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This article explores the trade relations of the Great Plains region, particularly with Mexico and Canada, as well as the new energy opportunities in the area. It also discusses the potential for a new oil boom in North Dakota's Bakken Play.
Serving the Great Plains Progressive 15 March 27, 2008
Serving the Great Plains Movement of Goods
Serving the Great Plains Colorado Domestic Trade -- $millions
Serving the Great Plains Colorado and Mexico $820 million Exported to Mexico by Truck in 2007 Increased by 37.3% or $223 million since 2004 70.7% of this Trade passes through Laredo Eagle Pass or Del Rio $661 million Imported from Mexico by Truck in 2007 Decreased by 34.4% since 2004
Serving the Great Plains Great Plains Trade with Mexico Cumulative $43.2 billion Total Truck Export Trade in 2007 Increase 17.6% or $6.5 billion since 2004 $38.2 billion Total Truck Import Trade in 2007 Increase 16.2% or $5.3 billion since 2004
Serving the Great Plains Colorado and Canada $1.38 billion Exported to Canada by Truck in 2007 Increased by 2.8% or $38 million since 2004 16.4% of this Trade passes through Border Crossings in Montana/North Dakota $1.34 billion Imported from Canada by Truck in 2007 Increased by 66.4% since 2004
Serving the Great Plains Colorado and Canada 2007 Exports to Alberta -- $194 million Up $50 million or 35% since 2005 Exports to Saskatchewan -- $96 million Up $39.9 million or 72% since 2005
Serving the Great Plains Great Plains Trade with Canada-Cumulative $15.8 billion Total Truck Export Trade in 2007 Increase of 36.6% or $4.2 billion since 2004 $13.0 billion Total Truck Import Trade in 2007 Increase or 48.2% or $4.2 billion since 2004
Serving the Great Plains New Energy Opportunities New Traditional Opportunities … Oil, Gas, Coal New Renewable Opportunities
Serving the Great Plains The U.S. Is Poised to Hit a New Oil Gusher “A new black gold rush is under way, this time in North Dakota. The potential payoff is huge -- up to 100 billion barrels of oil. That’s twice the size of Alaska’s reserves and potentially enough to meet all U.S. oil needs for two decades. Until now, the obstacles to production seemed overwhelming. The crude oil is locked away in rocks that are buried miles underground in the Bakken Play, a field that stretches into Montana and Saskatchewan, Canada…” The Kiplinger Letter, March 17, 2008
Alberta’s Oilsands Alberta’s oilsands contain more than 1.6 trillion barrels of bitumen
Estimated wind capacity by state, Scenario of wind supplying 20% of U.S. electricity Reliable • Utility scale, mainstream part of portfolio • Requires no storage • Supports grid reliability hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
EPAct 2005 Section 1221 and 368 • Criteria include fuel diversity and energy security • Congestion study required but not necessary for designation • FERC has backstop siting authority on corridors designated by DOE
Serving the Great Plains OUR ASSETS Three Congressionally-designated, north-south High Priority Corridors, comprising 2333 miles of highway, 14% of total U.S. GDP ($1.7 trillion), and 38.5 million citizens. A major U.S. trading region generating $166.7 billion in trade with Canada and Mexico, nearly 20% of total U.S.-NAFTA trade. A powerful and effective U.S. Congressional Caucus; together, we have secured over $270 million to develop, build and improve the Corridor in all 9 Coalition states.
Serving the Great Plains OUR ASSETS 6 major cross-border ports to Canada & Mexico, including NAFTA’s #2 and #15 busiest crossings (Laredo-Nuevo Laredo & Sweetgrass-Coutts). 7 of the top 10 U.S. states for installed and potential wind energy, generating over 5185MW, nearly 45% of the U.S. total. North America’s agricultural heartland, producing $44.3 billion of agricultural goods, or 22.1% of the U.S. total; 6 of the top 10 farm states. Nearly 25% of U.S. ethanol refining capacity, with 33 existing refineries and more underway.
Serving the Great Plains Questions