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Technical architecture: Metadata Provision and Integration Stefanie Gehrke

Technical architecture: Metadata Provision and Integration Stefanie Gehrke Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel. Source format Europeana Regia - Metadata: MAB , EAD , TEI , Marc21 and MXML (Manuscripta Mediaevalia) Output format Europeana Regia - Metadata: ESE and EDM

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Technical architecture: Metadata Provision and Integration Stefanie Gehrke

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Technical architecture: Metadata Provision and Integration Stefanie Gehrke Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel

  2. Source format Europeana Regia - Metadata: MAB, EAD, TEI, Marc21 and MXML (Manuscripta Mediaevalia) Output format Europeana Regia - Metadata: ESE and EDM ESE: Europeana Semantic Elements EDM: Europeana Data Model

  3. Quality management tool: Reference - Transformation MXML MARC21 EAD TEI METS/ MODS? Source formats MAB Modular frontend XSLT XSLT XSLT XSLT MARCTools XSLT Reference-Transformation Quality control of source metadata sets Realisation mapping EuropeanaRegia Modul XSLT Coherent single backend Output format ESE EDM

  4. Europeana‘svision: „A common multilingual accesspointwouldmakeitpossibletosearchEurope‘sdistributed – thatistosay, held in different placesby different organisations –digital culturalheritage online.“ EuropeanaRegia: multilingual descriptions (german, english, french, spanish, dutch, catalan) Collaborative collectionandintegrationof VIAF - identifiers (partial plus GND - identifier) and TGN - numbers Controlledvocabulary

  5. The European Library – Aggregator for Europeana Regia … integrates for Europeana Regia all metadata in Europeana • … realises and assures the transformation process • … adds further aspects of quality assurance • … hosts the TEL-portal

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