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Tucson 1975 Tucson 1995

Tucson 1975 Tucson 1995. Bit of Administration …. Reading BSNV Chaps. 7 and 8 Particularly important discussion section - don’t miss this week Additional observations for Lab 2, through April 5. And the Winners are ….

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Tucson 1975 Tucson 1995

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tucson 1975 Tucson 1995

  2. Bit of Administration …. • Reading • BSNV Chaps. 7 and 8 • Particularly important discussion section - don’t miss this week • Additional observations for Lab 2, through April 5

  3. And the Winners are … • 4th Runner up Jordan Gaster 8.5890 km/sec • 3rd Runner up Eric Ark 8.5875 km/sec • Rocket Man Brad Allcock 8.5859 km/sec • Grand Rocket Wizard Daniel Ruf 8.5800 km/sec 90o 4024 days

  4. Portfolios • Mid-Course Thoughts • The “Prime Directive” is to demonstrate your Mastery of course material • Not a research paper • Not a literary masterpiece - use your page for substance, not fluff • Evaluation of each Document • Demonstration of Connection 2 pts • Demonstration of Mastery 5 pts • Composition/Writing 3 pts • Encourage you to turn in at least your first one early to get feedback to improve the rest.

  5. Light from a Star Telescopes • Fundamental Purpose - To Collect Light Brightest Faint Bright

  6. ConcepTest! In bright light your pupil has a diameter of 1 mm; in a dark room your pupil opens to 5 mm. If you walk into bright sunlight after your eye doctor has dilated your pupils, your eyes will ache. This is because A) of the chemicals the doctor used to dilate your pupils. B) your pupils are letting in 5x as much light as your retina is comfortable with. C) your pupils are letting in 25x as much light as your retina is comfortable with. D) your pupils are letting in 1/5 x as much light as your retina is comfortable with. E) your pupils are letting in 1/25 x as much light as your retina is comfortable with.

  7. Telescopes • Fundamental Purpose - To Collect Light 1 cm Collecting Area = p R2 = p * 1 cm2 5 cm Collecting Area = p R2 = p * 25 cm2 Collecting Area = p R2 = p * 100 cm2 10 cm

  8. Telescopes • Beyond Visible Light

  9. Telescopes in Space Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory Spitzer Telescopes

  10. Infrared • Telescopes in Space Telescopes Optical

  11. Crab Nebula X-ray Optical

  12. TheSolarSystem!

  13. The Solar System • A Sense of Scale

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