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Nevada Offense Code (NOC) Redevelopment Project

Nevada Offense Code (NOC) Redevelopment Project . Administrative Office of the Courts and Department of Public Safety January 8, 2009. Nevada Offense Codes (NOC). Standardized crime descriptions Comprised of federal, state and local statutes and regulations

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Nevada Offense Code (NOC) Redevelopment Project

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  1. Nevada Offense Code (NOC) Redevelopment Project Administrative Office of the Courts and Department of Public Safety January 8, 2009

  2. Nevada Offense Codes (NOC) • Standardized crime descriptions • Comprised of federal, state and local statutes and regulations • Required for manual and electronic data sharing at local, state, and federal levels • Improves accuracy and consistency of crime information and statistics • Should be used by all criminal justice stakeholders

  3. NOC Redevelopment Project Old NOC Table Structure • Flat table with more than 13,000 entries • No organization – difficult to find the right crime • Many duplicates • Lacks sufficient information to properly define the various crimes • Inadequate crime descriptions • Only one statute is cited for each code

  4. NOC Redevelopment Project Objectives of the NOC Redevelopment Project • Redesign the NOC table to better meet the needs of all criminal justice stakeholders • Over 100 people from law enforcement, prosecutors, courts, Public Safety, P&P, and Corrections participated • Develop an easy-to-use NOC model • Develop a NOC model that can be easily and logically updated • Provide mapping between the old and new models • 50,000 series numbering scheme (interim solution) • Enhance data integration

  5. NOC Redevelopment Project NOC Redevelopment Project Goals • Develop an “intelligent” code • Use a hierarchical approach • Provide a mechanism to group similar crimes • Plan for table growth and modification • Provide an adequate description of each crime • Eliminate duplicate and invalid table entries • Allow the ability to cite multiple statutes for a single crime • Enhance the ability to locate the specific NOC entries

  6. NOC Workgroup • Comprised of an AOC manager, one AOC and one DPS analyst, a local legal representative, and, when needed, contract support. • Maintain current NOC table • Approve all new NOC requests • Meets monthly (face-to-face), communicates via phone or email when needed

  7. Outstanding Issues • Program Sponsor • Do not want to repeat the past • Preserve the NOC model • Allow for table modifications • Appeal process • Issue resolution • Need ongoing funding source

  8. Recommendation • Need a Governance Structure for NOCs made up of: • Law enforcement, prosecution, courts, Public Safety, Corrections, and possibly the Attorney General’s Office • Nevada Criminal Justice Information System (NCJIS) Advisory Committee

  9. Governance Body Responsibilities • Program Sponsor • Support and promote the new NOC model • Serve as the NOC process appeal board • Resolve issues • Provide or identify funding sources for NOC maintenance/enhancements

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