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Looking for Christian publishing companies? If yes, visit us. We are a InspiredWrites. We are aware that books play a huge part in their development and their relationship or understanding of God’s Word. Publish your inspiring work with us at low rates. visit: http://inspiredwrites.com/
We are among the top Christian publishing companies. We publish your work with us at low rates. Assisting in the design of a full custom cover page (front and back cover) according to your requirements and your vision. An ISBN number would be assigned to your book (Including a barcode). Visit us to know more about our services.
For a writer, self-publishing gives you total control of the publishing process from obtaining an ISBN number to the book cover and everything in between. Some of these steps can seem overwhelming at first and that’s where we come in.
Find below the services which InspiredWrites offers you in order to take your manuscript to the book stage. • Assisting in the design of a full custom cover page (front and back cover) according to your requirements and your vision. • An ISBN number would be assigned to your book (Including a barcode). • Assistance would be given to customise the structure, layout, design and format of your manuscript to create your desired book size and appearance(typesetting). • Proof reading and editing services would be available for the submitted manuscript. • A PDF proof copy of your book is e-mailed to you for approval. • Delivering the books to you (Extra charges for this service). • A copy of your book would be deposited at the Legal Deposit Office of the British Library. • InspiredWrites makes your book available in the UK via Amazon and InspiredWrites’ website. • Your book would feature on InspiredWrites’ portal days before the release and thirty days after. • We do not keep any royalties on your book. You have full ownership. PUBLICATION FEATURES
For More Information Please Visit Us Athttp://inspiredwrites.com/publishing/