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Geometry in Architecture

Geometry in Architecture. Student Generated PowerPoint Presentations. Teacher information located after the last presentation slide. Nature's great book is written in mathematics. Galileo Italian physicist and astronomer. Geometry In Nature.

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Geometry in Architecture

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Geometry in Architecture Student Generated PowerPoint Presentations Teacher information located after the last presentation slide.

  2. Nature's great book is written in mathematics. Galileo Italian physicist and astronomer

  3. Geometry In Nature

  4. Math is sometimes called the science of patterns. Ronald Graham Mathematician

  5. Geometry In Architecture

  6. Triangles are rigid. Their angles cannot be changed; therefore, they are the strongest shape used in building. They provide structural integrity.

  7. Notice how the columns on the front of the Capitol and along the dome create parallel lines.

  8. How many different types of symmetry can you find in this tiled archway? Where are the lines of reflection?

  9. Objectives By the end of this project, students will be able to: Identify a variety of geometric shapes Define specific geometric shapes Explain how each different shape identified fits its specific geometric definition

  10. Overview of the Assignment As a team, you will be making a PowerPoint presentation. Each presentation slide will display examples of geometry found in the architecture of our community, vocabulary word and definition, and how the picture and shape meet the definition standards.

  11. Digital Camera Checkout from school Your own Cell phone Computer Vocabulary List Math textbook (glossary of terms) Online glossary of math terms Materials

  12. Partners Choose wisely Grade is the same for all members of the group No more than 3 in a group You may work alone

  13. Instructions Create your team Checkout a digital camera from your teacher or be prepared with one of your own. Print out a copy of the “Geometry Vocabulary” list located in the “Assignments” folder • My Computer • Assignments folder • Teacher’s folder • Geometry Vocabulary List Doc.

  14. Homework Take a walk around your neighborhood including main streets. Take pictures of examples of each vocabulary word as you find the geometric shape in architecture (building design).

  15. Class Work Download your pictures to your folder. Divide up the vocabulary words evenly between team members. Create PowerPoint slides with the following information:

  16. Requirements Introduction slide: Vocabulary slides: End Slides:

  17. Introduction Slide Title Team Member Names Class Period Date

  18. Artistic Architecture Janey Doe Bobby Sox Dusty Rhodes Geometry: 2nd Period October 12, 2008

  19. Including: Vocabulary word Definition of the vocabulary word Photo example of the vocabulary word Explanation of how the photo is an example of the vocabulary word. Vocabulary Slides • 20 Vocabulary Words Required • 2 words per slide

  20. Sample Slide Explanation Vocabulary Word Photo Definition

  21. End Slide One for each team member 1. Team Member’s Name 2. Short paragraph of what was learned through this assignment. 3. Photo of Student

  22. Sample End Slide

  23. Finishing To complete the project: Double check your definitions, photos, and explanations for accuracy. Add transitions if desired. Upload your project to the student- work folder for grading. Prepare group for project presentation. (Who is going to do what?)

  24. Grading Rubric

  25. Rubric Cont.

  26. Scores 25-21.5 points = A 21-19 points = B 18.5 – 16.5 points = C 16 – 14.5 points = D Below 14 points = F A

  27. Geometry in Architecture Student Generated PowerPoint Presentations Teacher information located after the last presentation slide.

  28. Teacher Information This project will build on prior knowledge (scaffolding). Previous vocabulary instruction will be necessary prior to this project. Students with IEPs or other special needs should be given the accommodation of extra time or a reduced number of vocabulary words necessary for their project. Advanced students should be encouraged to use more technical vocabulary definitions as part of their project. Students with advanced computer skills or experience with PowerPoint should be partnered with students who need to increase their skills. This partnership will foster learning for both students as they learn to work together to complete a quality project.

  29. Extension Activities: The following web sites contain additional information and extension activities for classroom use. These sites could be used as extension activities or as learning sites for additional practice or rewards. A brief explanation accompanies each website. • http://www.aaamath.com/geo.htm Vocabulary explanations and facts suited for lower level learners (special education). • http://campus.northpark.edu/math/precalculus/Transcendental/Trigonometric/Geometry/Exercises/exercises.html Geometry and Trigonometry practice exercises. • http://www.learner.org/teacherslab/math/geometry/ Great site filled with games, activities, and information covering many different mathematical concepts. • http://cte.jhu.edu/techacademy/web/2000/heal/siteslist.htm A collection of great sight filled with game, activities, and math problem web sites. • http://www.math.com/practice/Geometry.html Online interactive Geometry units; including unit quizzes. Could also be used in the classroom as specific geometry units.

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