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Muon Physics at the front end of a n -Factory. At a n -factory beams of 10 13 - 10 14 m /s could be developed. Two types of experiments are especially suited to such fluxes: Search for a permanent electric dipole moment d m Search for lepton flavor violation in muon decay
Muon Physics at the front end of a n-Factory • At a n -factory beams of 1013 - 1014m/s could be developed. • Two types of experiments are especially suited to such fluxes: • Search for a permanent electric dipole moment dm • Search for lepton flavor violation in muon decay • Such experiments would continue the long history that muon physics has with the development of the Standard Model, and searches for physics beyond it. K. Long – U.C. Irvine
SM information/constraints from the muon: • The strength of the weak interaction • i.e. the Fermi constant Gm from tm • The fundamental nature of the weak interaction: V-A • Lepton flavor conservation in m-decay: m→ e g, m+ → e+ e+ e-, m- N → e- N, are not yet seen • VEV of the Higgs field: • Induced form-factors in nuclear m-capture • Limits on non-standard model physics from the muon anomalous magentic moment am K. Long – U.C. Irvine
Muon Magnetic Dipole Momoment amchiral changing Muon EDM P T CP Three experiments that would most benefit from high flux: K. Long – U.C. Irvine
Muon Magnetic Dipole Momoment amchiral changing Muon EDM Lepton Flavor Violation P T Three experiments that would most benefit from high flux: K. Long – U.C. Irvine
aμ, dm LFV are sensitive to a wide range of new physics including SUSY. e.g. am is sensitive to: • substructure • SUSY (with large tanβ ) • many other things (extra dimensions, etc.) K. Long – U.C. Irvine
The new theory value reported by S. Eidelman at ICHEP06 amdifference with SM of 3.3 s K. Long – U.C. Irvine
e EDM (e.cm) Excluded region (Tl atomic beam) Commins (2002) MSSM f ~ 1 Multi Higgs de < 1.6 x 10-27 e.cm Left -Right E. Hinds’ e-EDM experiment at Imperial College with YbF molecules is starting to explore this region MSSM f ~ a/p Standard Model 10-22 10-24 n 10-26 199Hg 10-28 10-30 10-32 10-34 10-36 with thanks to Ed Hinds K. Long – U.C. Irvine
m→ e MDM, EDM ~ ~ SUSY connection between am , Dμ , μ→ e through the slepton mixing matrix K. Long – U.C. Irvine
m+ e-→m - e+ Branching Ratio Limit Past and Future of LFV Limits K. Long – U.C. Irvine
~ < Experiments that can use the highest muon intensity: • muon-electron conversion: to ~ 10-20 • Present Limit for m- Ti: BR < 6 X 10-13 • PRISM/PRIME proposal • 10-18 – 10-19 single event sensitivity • n-Fact front-end, 10-20 • muon EDM search • ~10-25e cm needs NP2 of ~1018 • present limit dm 10-19e cm K. Long – U.C. Irvine
Muon Summary and Outlook • The muon has provided us with much knowledge on how nature works. New experiments on the horizion continue this tradition. • Muon (g-2), with a precision of 0.5 ppm, has a 3.3 s discrepancy with the standard model. • If this discrepancy is from new physics, it would show up in an EDM and perhaps in LFV as well. • MEG is set to turn on and collect data in the next year. • m-→ e- conversion holds the best experimental prospect for going much further on LFV. • There is an exciting program of muon physics that can be done at a n-factory! K. Long – U.C. Irvine
THE END K. Long – U.C. Irvine
The SM Value for electron and muon anomalies e*, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e vrs. m : relative contributionof heavier things K. Long – U.C. Irvine
Present EDM Limits *not yet final K. Long – U.C. Irvine