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From Development Phase to Implementation INTEGRATED SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT POLE

This project aims to develop exchanges of experience between cities in order to disseminate expert knowledge and good practices related to sustainable integrated urban development. It seeks to create a platform to extend the exchange, transfer, and learning process in order to improve the application of tools for local action. This will be achieved through joint learning processes and sharing of expertise, experiences, and actions among multiple stakeholders and end users.

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From Development Phase to Implementation INTEGRATED SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT POLE

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  2. URBACT DEFINING PRINCIPLES What? Develop exchanges (of experience) between cities. Disseminate expert knowledge and good practices (EU) Why? To improve the effectiveness of sustainable integrated urban development. To assist policy makers, practitioners, managers of operational programmes to define action plans How? By creating a platform to extend the exchange, transfer and learning process and so improve application of tools for local action Exchange, transfer and learning as a foundation for action

  3. JOINT LEARNING PROCESS • Learning to reinforce existing knowledge • Learning to extend existing capacity • Learning to develop new capacities • Learning to increase range of options & solutions • SHARING EXPERTISE • EXPERIENCES – PRACTICE – ACTIONS • A participative exercise involving multiple stakeholders and end users • Link activities to products and outcomes - or target desired results to be derived from activity Sharing to learn

  4. CONSTRAINTS AND OPPORTUNITIES • Actors with high degree of technicity and experience • Actors with lesser degree of technicity and experience • Create win-win situations (e.g. learning to reinforce existing knowledge) • Exploit the possibilities of ULSG’s and LAP’s • Innovate to stimulate ( but don’t innovate solely for the sake of innovation) Optimally using network capacities

  5. EXCHANGE SEQUENCE • Setting of global and/or specific objectives and targets • Designing appropriate moments (time and space = events) and methods for sharing experience, transferring knowledge, and joint learning/working • Involving relevant stakeholders and identifying target groups • Identifying and implementing actions • Joint production of results (interim and final) • Dissemination and Capitalisation Linking activities, work programme and outcomes

  6. Exchange Diagram

  7. LAP’s • LAP’s may take many forms but should be designed to have a real impact on urban issues at the local level (new development patterns, improving operational practices …) • Spatial focus or form depends on theme and context – a project, series of projects, modification of existing plan, new plan, improved participative structure … • Informed by BL- existing knowledge + resources + gaps • Supported and accompanied by LSG at local level • Funded and extended by MA – lever in projects, changes in policies • In the Final Application • The preliminary definition of objectives and the actions designed to reach these – will define the learning itinerary Fixing LAP’s in the project programme

  8. LAP-LINKS Linking itinerary to LAP objectives

  9. LAP-LINKS 2 Work plan learning itinerary Objectives and related actions Final LAP Linking itinerary to LAP objectives

  10. SO WHERE ARE WE SO FAR? Identifying sub themes, determining needs? Defining a (coherent) process? Fixing learning and transfer method(s) and trajectory? - Distinctive learning tools (action learning sets) - Key moments and periodicity Who with? Who for? - Network Partners - Core group of LSG - LSG - Wider community ( civic society, end users) - MA, policy makers Success factors, allies and carrying capacity

  11. STATE OF PLAY • Which types of event have you planned and how many of each type? • How would you describe the learning strategy for your project? • How will this be manifested in events? • How do network events connect to Local Support Groups? • Will the LSG’s have a role in deciding, from the outset, on the focus of the Local Action Plan? • Do you consider your approach to include innovative aspects (particularly with ref. to the last question)? Workshop

  12. Workshop

  13. PRINCIPAL THEMES FOR WORKSHOP INTERACTION • Explanation of the project learning strategy • How is the learning strategy manifested in events? • How do network events connect to Local Support Groups? Workshop

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