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Ocean Beach School District. Long Beach Elementary Action Team Plans . The Ocean Beach School District is a Safe, respectful and inviting place Where we set high standards and celebrate our achievements, Where learning is challenging and engaging, and Where we prepare students to live
Ocean Beach School District Long Beach Elementary Action Team Plans
The Ocean Beach School District is a Safe, respectful and inviting place Where we set high standards and celebrate our achievements, Where learning is challenging and engaging, and Where we prepare students to live successful lives as stewards of their world. The Ocean Beach School District
Long Beach Elementary is a Safe, Respectful, and Inviting Place • Students arrive at our school with different abilities and experiences. Some are excited, some are nervous, some are shy, some are worried, some are confident, but all have basic needs to be respected, safe, and welcomed. • As students approach the school doors, they find an adult welcoming them into the building with a smile and a kind word. At our school, you will find students treating each other with respect. At our school, smiles are the rule. • We, as a school, realize students come from different backgrounds and we strive to fulfill individual needs. We have created an environment to help students feel safe, respected, and welcome everyday. This welcoming attitude permeates the entire staff at Long Beach Elementary.
Long Beach Elementary is a Safe, Respectful, and Inviting Place • Goals: • Increase the percentage of students who feel safe from physical/verbal threats from 65% to 80%. • Increase the amount of parents that believe our school is secure from unwanted intruders from 66% to 80%. • Increase the amount of volunteer opportunities in our school along with parent awareness of opportunities from 50% strongly agreeing to 70% strongly agreeing. • Increase the communication to parents about classroom activities and student progress to 100 percent participation by classroom teachers, reading teachers, and specialists.
Goal 1: Increase the percentage of students who feel safe from physical/verbal threats from 65% to 80%.
Goal 2: Increase the amount of parents who believe our school is secure from unwanted intruders from 66% to 80%.
Goal 3:Increase the amount of volunteer opportunities in our school along with parent awareness of opportunities from 50% strongly agreeing to 70% strongly agreeing that they are aware of volunteer opportunities in our school.
Goal 4:Increase the communication to parents about classroom activities and student progress to 100 percent participation by classroom teachers, reading teachers, and specialists.
Communication with Parents • Teacher Website Link: • http://www.ocean.k12.wa.us/2092109805722953/blank/browse.asp?A=383&BMDRN=2000&BCOB=0&C=56185 • Monday Folders
Where Learning is Challenging and Engaging… • In a challenging and engaging learning environment, all school community members are able to visualize and believe in each student’s potential. Students take ownership of their learning and behavior while being recognized as individuals with unique perspectives and valid contributions. • Curriculum is diversified and will include arts, technology and real world experiences and applications. • Reciprocal relationships are built between students and staff so students feel motivated to succeed and safe to take risks. • Instruction is differentiated to provide all students with challenging yet attainable activities, assignments and goals. The instructor recognizes that students learn at different rates and in a variety of styles. Students will be provided diverse opportunities to learn at their instructional level.
Where Learning is Challenging and Engaging… • Goals: • Increase the percentage of parents and students who agree that school work is interesting by 10%. • Increase the percentage of parents and students who agree that students are inspired to seek out additional information about what they learned at school by 10%. • Increase the percentage of parents and students who agree that school work is challenging, but not frustrating by 10%.
Goal 1:Increase the percentage of parents and students who agree that school work is interesting by 10%.
Goal 2:Increase the percentage of parents and students who agree that students are inspired to seek out additional information about what they learned at school by 10%.
Kid Friendly Websites • 1 National Geographic for kids • http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/ • 2 Bill Nye • http://www.billnye.com/for-kids-teachers/home-demos/ • 3 Foss website • http://www.fossweb.com/modules3-6/HumanBody/index.html • 4 Math Connects • http://www.mhschool.com/math/mathconnects/grade4/sg4c1lesson1.html • 5 studies weekly website • http://www.estudiesweekly.com/ • 6 Timberland Regional Library • http://www.trlib.org/Research/Pages/Research.aspx# • 7 Harcourt Trophies Reading series homework help, etc. • http://www.harcourtschool.com/menus/trophies/menu.html
Goal 3: Increase the percentage of parents and students who agree that school work is challenging, but not frustrating by 10%.
Where we set high standards and celebrate our achievements. • Because our society relies heavily on high levels of education, setting high standards is imperative to prepare students to lead productive lives. Values such as equality and democracy are hard to sustain without highly educated citizens. Therefore, students will learn to function successfully on a daily basis and build confidence in their abilities. • We set high standards to prepare students to meet daily challenges as well as state academic standards. Students need to be challenged to think critically in order to function in a complex world. • Teachers must also set high standards for themselves and continue to develop and improve their skills. Our personal investment in the student’s lives gives us a high level of satisfaction when we see students reach their goals. • We reward students for their accomplishments in meaningful ways and celebrate those achievements through various programs such as: eagle bucks, root beer floats for eagle buck drawing , math facts in a flash certificates, eagle awards, AR awards, Young Authors, Top of the Crop, Book of Excellence, hurray cards, principal’s choice art show, class compliments, science fair awards, mental math awards, and sixth grade graduation.
Where we set high standards and celebrate our achievements… • Goals: • Increase the percentage of parents that strongly agree that their child sets academic goals from 40% to 70%. • Decrease the percentage of students not meeting standard on the MSP in math and reading by 10%. • Increase the percentage of students that achieve their Eagle Award by 15%.
Goal 1:Increase the percentage of parents that strongly agree that their child sets academic goals from 40% to 70%.
Goal 2: Decrease the percentage of students not meeting standard on the MSP in math and reading by 10%.
Goal 3:Increase the percentage of students that achieve their Eagle Award by 15%.
Where we prepare students to live successful lives as stewards of their world. • Long Beach School is a place where students and their families are valued as contributing members of our community. We believe that students become successful citizens by learning to give of themselves and share willingly with others. • We believe that students must learn to be satisfied and happily-engaged caretakers of themselves, their families and peers, their community, and their world—no matter where that may be. Successful people respect themselves and others, behaving with empathy and kindness while striving to reach high standards of personal character and academic achievement. Good stewards respect diversity and differences while maintaining personal values and beliefs. • At Long Beach School we are committed to teaching to the whole child. This means developing our students’ character, their work ethic, and their sense of purpose and enjoyment in life.
Prepare Students to Live Successful Lives as Stewards of Their World Goals: • Increase the percentage of students and parents that “strongly agree” that they talk about their child’s future career options by 10%. • Increase student and classroom participation in family, school and community service. • Create stewardship/citizenship award program.
Goal 1: Increase the percentage of students and parents who “strongly agree” that they talk about their child's future plans by 10%.
Goal 2: Increase student and classroom participation in family, school and community service.
The Ocean Beach School District is a Safe, respectful and inviting place Where we set high standards and celebrate our achievements, Where learning is challenging and engaging, and Where we prepare students to live successful lives as stewards of their world. The Ocean Beach School District