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OCE. OCE Mission. The Office of Corporate Engagement serves as the business development arm of the System, matching university resources with commercial opportunities, focusing on privately-funded research. . Meeting the Demands of a New Market.

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  1. OCE

  2. OCEMission The Office of Corporate Engagement serves as the business development arm of the System, matching university resources with commercial opportunities, focusing on privately-funded research.

  3. Meeting the Demands of a New Market At top universities around the country, industry funding for R&D is growing faster than any other source. All statistics taken from National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics: Academic R&D Expenditures. National Science Foundation. Statistics for the top 25 universities, ranked by R&D expenditures, or for all responding universities.

  4. Following the Leaders

  5. One-stop Shopping One point of entry… Student Recruiting & Engagement Philanthropy • Licensing Technology • Research Collaboration & Federal Funding …six ways to connect. Network of Academic Corporate Relations Officers, Five Essential Elements of a successful Twenty-First Century University Corporate Relations Program, August 2, 2011. page. 5

  6. In less than three years, OCE led efforts to… • Turned first-time customers into repeat customers (example: Northrop Grumman has sponsored 3 research grants at TTU) • Helped start-up, soon to be self-sustainable company, the National Institute for Renewable Energy (Group NIRE) through a State grant – the company is now valued at roughly $5M + and has returned $53M ROI for the State ($5M estimate) • Secured our first, prestigious NSF Center, which included a paying industry consortium ($475K estimate) • Secured ETF’s approval for the largest public-private research grant in the history of Texas Tech ($23M potential) • Working to establish R&D opportunities with oil and gas and other industry sectors ($500K + estimated) • Facilitating joint ventures with biotech and other companies to create contract research organizations and take equity in companies like Mason Greenstar ($3M estimate) • Potential Return of over $30M in value to Texas Tech by the close of FY14

  7. GLEAMM Example(Global Laboratory for Energy Asset Management & Manufacturing) Fiscal Agent for $21 million with following sub-awards Texas Tech will receive $4.4 million of the $21 million for personnel and equipment Use: Total sub-awards equal roughly $16.5 million as described below Use: $2.5 million in support of commercialization capacity and proof of concept fund Use: $6.3 million for personnel, equipment and contracts to support testing and certification Use: $202,500 thousand for hardware and software to support testing capabilities Use: $4.5 million for relocation, personnel and design equipment Use: $3 million for SiC equipment and facility upgrades Developing, Testing and Certifying Microgrid and Grid Technologies Building Commercialization Capacity and Accelerating Technologies to Market Manufacturing Next-Generation Power Electronics

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