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Strange jobs. Jelena Maksimovic VIII-3 Jovana Maksimovic VIII-3 Ljubica Radenkovic VIII-3 Milena Jovanovic VIII-3.
Strange jobs Jelena Maksimovic VIII-3 Jovana Maksimovic VIII-3 Ljubica Radenkovic VIII-3 Milena Jovanovic VIII-3
Breath assessor has a job to assess the “morning breath”. On scale from 1 to 9, they estimate what is the worst breath. Such people usually work for companies producing a range of products for oral or dental hygiene. For example, in the case of chewing gums, you will first blow in the assessor with your worst morning breath and then you will repeat the blow with a gum in your mouth. Procenitelj daha ima zadatak oceniti takozvani “jutarnji dah”. Na lestvici od jedan do devet ocenjuje se koji je dah najgori. Takvi ljudi obično rade za kompanije koje proizvode paletu proizvoda za negu zuba i usta. U slučaju na primer žvakaćih guma, prvo ćete dunuti u procenitelja sa vašim najgorim jutarnjim dahom a onda ćete ponoviti duvanje sa žvakaćom gumom u ustima. Breath assessor Procenitelj daha
Underarm odor assessor The underarm odor assessor’s job is to test all kinds of deodorants, anti-perspirants and related products in all situations involving sweating. First, the smell of sweat produced by the body is estimated by the assessor ; after that, deodorants or other means are applied, and the smell or odor caused by the lack of sweating is estimated . Procenitelj mirisa ispod pazuha U opisu posla je proceniti miris ispod pazuha u svim situacijama koje uključuju znojenje, a da bi se testirali raznorazni dezodoransi, anti-perspiranti i slični proizvodi. Prvo se procjenjuje miris koji izlučuje tijelo znojenjem, nakon toga se nanosi dezedorans ili neko drugo sredstvo te se procenjuje miris ili izostanak mirisa izazvanog znojenjem.
Chewing gum cleaner You've probably, at least once in your lifetime, been in a situation when a chewing gum was stuck to your clothes while you were sitting on a bench in the park or at school, at the movies, on the bus ... Believe it or not, there are people whose job is to remove these annoying chewing gums. Čistač žvakaćih guma Verovatno ste se bar jednom u životu našli u situaciji kada vam se žvaka zalepila za odeću dok ste sedeli na klupi u parku ili u školi, u bioskopu, u autobusu... Verovali ili ne, postoje ljudi čiji je posao uklanjanje ovih iritantnih žvakaćih guma.
Dog food examinator Dog food should be healthy and of good taste, and it is necessary to examine it as well as food for humans. This is a job for people who have a more developed sense of taste than others. The only thing that cannot be guaranteed for the person doing this job is fresh breath after working hours. Ispitivanje pseće hrane Pseća hrana bi trebalo da je zdrava i dobrog ukusa te ju je neophodno ispitati isto kao i hranu za ljude. Ovaj je posao namenjen ljudima koji imaju nešto razvijenije čulo ukusa od ostalih. Jedino što Vam ovaj posao ne može garantovati posle radnog vremena je - svež dah.