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Your Partner in Disaster Response State of Alabama Governor’s Preparedness Conference

Your Partner in Disaster Response State of Alabama Governor’s Preparedness Conference April 2, 2014. Mission. The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors. Agenda.

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Your Partner in Disaster Response State of Alabama Governor’s Preparedness Conference

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Your Partner in Disaster Response State of Alabama Governor’s Preparedness Conference April 2, 2014

  2. Mission The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.

  3. Agenda Where have we been? Reengineering Recovery How do you we work together Questions

  4. Superstorm Sandy Response 17.5 million meals and snacks 17,000 disaster workers 74,000 overnight stays 7 million relief items 4

  5. Alabama Disaster Response 2013

  6. Reengineering: The Next Logical Step

  7. Design Principles • Clients • Our services span the entire disaster cycle, are predictable and repeatable and are applied consistently across the country. The community knows what to expect. • Services and programs should be designed based first on the needs and expectations of clients and community consistent with the mission, and then on those of key stakeholders • Be a facilitative leader across the disaster cycle: the Red Cross will align with government and work to enable the entire community to participate in all phases of the disaster cycle by shifting from being not only a provider of direct services but also a facilitative leader. • A single integrated approach to building personal and community resilience encompasses services delivered through a single comprehensive disaster management process (whole cycle) which integrates and unifies programs and activities across the entire enterprise. • An organization and culture that continually innovates in response to client and constituent needs. • The speed and accessibility of our services enable a response that meets the urgent needs of the clients.

  8. Design Principles • Volunteers & Employees • Design programs and work efforts around the features of a primarily volunteer workforce. This is a mind-shift from an organization that used to look at volunteers as an adjunct workforce, to a model where volunteers are encompassed and integrated as part of (and not an extension of) the workforce. • Systems/processes need to be designed to include a mechanism that ensures the employee and volunteer executing them are appropriately trained, skilled and supported by the organization. • Effective stewardship of time, talent and dollars. • Systems & Processes • One operating model (a collection of tools and processes) that scales from a single, local event to multiple very large disasters. • Design a system that preserves and builds on existing local commitments, capabilities and relationships. • Ensure effective and efficient decision making at the lowest possible operational level. • Need to be able to measure impact. • Systems/processes and technologies need to operate both during steady-state as well as major response periods. • Leverage technology for efficient service delivery.

  9. Disaster Reengineering Puts more decision-making power in the hands of our front-line disaster workers Makes greater use of local volunteers in disasters Builds more resilient communities Establishes metrics to assess our delivery of high-quality service

  10. Disaster Cycle Services

  11. Disaster Cycle Process OverviewThe Core Processes

  12. Disaster Cycle Process OverviewThe Pillar Processes

  13. What’s Different? • The new model incorporating reengineering will establish an on going mechanism that “Changes the Way We Change” • A new way of operating based on focus on clients and stakeholders first, process second, and structure third • How we look at, evaluate and prioritize the things we do, and will do, to move the organization continuously toward our vision • The design supports our commitment to placing authority and informed decision making capability to the operations leadership and the skilled and trained client-facing workers. • Redefines the primary role of NHQ as rules, tools, and support to field operations. • Creates a more nimble structure, aligned with government and tied closely to our communities

  14. Reengineering Accomplishments Establishment of project management Establishment of governance structure Divisional structure in place Regional implementation nearly complete Successful operations managed during change

  15. How We Operate 17

  16. National Headquarters Supports work of field Develops prepare, respond and recover protocols and tools Provides input to emergency management leadership Mobilizes materials & staff for disasters of national scale

  17. Southeast and Caribbean

  18. Division Disaster Team

  19. Working TogetherPrepare – making resilient neighborhoods; training more peopleRespond – better response plans, more trained volunteersRecover – starting from when the client is ready

  20. Questions

  21. Jack.morgan@redcross.org 24

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