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Introduction to DigiTool Version 3.0. About Version 3.0 DigiTool Repository DigiTool Deposit DigiTool Ingest DigiTool Metadata Editor (Meditor) DigiTool Resource Discovery DigiTool Collection Management. What is DigiTool?.
About Version 3.0 DigiTool Repository DigiTool Deposit DigiTool Ingest DigiTool Metadata Editor (Meditor) DigiTool Resource Discovery DigiTool Collection Management
What is DigiTool? DigiTool is an enterprise solution for the management of digital assets in libraries and academic environments.
What is DigiTool? Institutional Repositories Theses Research Papers Committee Reports E-reserves, and Licensed Collections National Heritage Collections Modular, flexible, open architecture addresses current and future requirements of: Educational Materials Special Collections
What Does DigiTool Do? DigiTool enables institutions to create, manage, preserve, locally administered digital collections…
…and empowers end users in exploring the digital collections and accessing digital content.
DigiTool Modules Deposit Approval Web Services Dispatcher & Viewers Single&Bulk Search& Index
System Components – Technology J2EE AP X-Server, OAI, Z39.50 Web-based Collection Management J2EE AP Web-based Resource Discovery J2EE AP J2EE AP Metadata Editor PC Application Web-based Delivery Viewers Web-based Deposit Web-based Ingest J2EE AP Resource Discovery Server PC Server Dispatcher J2EE AP Harvester Indexer Indexes Oracle Repository Metadata Oracle Objects Storage
About Version 3.0 DigiTool Repository DigiTool Deposit DigiTool Ingest DigiTool Metadata Editor DigiTool Resource Discovery DigiTool Collection Management
Repository Main characteristics: Responsible for storage and management of objects. Stand-alone component with a standard API (Web Services). File storage: local (NFS), remote (URL). Local storage is controlled by storage rules. Metadata storage in “XML boxes” based on the metadata type (e.g., descriptive, technical). Decomposition of compound objects (e.g., METS) to facilitate long term preservation.
File stream Descriptive Metadata Title: Spring Creator: Jones, John Subject: Scenery Subject: Flowers Subject: Seasons Description: Kids in a flowering field Administrative Metadata File name: spring981182.jpg File size: 780KB File type: Image Mime Type: image/jpeg Checksum: 9811821243567643 Technical Software environments : Installation requirements : Access facilitators: Process type: Migration Process purpose: Format obsolete Rights holder: Contact address: Permission type: Display Preservation Rights
Metadata records can be shared between objects. File Descriptive DC Descriptive MARC Preservation Technical NISO MID 2 MID 4 MID 1 MID 3 Simple Object Representation OBJECT PID Persistent ID
Metadata is associated with a digital entity, but not exclusively. Multiple digital entities can “point” to the same metadata, on a metadata-by-metadata basis. Metadata Linking – Detail MID 10 PID 1001 MID 11 PID 1002 MID 12 MID 11 is shared by 2 Digital Entities PID 1001/1002
Storage Groups determine the storage type, i.e., location root and folder break. Storage Management Storage Rules determine to which Storage Group a certain object is directed. Storage rules can be based on ingest application, preservation level, administrative unit, file size, MIME type, or a combination of these elements. Storage Groups and Storage Rules are controlled by the repository administrator.
About Version 3.0 DigiTool Repository DigiTool Deposit DigiTool Ingest DigiTool Metadata Editor DigiTool Resource Discovery DigiTool Collection Management
DepositModule • Designed to support the acceptance of digital object deposits: • of scholarly work from students/professors (e.g., theses, dissertations, etc.). • of learning objects by instructors. • of special collections by non- staff users (e.g., student, faculty members, outsource) as part of collection creation.
Deposit Module • Consists of three main user interfaces: • Deposit – serves depositors for the deposit of objects • Approver – serves approvers for the review of the deposits • Management – allows the configuration of the deposit workflow, depositor and approver profiles and groups • Deposits are ingested into the Repository only after approval • Ingest into the Repository can be: • Automatic when a deposit is approved • Via the Ingest module where pre ingest tasks can be further defined
Deposit Module – Main Features • Status-driven deposit management • Special deposit workflows (wizard) for different material types: • Special descriptive forms for each material type • Imposes submission rules per material type (i.e., up to a certain size, only certain formats) • Manages depositor profiles • Assigns material types to depositors • Controls number of deposits • Assigns depositor to approver
About Version 3.0 DigiTool Repository DigiTool Deposit DigiTool Ingest DigiTool Metadata Editor DigiTool Resource Discovery DigiTool Collection Management
Ingest Module • Two main functions: • Creation and submission of new ingest activities –bulk and individual • Monitoring of ingest status (scheduled, running success etc.) • Ingest activities can be initiated directly from the Ingest application or by pre-defined for automatic ingest via the Deposit Module
Ingest Architecture • One loader, multi transformers • Transformer – take objects and/or metadata as input, and transform it to the Repository digital entity representation. • Ingest activity is a workflow that combines a certain transforming process with pre-ingest tasks, and is followed by the generic loader. • All loads (including batch) are processed as individual digital entities to control loading errors.
Ingest Activity A typical workflow for submission of Ingest activity: • 1. Enter activity name and schedule time for running, select type of transformer and determine the background tasks to run as part of the ingest activity. • 2. Order/Select background tasks into a task chain • 3. Select Digital Entity template and select/verify background task parameters • 4. Point to location of files or upload files • 5. Submit
About Version 3.0 DigiTool Repository DigiTool Deposit DigiTool Ingest DigiTool Metadata Editor DigiTool Resource Discovery DigiTool Collection Management
Meditor - Metadata Editor • The metadata editor in version 3.0 supports editing of the following metadata types: • Descriptive Metadata • MARC • Dublin Core (Dublin XML) • Technical metadata • Image - NISO Z39.87 for still images (MIX) • Text – textmd (NYU - METS-Extension) • Audio - Audio Technical Metadata (LOC AMD) • Video - Video Technical Metadata (LOC VMD) • Preservation metadata – Based on PREMIS • Object History metadata – Based on PREMIS • Rights metadata (EXL) • Ability to add local fields to all metadatatypes
Metadata Editor — Main Features • A client application that provides tools for the effectivemanagement of metadata: • Templates (local and server) • Tag-information • Controlling rights (ownership) to the level of metadata type • Controlling editing rights and record editing history • Allows viewing of object while cataloging • Allows browsing between objects, based on relationships
About Version 3.0 DigiTool Repository DigiTool Deposit DigiTool Ingest DigiTool Metadata Editor DigiTool Resource Discovery DigiTool Collection Management
Resource Discovery – Main Features Collection Management and Personal Collections The new delivery system with four new viewers Flexible indexes that allow: • Inclusion of objects with different descriptive formats (e.g., MARC, DC) in the same index. • Creation of one index for objects owned by different administrative units (i.e., Union Catalog). • Recomposition of compound objects (all manifestations or all pages of a book joined in one result).
Resource Discovery Interface Persistent Toolbar Search Collection Exploration
Simple Search: search functionality targeted for novice users Advanced Search: search functionality targeted for more experienced users Collection exploration Object Viewing User Registration My Space: management of personal data Resource Discovery: Main Components
Simple Search Options The Simple Search is the most basic form of searching DigiTool, carried out as a word search in all fields of the resource. There are several possible ways to conduct a simple search:
An array of options to perform complex keyword searches. Search of several indexes simultaneously, indicating terms relations by Boolean operators and limiting a search by media type or file format. Search in XML tags. Advanced Search Options
The manifestation list is available from the brief view search results screen by clicking the thumbnail (or ellipsis) and from the full view search results screen. Manifestations
Delivery • DigiTool provides out-of-the-box viewers for: • Single objects • Multi-page objects (METS) • EAD objects • e-Shelf viewer • Text viewer
Personal Collection Designed to support instructional/educational activities. Approved users, such as professors or instructors, can load objects in their e-Shelf and arrange them in a folder structure, together with objects from the main repository. Users can share their personal collections with other users (e.g., students) by publishing the collection and receiving a unique URL. Shared collection can be linked via a simple URL, and easily embedded in CMS/VLE systems.
About Version 3.0 DigiTool Repository DigiTool Deposit DigiTool Ingest DigiTool Metadata Editor DigiTool Resource Discovery DigiTool Collection Management
Collection Management Module The institution can arrange objects in a hierarchical collection structure. Staff members use a dedicated web-based interface for creation, management, and publishing of collections. A collection record can point either to a child collection of records (e.g., Art, Paintings) or can include pointers to specific objects or group of objects. Each collection record can include title, description, and thumbnail. Each object can be part of more than one collection.
Logical vs. Itemized • A collection can be defined with a search command (i.e., logical) or a list of Object PID’s (itemized) • A logical collection demands “instantiating” the search command to derive an actual list of objects • The end result of the 2 collection types is a list of records, defined under Collection Management by search query or a list of Object PIDs.
http://hostname:port/main Navigating by Module
Meditor – Launch Bar Navigating by Module
Databases/Units in DigiTool Three types of units exist: 1.Admin Unitis a database that controls the work activity of cataloging, deposit, ingest, etc. for that specific unit only. e.g.DTL01, DTL02 2.Silo Unitis a database that holds the data and configuration for the Web-based Resource Discoverye.g.GEN01 3.System Unitis a database that controls system-related activities such as users, repository, storage andcache e.g.DAT01, REP00, EXT01, VIR01