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Certification course in Digital M a rketing & Advertsing

Certification course in Digital M a rketing & Advertsing. What does the course cover: . The course is a practical guide to use digital marketing to effectively reach out to internet audience while building your brand and generating sales.

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Certification course in Digital M a rketing & Advertsing

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  1. Certification course in Digital Marketing & Advertsing

  2. What does the course cover: • The course is a practical guide to use digital marketing to effectively reach out to internet audience while building your brand and generating sales. • The course has been made with detailed inputs and feedback from current and form er employees of major internet companies like google,flipkart,Snapdeal,way2sms and more • The successful are ready to be employed in roles of marketing managers and associates where the role will include building and managing marketing campaigns

  3. Course Dynamics: • Extensive knowledge in the field of advertising & marketing • Continuous feedback sessions to help you grow. • Post course assistance and feedback • Get certified at the end of the course

  4. Sessions overview Session 1:Digital marketing basics • Types of digital marketing-pull vs. push • Role in the advertising world • Comparision to other forms of marketing • The online marketing mix • International online marketing Session 2:Website development, design and content • An introduction to the web • Website development plan • Designing a website-best practices • Tips for increasing sales on websites

  5. Session 3:understanding search engines and search engine optimization • Learning how a search engine works • Learning how crawler index the web pages and rank them • How Google works understanding seo and techniques of seo • On page optimization and off page optimization • Measurement of seo and its analysis for seo effectiveness Session 4:search engine marketing with Google ad words • Online advertising on search engines • Understanding SEM and its importance • Working with Google Adwords • Setting up an adword account, bidding and managing the budget • Techniques and tips for writing great ads • Making a landing page for a campaign • Measuring effectiveness of marketing campaigns

  6. Sessions 5:Importance of the website analytics function and various analytic tools • Using analytics to better your web performance • Understanding how to track your web performance with web analytics • Working with Google analytics Session 6:Banner/Display advertising • Objectives of banner ads • Making effective banner ads • Key metrics for measuring online advertising

  7. Session 7:E -mail marketing • Email marketing and why its still popular • Permission marketing and spamming • Technical requirements for email marketing messages designing an effective e mailer campaign • Integrating email marketing with social media • Learning how to increase open and click through rate Session 8:Mobile advertising • Types –mms,sms,video,automated outbound dialers and applications • Understanding mobile advertising beyond traditional means • Eco system of mobile advertising and publishers • Best practices for mobile advertising

  8. Session9:Understanding social media marketing with Facebook • Creating Facebook pages • Best practices to create user engagement • Using the Facebook ad platform • Creating ad campaign on Facebook and measuring their effectiveness Session 10:Undertstanding social media marketing with twitter • Using twitter for marketing and measuring its effectiveness • Advertising on twitter

  9. Session 11:understanding social media marketing with LinkedIn and YouTube • How to use the LinkedIn platform for recruitment • Advertising with LinkedIn • How to create a YouTube channel • Viral videos for YouTube • Optimizing video content for YouTube Session 12:Understanding various social media platforms like blogs and forums • Using blogs, forums and discussion boards • Blog technologies and legal issues to consider • Developing an audience-what to post and when to post

  10. Session 13:PR and online reputation management • Learning why word of mouth and PR is more powerful than advertising • Online reputation management activities • Best practices to defend your reputation Session 14:Introduction to e commerce • Evolution and growth of e commerce in India • Types of e-commerce and business models • E-payment systems

  11. Session 15:Digital marketing campaign plan • Ethics of running a campaign • Assigning budgets to various activities

  12. Target Sector Employment • E-commerce companies, online businesses, large companies with online presence, ad agencies, digital marketing agencies…. ->Almost every company requires people to manage the online and digital world presence ->Addressing the aspirational needs of the young Indian population that is spending time on internet and mobile platforms ->Lakhsof jobs to created every year

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