TO FIND AND PREVENT THEM. 09.01.2017, VIDIN, BULGARIA. Aggression = Violence. According to the translation of the Bulgarian dictionary the meaning of the word aggression is violence.

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Aggression and violence AGAINST CHILDREN

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  2. Aggression = Violence • According to the translation of the Bulgarian dictionary the meaning of the word aggression is violence. • Violence is any behavior that violates the rights of another person. • The definition includes to cause physical harm to another person to breach human rights

  3. VIOLENCE PREVAILS! The State Agency for Child Protection (SACP)worked on 1593 cases of violence against children last year   77.6% of them were in the family, and 7.7% - in school. Of all cases, 35.7% were cases of physical violence, 9.1% - sexually 18.7% - verbally, The largest percentage of violence in children 11 to 14 years old - almost 30% of cases.

  4. 1. Itroducingrules against aggression, setting clear boundaries and defending them. 2. Restrict collisions. 3. Nurturing moral values and respect for their ownor other personality. Increasing sensitivity to moral values. 4. Increased self-control. 5. Physical manifestation of aggression in a constructive manner through sports: hitting a punching bag, jumping, running, swimming, fitness, dancing and more. 6. Transformation of anger. 7. Demonstrating compassion and sensitivity to others' problems HOW to prevent aggression?

  5. Psychological counseling to overcome stress. Consultation with a specialist in physical injury. Interruption or restriction of contacts with persons prone to violence. HEPL FOR VICTIMS

  6. Psychological counseling for enhancing self-control. Marking the aggression in early stage. Transformation of anger. Sensitivity to the problems of others and to moral values. HELP FOR BULLIES

  7. WHY CHILDREN ARE VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE? Children are especially vulnerable to violence because of the inability to provide physical resistance. Lack of social and life experience deprives them of the ability to assess the violence as such.

  8. Children subjects to violence live in fear that provokes: Low self-esteem and devaluation of life feeling of self-hatred meet the requirements of abuser refuse own opinion Feeling of guilt and helplessness Being addictive Feeling of chronic anxiety membership in various groups

  9. From the survey conducted recently half of the parents and students believe that children who have shown aggression must be helped within the school. Nearly 55% of parents and 37% of children in such cases should seek the assistance of social institutions. About two-thirds of parents indicated that their child had not been in serious conflict with other children till present. AGGRESSION AT SCHOOL

  10. Reasons for aggressive behavior Wrong response of parents in certain behavior of their children. Unemployment and stress Disharmony in family relations as a whole: the relationship between the parents, between parents and children, between siblings. Punishment and the degree of control by parents   Aggression can be made both to others and to himself - it is expressed in constant anxiety, despair or frustration.

  11. Researchers of child behavior say that cruel punishments lead to higher levels of aggression in children, and parents’ minimum control leads to high antisocial acts. Often these two types of upbringing can occur in a family where the parents do not stick to one style of behavior (one punished, the other cancels the punishment). The emotional attachment between parents and children is destroyed UPBRINGING

  12. The ability to share his pain is the first step towards overcoming the aggressive behavior. The child exhibits aggression, not because he is bad, but because he needs help. Aggression is a result of resentment, fear, pain, humiliation, and they arise because of the failure of the family to satisfy his needs for love and for being loved. LET US TEACH THE CHILD TO SHARE

  13. Teach your children to take responsibility for their actions on themselves, not to dump their guilt on others. To develop in children a sense of empathy to their peers, to adults, to the living world. To help the child properly assess both his own emotional state and the child victim. Teach your child to different feelings,to be able to understand and analyze. Aggressive behavior is a kind of cry for help, for attention to his inner world, which has accumulated too many destructive emotions that the child has no powers to deal only. TIPS FOR PARENTS

  14. The main reason for violence in schools must be sought in the interpersonal relationships of adolescents and norms of behavior.         The destruction of traditional family structures contributes to the occurrence of violence. Violent behavior of teenagers is a continuation of "family tradition“ in some cases. Improved communication between parents and children is the best solution to the problem of aggression in school. Conclusion

  15. National legislation to protect the rights of children •Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria; • The Penal Code; • Penal - Procedure Code; • Law on Child Protection;? • Family Code; • Act to combat delinquency of minors; • Rules of child pedagogic rooms; • Rules of organization and operation of homes for temporary accommodation of minors • National Strategy for Children 2008-2018

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