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Lance Bosart Symposium Comments on Graduate Study at Albany. George Tai-Jen Chen. Chair Professor/Distinguished Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences National Taiwan University. April 19, 2013, 14 :00 – 14 :20 D’Ambra Auditorium , Life Science Building
Lance Bosart Symposium Comments on Graduate Study at Albany George Tai-Jen Chen Chair Professor/Distinguished Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences National Taiwan University April 19, 2013,14:00–14:20 D’AmbraAuditorium, Life Science Building The University at Albany
M.S. Dr. Bosart: encouragement and suggestions Thesis published in Tellus
Ph.D. Dr. Bosart: guidance, inspiration, and continuing support and encouragement Thesis published in J. Atmos. Sci. (2 papers)
GoBacktoNTU pre-processing requirement for faculty position at NTU
Graduate Study at Albany Summer 1970 at Washington Park (Susie & George)
Courses Taken on Graduate Study 77 Credits in Synoptic Meteorology Dynamic Meteorology Atmospheric Physics (Cloud Physics, Atmospheric Electricity…) Micrometeorology (Atmospheric Transfer Processes, Turbulence…) 24 Credits (~1/3) in Synoptic and Dynamic Meteorology, (mainly taken form Dr. Bosart) Weather Analysis Lab.: 1stgraduate course in Synoptic Meteorology taken from Dr. Bosart Great challenge for me!
InfluencedMyLifetheMost "The Greatest Sage and Teacher of China" -- Confucius (B.C. 551-479) Dr. Bosart to me Once a teacher, for life a father-figure (一日為師,終身為父)
Overall ThroughDr.Bosart’slovingteachinginallaspects,Ihave gainedpreciouswisdom,whichtremendouslyinfluencedmylife, eitherinacademicachievementorinpersonalcharacters. NeverwillIforgetthekindnesses,patience,andlovethathe cultivatedinmyheart,soImayharvesttheabundantfruitinmy lifetoday. Hardly,couldIputdownmygratitudeinword,andallIcould sayis“ThankyousomuchDr.Bosart”
Heissohappywithstudents’decorationonhis officedoorforhis70thbirthdayon24August2012.
HeissohappytohaveKittieEllie“help”himwrite emailanddothingsonhisMacLaptop.