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The rise of christianity. Paragraph 4.4. The province of Judea. 1st century BC, the Romans took over Judea . (= now Israel / Palestina) It’s the land of the Jews . It became a Roman province . The Jews were treated bad: high taxes and often insulted.
The rise of christianity Paragraph 4.4
The province of Judea • 1st century BC, the Romans took over Judea. • (= nowIsrael/ Palestina) • It’s the land of the Jews. • It became a Roman province. • The Jewsweretreated bad: high taxesandofteninsulted.
The Jewsonlybelieve in 1 god, andnot in the gods or emporerof the Romans. • The oppressionandinsults made a lot of Jewsveryangry. • Theyhopedthattheir God wouldsend a descendant of theiroldking David. • Thatwouldbe the messiah, and he would free themfrom the Romans.
Jewishuprisings • In 66 AD: a revoltstartedin Jeruzalem. • Thousands of Roman soldierswerekilled. • 4 years later: Romans took control back again. • Theyplunderedanddestroyed the temple. • The temple was never rebuilt.
A second revolt in 132-135 alsoendedbadlyfor the Jews. • 1000 villagesweredestroyed, andmanypeoplewerekilled.
On the ruins of Jerusalem, emporerHadrian built a Roman city, whereJewswerenotallowed.
The Jewsscatteredthroughout the Empire andoutside. • The Jews calls thisdiaspora. (=Greekfor scattering) • Jewscontinuedtheirreligion on otherplacesand built synagoguesthere.
Jesus • According to the Bible, Jesus was a Jewishpreacher. • He travelledaround Nazareth. (30 AD, 40 yearsbefore the second revolt) • The storiesaboutJesus are written down yearsafter his death, bypeoplewhobelieved in him = the Bible.
The Biblesaysthat he preachedabouttaking care of the weakand love yourenemies. • But the Romans sawhim as a rebel. • Theyarrestedhimandcrucifiedhimas ifhe was a criminal.
His followersbelieved his death was to release mankindfromtheirsins. • Theyalsobelievedthat he had risenfrom the dead after 3 daysand had escendedtoheaven ( = gone up to) • Ifyoubelieve in Jesus, youcould go toheaven as well.
At first: his followerswereJews. • After his death, more peoplefollowed. • Jesus was theirsavior (= Messiah) and the son of God. • They call himChrist ( GreekforMessiah) • His followerswerenowcalled: Christians.
Jesuswould save allhumanity. • The religion was called: Christianity.
Persecution of Christians • Mainly in the east, many Christians appeared. • It alsostartedtorise in Rome. • In 64 AD a large firedestroyed a part of Rome. • The emperor Nero blamed the Christians forthis. • Theywerecrucified, burnedandfedto the dogs.
The Christians were innocent, but peoplealreadyhatedthem, sotheywerean easy target. • The Christians didn’tworship the Roman Gods, andonlytheirown 1 God, sothe Romans hatedthem.
The Jewsalsodidn’tworship the Roman gods, but theyleft the Romans alone. • Theydidn’ttrytoconvert ( = bekeren) others. • The Christians didtrytoconvertothers. • Theywereagainst the Roman way of life
3rd century: emperorsstartedpersecuting Christians. • Reason: therewere a lot of wars, hungeranddiseases in the empire. • The Gods werebegged ( gesmeekt) to stop this. • The Christians keptrejectingto do this, sotheyweretoblame!
Thousands of Christians weretorturedandkilled. • Manydidn’t mind to die fortheirreligion, becausetheywould go toheaven as a martyr ( = martelaar)
Victory of Christianity • 313: emperor Constantine grantedeveryonefreedom of religion. • He becamechristian. • Story: he became Christian afterhaving a dream. He would win a war with a cross. • So the cross became the symbolforChristianitythat he followed.
Afterthat, more Christians followed. • 392: Christianitybecame the state religion. • There was no more religioustolerance. • Jewswerenowdiscriminated, becausetheydidnotbelieve in Jesus.
Otherreligionswerebanned. • Temples of Roman godsbecamechurches. • There was 1 organisation: the Roman CatholicChurch. • The empire was devided in churchprovinces led by a bishop.
The highestbishop, was the onefrom Rome: • The pope. ( = father) • He is the leader of the church. • He candecideifsomeonewillbeworshipped as a saint, becausetheydid a lot of goodthings in their life.