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What is

What is. Nationalism?. The devotion to the interests or culture of one's nation. Russian Government and Society. Russia was one of the great powers of Europe, and its empire was HUGE, spanning deep into Eastern Asia Russian Troops helped defeat Napoleon . Czars.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is Nationalism?

  2. The devotion to the interests or culture of one's nation.

  3. Russian Government and Society

  4. Russia was one of the great powers of Europe, and its empire was HUGE, spanning deep into Eastern Asia Russian Troops helped defeat Napoleon

  5. Czars Russsian monarchs ruled with absolute power and they were called Czars They believed in autocracy

  6. Society was mainly agricultural under Czars As a result, there wasn’t much industrialization and there were many peasants Many of these peasants were serfs- agricultural workers that were considered part of the land they worked on.

  7. What were nationalist Russian monarchs called? czars • What is autocracy? Government by 1 with unlimited power • What are the agricultural workers that were • considered part of the land they worked on called? serfs • Who controlled the people in question 3? nobles

  8. Revolutionary ideas were growing in Russia where Russians want freedom and democracy

  9. Revolutionaries formed secret societies to fight the czar's rule

  10. The Revolutionary group the Decembrists gathered at Winter Palace

  11. They were captured and sent to Siberia where 5 were executed

  12. Alexander II became new czar after Nicholas I was assassinated

  13. As new ruler, Alexander II gave serfs rights to land

  14. What did the Russian people want from the Czars? Freedom and democracies • What did the Russian people do to fight the • Czars’ rule? Form secret societies • What did Nicholas I do to stop the Decembrists? He captured and executed them • What did Alexander II do to help the • Russian people? He gave serfs the right to land

  15. -Alexander III, became the next czar. -Then he ended the reform of his father. -mobs of people started attacking Jews, killing them and destroying their property. -these widespread violent attack is called pogrom. -the first wave of pogroms began when Alexander II was assassinated. -Nicholas II crowned in 1894. -during the 1890s Russia began building the Trans-Siberian Railroad to link western Russia with Siberia.

  16. http://www.mystudiyo.com/ch/a124965/go

  17. War and Revolution • In 1904 Russian got defeated by Japan in the Russo-Japanese War • Marxists created socialist public ( society with no private property) • Vladimir lead Russians to rebel against Czar • Father Gapon and Czar protesters got killed – hundreds of people- • near Winter Palace (reason for calling it Bloody Sunday) • Bloody Sunday inspired many sectors to rise against Czar • Revolution of 1905 began.

  18. What was the war called where the Japanese defeated • the Russian? The Russo-Japanese • Who lead the Russian to rebel against Czar? Vladimir lenin • Why is it called Bloody Sunday? Because on a Sunday hundreds of people died in Russia History

  19. October Manifesto • And Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg

  20. Czar Nicholas II created October Manifesto in response to Russian Revolution. • Standards: • created Russian constitution • guaranteed individual liberties • freedom of speech • freedom of assembly • right to vote for a Duma • Duma—assembly that approved all laws. • Czar Nicholas II promised to consult with Duma but he dismissed the meeting because he felt his absolute power was being threatened.

  21. Large group of workers, women, and children led by Father Garpon protested for better working conditions. • Marched to Winter Palace to show a petition to Czar Nicholas II. • Guards shot and killed innocent and unarmed citizens on “Bloody Sunday”. • Killing of innocent people caused large opposition of Russian government. • Stirred up desire for a revolution among the people.

  22. http://www.mystudiyo.com/ch/a124967/go

  23. Bibliography: Image of flag in Russia - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/dd/Russia_Flag_Map.svg/800px-Russia_Flag_Map.svg.png Image of Winter Palace – http://www.mikegrehan.com/images/winter-palace-night.jpg Image of Pogrom - http://dancutlermedicalart.com/AlbertEinstein%27sZionism/images/250%20pixels/1920-1929/1920%20White%20Army%20pogrom.jpg Bibliography: Collaboration of Jaclyn, Sarah, Annie, Ly Put together by Ly

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