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Swiss Vocational & Professional Education &Training (VPET)

Swiss Vocational & Professional Education &Training (VPET). Christoph Ebell, Embassy of Switzerland, Washington, DC. Outline. Overview Vocational education and training (VET) Professional education and training (PET) VET/PET Partners VET/PET Funding VET/PET Innovation

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Swiss Vocational & Professional Education &Training (VPET)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Swiss Vocational & Professional Education &Training (VPET) Christoph Ebell, Embassy of Switzerland, Washington, DC

  2. Outline Overview Vocational education and training (VET) Professional education and training (PET) VET/PET Partners VET/PET Funding VET/PET Innovation Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS)

  3. PET Professional Education & Training (tertiary level) VET Vocational Education & Training (upper-secondary level)

  4. Swiss VET/PET System

  5. Legal Basis VPETA: Federal Vocational & Professional Education & Training Act revised in 2002 came into force in early 2004

  6. Outline Overview Vocational education and training (VET) Professional education and training (PET) VET/PET Partners VET/PET Funding VET/PET Innovation Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS)

  7. Vocational Education & Training

  8. Studentsenteringuppersecondaryeducation OPET illustration. Source: VET in Switzerland – National report from Switzerland contributing to the OECD‘s review of „learning for jobs“ 2008, p. 28 + 30

  9. Single- and dual-track VET approach OPET illustration. Source: Federal Statistical Office – Education indicators (www.bfs.admin.ch)

  10. Dual-track VET approach practice theory company 3 – 4 days per week vocational school 1 -2 days per week Federal VET Certificate (2 years) or Federal VET Diploma (3 or 4 years)

  11. Three study/training locations within the dual-track system

  12. The 20 most popular occupations Number of newly enrolled VET students in 2007

  13. Youth unemployment under 25 years (OECD 2009, reference year 2008) Switzerland: 7.0 % -OECD average: 12.4 %

  14. Outline Overview Vocational education and training (VET) Professional education and training (PET) VET/PET Partners VET/PET Funding VET/PET Innovation Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS)

  15. Professional Education & Training

  16. Outline Overview Vocational education and training (VET) Professional education and training (PET) VET/PET Partners VET/PET Funding VET/PET Innovation Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS)

  17. VET/PET Partners Companies Vocationalschools

  18. Cooperation with VET/PET Partners Federal Commission for Vocational and Professional Education and Training (EBBK) Federal Commission for VET Professionals (EKBV) Federal Vocational Baccalaureate Examination Board Federal Commission for Professional Colleges

  19. Outline Overview Vocational education and training (VET) Professional education and training (PET) VET/PET Partners VET/PET Funding VET/PET Innovation Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS)

  20. VET funding 55 %

  21. PET Funding Funding of Switzerland‘s PET programmes are to a large extent paid for by: Employers Private individuals involved

  22. Cost and benefit

  23. Outline Overview Vocational education and training (VET) Professional education and training (PET) VET/PET Partners VET/PET Funding VET/PET Innovation Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS)

  24. VET/PET Innovation Development of the VET/PET system 2008 – 2011: 270 million Swiss Francs VET/PET research 2008 – 2011: 20 million Swiss Francs 7 leading houses Grants for development projects Specific research contracts Application of research finding Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET)

  25. Outline Overview Vocational education and training (VET) Professional education and training (PET) VET/PET Partners VET/PET Funding VET/PET Innovation Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS)

  26. Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS)

  27. UAS Landscape

  28. Steering of UAS Federal controlof UAS: Federal Office for Professional Education and Training OPET Cantonsorgroupsofcantonsowning AUS Tasks: Approvalofrequests (1998, 2003) Peer Review (2001, 2003) Funding Approvalofstudyprograms Accreditation / recognitionofdegrees

  29. UAS: Fields of Study Engineering and IT Architecture, Building Engineering and Planning Chemistry and Life Sciences Agriculture and Forestry Business, Management and Services Design Health Social Work Music, Theatre and other Arts Applied Psychology Applied Linguistics

  30. Thank you for your attention ! Further information: www.bbt.admin.ch

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