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Mg 312 Business, Government & Society. Current State of Affairs. Reasons we’re Here I. - Economically, politically and technologically, the world has never seemed more free—or more unjust” UNDP Human Development Report, 2002
Mg 312 Business, Government & Society Current State of Affairs
Reasons we’re Here I - Economically, politically and technologically, the world has never seemed more free—or more unjust” UNDP Human Development Report, 2002 - “I basically went along with the culture. I didn’t break nay laws or violate regulations, but I certainly compromised many of my values.” Barbara Ley Toffler, Founder of Arthur Andersen Ethics Consulting program, to explain slippery slope of overcharging customers, being hit up for sponsorships at Ethics Conferences.
Reasons we’re here… Number of Wisconsin accounting students given take-home tests to accommodate an Enron whistle-blower's April speech : 78 Number later found to have cheated : 40 Source: Harper’s Almanac, July 2003
Amount by which total U.S. personal debt in 2002 exceeded total disposable income : $628,000,000,000 Amount of new U.S. military aid for Colombia inserted into the Iraq war bill in March : $105,000,000 Amount of new U.S. military aid promised Israel in April to offset the "burdens" of the U.S. war on Iraq : $1,000,000,000 Percentage unemployment in Palestine, West Virginia, the hometown of former POW Pfc. Jessica Lynch : 15 Number of states in which Wal-Mart is the largest employer : 21 Source: Harper’s Almanac: June 2003
More reasons… Chance that a network-television advertisement is paid for by one of the 100 largest U.S. corporations : 3 in 4 Days that AT&T ceased its TV advertising last March "out of respect for the U.S. military operation in Iraq" : 3 Days that it ceased its telemarketing : 1
Chance that a U.S. senior citizen reports having skipped medications or not filled prescriptions because of cost : 1 in 5 Number of Medicare patients dropped since 1998 by U.S. HMOs claiming inadequate reimbursement rates : 2,400,000 Average quality-of-life rating researchers assign U.S. children with cancer, on a scale of 1 to 100 : 69 Average quality-of-life rating assigned obese children : 67 Estimated number of Ding Dongs manufactured per minute at St. Louis's Interstate Brands factory : 1,000
Percentage change in central London's average rush-hour car speed since a £5 toll was imposed there in February : +111 Percentage change since 1973 in overall U.S. energy consumption : +27 Percentage change since then in U.S. oil imports : +86 Year in which Detroit presented Saddam Hussein with a key to the city : 1980 Days after the U.S. invaded Iraq that Sony trademarked "Shock & Awe" for video games : 1 Days later that the company gave up the trademark, citing "regrettable bad judgment" : 25 Source: June Harper’s Almanac
King-making? Hours Alexander Hamilton spent in 1787 arguing at the Constitutional Convention that America should have a king : 5 Number of the three states that have canceled their 2004 primaries whose legislatures are GOP-controlled : 3 Source: Harper’s, July 2003
Expansion in Economy • Growth form 1950-1995 equals all historic GDP prior ($6.4-$35.5 trillion) • Exports in same period: $0.4- $5 trillion • 11.5 increase (x2 economic growth)
World wealth equity • 2.8 billion people live on less than $1 • Richest 1% globally have income of poorest 57%
Working in America • Pay difference between CEOs and average company employee: 500 • Productivity increase since 1992: 13.5% • Real wage increase: 7.5%
How companies are seen • 2000 BW poll.. • 4% of public believes corporations sole purpose is to maximize shareholder wealth • 95% of public believes companies should do more for employees and communities • “A blinking yellow light for the first time in a generation…” Yanklevich
Political Institutions • Amount spent on US presidential election 1980: $161,900,000 • In 2000: $528,9000,0000 • By all parties in 2000: >$1,200,000,000 • Average spent by NY mayor Michael Bloomberg per vote in 2002: $99
NGOs and The Civil Sector • International NGOS in 1914: around 1,000 • in 2000: 37,000 • Number formed in 1990s: 20% • Domestic NGOS • Brazil: 200,000 • India: 1,000,000 • USA: ??
Health • 1,000,000 die of Malaria/year • Global estimates for adults and children, end 2002 • People living with HIV/AIDS .......................... 42 million • New HIV infections in 2002 ........................... 5 million • Deaths due to HIV/AIDS in 2002 .................... 3.1 million
Eastern Europe & Central \Asia 1 200 000 Western Europe 570 000 North America 980 000 East Asia & Pacific 1 200 000 North Africa & Middle East 550 000 Caribbean 440 000 South & South-East Asia 6 000 000 Sub Saharan Africa 29 400 000 Latin America 1 500 000 Australia & New Zealand 15 000
Environment • 77 million people added a year to world population
Geopolitics and War • 1980s: approx 380,000 people died in wars • 1990s: 220,000 people died in wars • 1990s: 3.6 Million dead in civil conflicts • 2001: Refugees: 12 million • 2001: Returnees: 462,700 Sources: UNDP , Huamn Development 202; UNHCR,