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The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. Rotary International. ROTARY INTERNATIONAL - RI.
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Rotary International
ROTARY INTERNATIONAL - RI • Rotary International is an organization of Rotary Clubs located all over the world. The stated purpose of the organization is “to bring together business and professional leaders to provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.” • It is a secular organization open to all persons regardless of race, color, creed, gender, or political preference.
ROTARY INTERNATIONAL • There are 33,976 clubs and over 1.22 million members worldwide. • Rotary's best-known mottos are: • "Service above Self“ , and • "They profit most who serve best“.
THE ROTARY FOUNDATION • Today, we will discuss 3 facets of • The Rotary Foundation though TRF is involved in many other projects and initiatives: • Paul Harris Fellows • Polio Plus • Future Vision Plan
The Rotary Foundation Mission Doing Good in the World …to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.
The Rotary Foundation Motto • Contributions to the Annual Programs Fund (APF) through the Every Rotarian, Every Year (EREY) initiative are the primary source of funding for Foundation programs, which cover more than 160 countries and geographical areas on seven continents. • If you donate at least US $100/year, you become a Sustaining Member of the Foundation for that year. • 2010-11: Worldwide EREY Annual Programs Fund Goal is US$95.5 million.
The Rotary Foundation & Our Club Rotary Club of Canmore Recognition - August, 2010 • 50 Paul Harris Fellows – Of these: • 7 members are at PHF + 1 • 1 member is at PHF + 2 • Polio Plus Donations - $26,650 • All-Time Giving to TRF - $86,693
Paul Harris Fellow - Background • Named for Paul Harris who founded Rotary with three business associates in Chicago in 1905 • Established in his honour in 1957 to express appreciation for a cumulative contribution of US $1,000 – multiple PH Fellow recognition can be earned for further contributions of US $1,000 • Rotary members may also donate in memory or on behalf of other individuals and may be contribute as part of a “planned giving” program
Paul Harris Fellow • Recognition points: • are earned by member donations and once an account holder achieves his/her initial PHF, they may transfer their points to other individuals to name them PHFs. Our club has awarded our points to the retiring Club President. • You can donate online to The Rotary Foundation – more on that later....
POLIO PLUS - BACKGROUND • In 1985, The Rotary Foundation identified as its #1 goal, the eradication of polio from the WORLD by 2005. • In the 1980’s 1,000 children/day in 125 countries were infected with polio – that’s 365,000 children/year crippled for life by polio. The main cause was/is poor sanitation and dirty water. • Thousands of volunteers and workers serve as community polio mobilizers to support vaccinations year round
Polio Plus – Gates Foundation • “Worldwide efforts in the last two decades have reduced the number of polio cases by 98%. Until we reach eradication, however, we are working with governments and all partners in the polio effort to ensure no child is at risk of either contracting or transmitting this crippling disease.” • Infections are primarily in 4 countries and their immediate neighbours: Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nigeria and India • To succeed, the vaccination must reach 100% of the children or infection can continue to spread.
POLIO PLUS – GATES FOUNDATION • The initial Gates Foundation challenge grant was US $255 million and another US$100 million was committed in January 2009, bringing their total to $355 million. • The $355 million grant is one of the largest challenge grants ever given by the Gates Foundation. • The Gates Foundation will match Rotary donations.
POLIO PLUS – ROTARY INTERNATIONAL • Rotary International has joined forces with the Gates’ Foundation and have called it Rotary’s US$200 Million Challenge, which must be completed by June 30, 2012. This is the largest initiative in Rotary’s 104 year history. • This brings the combined total of the Gates and Rotary Challenge to US $555 million. Rotary will distribute the funds through grants to WHO and UNICEF. • So far, RI has raised US $146 million of the US $200 million challenge. We need YOUR help to meet Rotary’s goal.
WORLD POLIO DAY – OCTOBER 24 • Make your donations to Polio Plus online between October 18 – 24th and ensure a copy is given to Donna Smith for accurate individual records for your PHF and for Club matching. • TRF is matching 2:1 for all online donations made to Polio Plus of $100 or more, in the week leading up to World Polio Day, USD or CAD • JUST THINK! For your contribution of $500, you will earn $1,000 Recognition Credits towards your PHFellow for this year. WHY NOT DO IT! • Our Club, through the International AOS, has also set aside $3,500 in its budget to match all RC of Canmore member donations to Polio Plus, up to CAD $100 per member this year. • That means that any donation YOU make of US/CAD $100 will grow to US/CAD $300 during this week.
Your Rotary ID is on ClubRunner. Go to your profile page and click on the Rotary tab and you will find your Rotary Member number
2 online choices – US or CAD www.rotary.org/endpolio US Funds www.trfcanada.org/index.html CAD Funds If you donate $104 that would be approx. US $100 Get Member ID From Clubrunner
3. Future Vision “Being everything to everyone has left the Foundation struggling to realize its mission. The new structure allows us to build on our strengths and realize more sustainable outcomes.” BIGGER BOLDER BETTER
Future Vision • Preparing for the Foundation’s Centennial in 2017, it became apparent that the organization needed to pay attention to better delivery of services. • Immense growth, thousands of matching grant applications – paper & administration • Needed to remain relevant in the philanthropic world and take actions to be sustainable and significant in the projects and to SIMPLIFY the programs.
Future Vision • New initiative which is a 3 year pilot of a new strategic vision and a streamlined grant structure. This pilot commenced July 1, 2010. • 100 pilot clubs districts worldwide of which we are one. We applied and were approved to be a pilot club. • Have more strategic focus, concentrate on bigger projects which will have greater impact and more sustainability.
Will concentrate on 6 areas of focus All projects that we undertake MUST be SUSTAINABLE – must provide training and allow recipients to continue on their own 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. • Peace and Conflict prevention/resolution • Disease prevention and treatment • Water and sanitation • Maternal and child health • Basic education and literacy • Economic and community development
Grant Names Rotary Foundation District Grants Rotary Foundation Global Grants Future Vision Update, Nov. 2008
DISTRICT GRANTS • Cash is held in the District Bank Account • Our Control & Responsibilities: • Application & reporting • Good governance & record keeping • No matching $ from The Rotary Foundation • Club is expected to provide funds to match the District Designated Funds
District Grants • Grant applications may be submitted for international or local projects • Applications are to be received by Oct. 30th, but the grant money becomes known on July 1st, so it is best to have an application submitted to the District before year end. • One application per club is permitted for their own new project – no pooling with other 5360 clubs • Can apply for a grant of up to $5,000 which must be matched with club funds on a 1:1 basis
District Grants • No disaster relief contributions, travel costs or contributions to other club’s projects will be considered. Call to Action • To access these District Designated funds, our club could allocate up to $5,000 to a project and apply for a matching grant for up to $5,000. • Our Club Strategic Plan (once completed) should identify projects which the Club has prioritized . • In addition, all Avenues of Service would review potential projects for funding.
Global Grants • Restricted to Qualified Clubs in Pilot Districts ONLY • Large projects only • A host Rotary partner is required that is also a qualified club or District • Minimum $15,000 in matching funds from The Rotary Foundation (maximum match: $200,000) • Step 1: on-line Proposal-Opens April 1st must give a brief on the region/country/area of focus • Step 2: on-line application – Project details, budget, host club, NGO involvement and electronic approvals
Global Grants • Our club is currently collaborating with Calgary West and Winnipeg West Rotary to apply for a Global Grant for building Guatemalan classrooms. • This will result in tremendous leverage taking advantage of collaboration between clubs, provincial matching grants and Rotary’s matching Global Grant program.
Packaged Grants • Packaged grants will likely be coordinated with one of the Foundation’s strategic partners. The Foundation will work to provide projects and activities that are “off the shelf”. These activities are pre-packaged and include a set of criteria and steps that clubs can follow to implement these projects very easily. • They will have a standardized approach in creating, implementing, monitoring, and reporting for the project.