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Western States Water Council (WSWC)

Western States Water Council (WSWC). Advisor to 18 western Governors on water policy issues Provides collective voice Fosters collaboration Formal affiliate of the Western Governors’ Association (WGA). How does the Water Plan combat drought? 1. Identify Vulnerabilities (Demand Studies)

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Western States Water Council (WSWC)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Western States Water Council (WSWC) Advisor to 18 western Governors on water policy issues Provides collective voice Fosters collaboration Formal affiliate of the Western Governors’ Association (WGA)

  2. How does the Water Plan combat drought? • 1. Identify Vulnerabilities (Demand Studies) • 2. Anticipate Climate Impacts • 3. Quantify Infrastructure Requirements • 4. Encourage Water System Planning • 5. Conservation & Augmentation (Structural and Non-structural) • 6. Enhance Data and Studies (Identifying Options & their Effectiveness) • 7. Update State Drought Plan

  3. NIDIS Pilot Implementation Upper Colorado River Basin Kremmling Lake Powell Lake Mead

  4. Lake Powell Inflows Average

  5. -Sandia National Laboratory- 2010 Water Consumption (MGD) Municipal, 3,181, 3% Industry, 430, 0% Thermoelectric, 386, 0% Mining, 436, 1% Irrigation, Livestock, 663, 87,557, 95% 1%

  6. The Western Governors’ Association Western Governors believe states should identify and promote innovative ways to allow water transfers from agricultural to other uses (including urban, energy and environmental) while avoiding or mitigating damages to agricultural economies and communities. Policy 11-7

  7. Tony Willardson, Executive Director Western States Water Council twillardson@wswc.utah.gov 801-685-2555

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