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Kranti Foundation was incorporated on 13th March 2009 vide registration number- E-5261(Pune) with an object to provide relief to the needy and poor, help in the education of the disadvantaged, support by way of medical relief to the needy and other general charitable purposes.<br><br>Mr. Ajay Bafna incorporated the Foundation and he has since been a Trustee. The Foundation is registered under the 80G and 12A of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Any donation to the trust for spending towards the objects of the trust is eligible for Exemption u/s 80G to the donor under the Income Tax Act.<br>
Empowering Communities: The ImpactofAjayBafna KrantiFoundation
INTRODUCTION TheAjayBafnaKrantiFoundationisdedicated to empowering communities through education, healthcare, and sustainable developmentinitiatives.Withafocuson socio-economic empowerment, the foundationhasmadeasignificantimpactin ruralandurbanareas.
EDUCATIONINITIATIVES Thefoundation'seducationprogramsaimto provideaccesstoqualityeducationfor underprivileged children. By establishing schools and offering scholarships, the foundationisenablingthenextgenerationto breakthecycleofpoverty.
HEALTHCAREOUTREACH Throughmobilemedicalcampsand communityhealthcenters,thefoundationis improving access to healthcare in remote areas. By focusing on preventive care and healtheducation,thefoundationisfostering well-beingwithincommunities.
SUSTAINABLEDEVELOPMENT The foundation's sustainable development projects promote environmental conservation and economic empowerment.Bysupportinginitiativessuchasorganic farming and skill-building programs, the foundation is creatinglong-termimpact.
COMMUNITYCOLLABORATION Collaborationwithlocalleadersand communitymembersisattheheartofthe foundation's approach. By fostering partnershipsandempoweringlocalvoices, the foundation ensures that initiatives are tailored to the specific needs of each community.
IMPACTANDFUTUREENDEAVORS TheAjayBafnaKrantiFoundationhasmadeatransformativeimpacton communities,butthejourneycontinues.Withacommitmentto sustainablechangeandempowerment,thefoundationlooksaheadto furtherenrichingthelivesofindividualsandcommunities.