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LAW FOR GIFTED EDUCATION. EDU 4420 INSTRUCTOR PAM PRICE GRACE ARIWODOLA JUNE 2011. LAW FOR GIFTED EDUCATION. Need for Gifted Education Increases with more awareness in Technology. HISTORY OF THE ADVOCACY FOR GIFTED EDUCATION. Since 19 th Century still no full acceptance or support.
LAW FOR GIFTED EDUCATION • Need for Gifted Education • Increases with more awareness in Technology.
HISTORY OF THE ADVOCACY FOR GIFTED EDUCATION • Since 19th Century still no full acceptance or support. • National Association for gifted children and other groups are making efforts.
HISTORY OF THE ADVOCACY (CONTINUED) • In 1868 William Torrey Harris, instituted the earliest systematic efforts in public schools to educate gifted students. • 1901- Worster, Massachusetts opened the first special school for the gifted students. • In 1921, Lewis Terman began what was renamed the longest running logitudinal study of the gifted children. Original sample was 15,000.
HISTORY OF THE ADVOCACY (CONTINUED) • 1974, the office of the gifted and talented was given official status. • 1998, NAGC published Pre-k – 12 gifted program standards to provide guidance in 7 key areas for program serving gifted children. • 2004, A Nation Deceived. How schools hold back America’s Brightest students. Published by Berlin-Blank center at the University of Iowa.
LAWS FOR GIFTED EDUCATION • 1958, National Defense Education Act, by Federal government. 1st large scale effort. Reason – Wake up call by Soviet Union Sputnik launching of 1958. • Jacob Javits Gifted and talented Act in 1988. To provision grant for bright children from low income families. • 2002, No Child Left Behind. To provide services and activities not provided by schools to the gifted students. Javits program was included. Too much to care for and less attention to the gifted
LAW (CONTINUED) • Gifted education is regulated and funded by each state government. The US department of education offers recommendation. Map of North Carolina
LAW (continued) North Carolina Law on gifted student (Definition) • Academically or intellectually gifted students perform or show the potential to perform at substantially high levels of accomplishments when compared with others their age, experience, or environment. Academically or Intellectually gifted students exhibit high performance capability in intellectual areas, specific academic fields, or in both intellectual areas and specific academic fields. Academically or intellectually gifted students require differentiated education services beyond those ordinarily provided by the regular educational program, Outstanding abilities are present in students from all cultural groups, across all economic strata, and in all areas of human behavior.
LAW (CONTINUED) • Explanation of the definition: • Excellency in academics and intellectual better than age group. • Excellency in specific discipline. • Desperate need for educational services beyond mates.
LAW (CONTINUED) The law directs the State Board of Education to • Develop and disseminate guidelines for developing local plans. • Provide continuous technical assistance to the local school administrative unit.
LAW (CONTINUED) • The guidelines:- • Identification procedures • Differentiated curriculum • Integrated sevices • Staff development • Program evaluation methods • Other appropriate information.
LAW (CONTINUED) Local Board of Education • Develops plan to identify and establish procedure for providing appropriate educational services. • Parents, school community, representative of the community and others are involved in the plan.
Law (continued) Local Board of Education Plan: • Screening, identification and placement procedure for meeting gifted students’ needs. • Provision of specific program in different setting. • Program evaluation for core curriculum in relation to the objectives, method and plan of delivery. • Professional development to provide continuous training of staff. • School community, parents, representative of the local community are involved in the execution, monitoring, and integrating the plan.
LAW (CONTINUED) Local Board of Education Plan (continued) • Name and state the role of the person in charge of the implementation of plan. • Provision of procedure to resolve disagreement between parent or guardian and school administrative unit when a child is not identified or services not correctly provided. • Any other necessary information.
Law (CONTINUED) • Local Board of Education Plan Continued) • Submission of plan to State Board for review and comment. • Consideration of the comments before implementation. • The plan shall be effective for three years only. Any change should be submitted to the State Board for review and comments before implementation.
LAW (CONTINUED) Resolution of disagreement • Petition for a poor or no services provided may be filed by the parent or guidance. The decision of the administrative law judge will final after finding of facts.
COMMENT • With all the concern of some groups and the laws from the federal and state governments, the needs of the gifted education are not adequately met. • More fund and full support are needed at the Federal level. • Teachers should be trained in required area. • Separation of classes is necessary. • Let us continue in advocating for the gifted students.
Refrences : • NC General Statutes – Chapter 115C. • http://www.ncagt.org