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European Chemical and Packaging Requirements for Electrical & Electronic Equipment. 欧洲对电子和电器设备化学和包装的要求. European Chemical & Packaging Requirements. Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive 2002/96/EC. 废弃电子电气设备指令 2002/96/ EEC
European Chemical and Packaging Requirements for Electrical & Electronic Equipment 欧洲对电子和电器设备化学和包装的要求
European Chemical & Packaging Requirements • Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive 2002/96/EC.废弃电子电气设备指令 2002/96/EEC • Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS) Directive 2002/95/EC.电子电气设备中禁用特定有害物质指令 2002/95/EEC • Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive 94/62/EC. 包装及包装废弃物指令 94/62/EC • Cadmium Directive 91/338/EEC. 镉含量指令 91/338/EEC
WEEE DirectiveOverview 概述 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive 2002/96/EC.废弃电子电气设备指令 2002/96/EC • Published in the Official Journal 13 February 2003 (OJ L37, 13.2.2003, p.24). 于2003年月13日发布 • End of life management of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE). 对于电子电器设备中止使用的管理 • Transposed into national law by 13 August 2004. 2004年8月13月转为正式的国家法律 • Comes into effect 13 August 2005. 2005年8月13日起正式实施
WEEE DirectiveScope – General 范围- 一般 Covers discarded EEE: • Designed to operate at a maximum voltage of 1,000 V a.c. or 1,500 V d.c; and 最大工作电压不超过 1000 V a.c 或 1500 V d.c,通过电流、电磁场、发电机、变压器工作的设备或测量这种电流的设备;和 • Falling within 10 categories of WEEE (Annexes IA & IB); 适用于10类产品 • Includes all components, sub-assemblies and consumables forming part of the EEE when discarded. 包括产品的所有元件、配件及消耗材料 Excludes EEE that is 不包括: • Part of equipment not covered by the WEEE Directive; 不在WEEE指令覆盖范围的设备 • Specifically intended for military use. 军事用途
Large household appliances 大型家用电器 2. Small household appliances;小型家用电器 3. IT & telecommunications equipment; IT及通讯设备 4. Consumer equipment; 消费性设备 5. Lighting equipment; Except filament light bulbs & household luminaires. 照明设备( 白炙灯泡和家用照明光源除外) Electrical & electronic tools; Except large stationary industrial tools. 电子电气工具(大型固定工业用途工具除外) Toys, leisure & sports equipment;玩具、休闲及运动设备 Medical devices; Except implanted & infected products. 医疗器材 (植入部件或污染处除外) Monitoring & control instruments;监控设施 Automatic dispensers.自动售货机 WEEE DirectiveScope – Categories 范围-分类
WEEE DirectiveDefinitions – Producer 定义-生产者 • Any person who, regardless of the selling technique used:无论采用何种销售手段,有以下行为者视为废旧设备的生产者 • Manufactures and sells electrical or electronic equipment under his own brand; Or生产或销售自有品牌的电子或电气设备者; 或 • Resells such equipment produced by other suppliers; Or转售其他供应商生产的设备者; 或 • Imports these products on a professional basis into a Member State.进口这些电子电气设备者到欧盟成员国内进口商,如远程销售或网上购物
WEEE DirectiveDefinitions – Distributor 定义 - 分销商 Any person commercially providing EEE to the end user. E.g. a retailer. 将电子电气设备卖给消费者的销售商(如:零售商)
WEEE DirectiveDefinitions - Household WEEE 定义 - 家用WEEE • WEEE discarded from private households; AND家用电子电气产品废弃物; 和 • WEEE discarded by commercial, industrial, institutional or other sources which by its nature (type) and quantity are similar to WEEE from private households.由商业、工业、社会机构或其他来源的、品质类似于家用WEEE的废弃电子电气设备
WEEE DirectiveRequirements – Outline 要求 - 概要 • Product design. 产品设计 • Separate collection. 分类回收 • Treatment. 处理 • Recovery. 回收再用 • Financing. 费用支付 • Marking & information.有标识及相关信息
WEEE DirectiveProduct Design 产品设计 Product designs shall 产品的设计应当: • Allow selective removal of certain materials/components. 允许有选择性地淘汰处理某些原料和部件。 • Permit repair and end-of-life dismantling for the recovery (reuse & recycling) of materials/components. 准许修复或淘汰产品分解出的原料和部件的回收利用(再利用和循环在利用) • Not include design features which hinder reuse, unless required for overriding reasons such as safety or environmental protection. 产品不得有妨碍再利用的设计,除非是出于安全及环保因素考虑 Further implications 深层的含义: • Reduce the weight of material used 降低产品原料的重量。 • Minimise the number of different materials 将不同原料的数量降到最自小 • Use materials compatible for recycling 用能与其他产品兼容的原料以便再利用.
WEEE DirectiveSeparate Collection - All WEEE 分类回收-所有WEEE • Producers, or their third parties, are responsible for the separate collection of their own WEEE. 生产者,或他们的第三方代理,有责任负责分类回收他们自己的WEEE. • Separately collected WEEE shall be transported so as to optimise the reuse or recycling of whole appliances or components. 分类回收的WEEE应当确保可以使整个产品和部件被最佳 化的再利用和循环再利用
WEEE DirectiveSeparate Collection - Household WEEE 分类回收-家用WEEE • Separate collection shall be free of charge for consumers. 分类回收对消费者是免费的。 • Distributors (e.g. retailers) supplying new EEE shall take back old products on a like-for-like basis. 分销商(如零售商)在销售新产品的同时应当回收旧产品。 • Other take-back systems may be allowed if free and as convenient as using the distributor. 可以允许制定其他免费和便利的回收系统 • Target of 4 kg of separately collected WEEE per inhabitant per year by 31 December 2006. 在2006年12月1日,要达到每人(欧盟常驻居民)每年4公斤的分类回收目标。 • Member States may provide alternative take-back arrangements where WEEE: 欧盟成员国可以提供其他的回收安排,当: • Does not contain essential components; or 不包含重要的部件;或 • Contains other waste. 包含其他费料 • Specific arrangements shall be made for WEEE that has been contaminated during use. 在使用过程中受到污染的WEEE应当实施特殊的处理安排
All liquids;所有液体 Capacitors containing PCB’s & PCT’s;含有PCB’s & PCT’s的电容 Mercury-containing components; 含汞零件 Batteries; 电池 Printed circuit boards from mobile phones; 手机的电路板 Printed circuit boards from other devices with a surface area 印刷电路板面积大于10 平方厘米的其他仪器 Toner cartridges etc; 碳粉盒等 Plastics containing brominated flame retardants;含溴化阻燃剂的塑料 Cathode ray tubes; 阴极射线管 External electric cables; 外置电线 Refractory ceramic fibre-containing components; 耐火陶瓷纤维元件 Radioactive substances; 放射性物质 CFC’s, HCFC’s, HFC’s & HC’s; 臭氧层消耗物质 Liquid crystal displays (LCD’s) with a surface area > 100 cm²; 表面积大于100 平方厘米的液晶显示器 LCD’s back-lit by gas discharge lamps; 液晶背光-气体放电灯; Gas discharge lamps; 气体放电灯 Asbestos waste. 石棉废料 WEEE DirectiveTreatment - Selective Removal 处理-淘汰
WEEE DirectiveTreatment – Process 处理-步骤 • Only permitted at licensed or registered sites. 处理机构应该有执照或在主管当局登记的单位 • Storage sites must prevent environmental contamination. 储存场所必须防止环境污染 • Treatment sites shall 处理地点应当: • Use the best available techniques. 应用最好的可用技术 • Prevent environmental contamination. 避免环境的污染 • Include appropriate storage facilities. 有适当的贮存场所 • Treat water before discharge. 污水处理后方可排放 • Have balances to monitor incoming WEEE and outgoing recovered materials & waste. 监控WEEE进料及回收材料和废物输出的平衡 • Minimum quality standards for treatment may be set up. 处理的最低质量标准应当建立。
WEEE DirectiveRecovery & Recycling Targets 1 回收再用和再循环的目标 1 • Minimum rates of recovery, including reuse and recycling targets for components, materials and substances. 对部件、材料和物质建立最低的回收利用和循环再利用的目标。 E.g. IT & telecommunications equipment: 例如,对于IT和通讯产品: • Overall recovery target: 75% 整机回收目标: • Reuse & recycling of components etc: 65% 部件回收再用和循环再利用的目标 • Other methods (e.g. energy recovery): 10% 其他(如能源或能量回收) • Producers or their third parties shall record the mass of their WEEE, components, materials or substances when: • 生产者或受委托回收的第三方应记录回收的WEEE的重量、元件和材料或物质,当 • Entering & leaving the treatment facility; and/or 要进入或退出处理系统时,和/或 • Entering the recovery or recycling facility. • 回收再用和再循环处理系统时 • To be counted, WEEE exported from the EU shall be recovered, reused or recycled under equivalent conditions. 为了统计,从欧盟出口的WEEE在同等条件下应当被回收,再利用或循环使用。 • Reuse of whole EEE is excluded from these targets until 31 December 2008. 废弃电子电器产品整机的再利用不包括在这些目标内直到2008年12月31日。
WEEE DirectiveRecovery & Recycling Targets 2回收再用和再循环的目标 1
WEEE DirectiveFinancing 费用 Producers 生产者: • Pay for the collection (from a central point), treatment, recovery, recycling and environmentally sound disposal of their new WEEE (after 13 August 2005). 应支付自己生产出的新WEEE的回收(从中心点)、处理、再循环和合乎环保要求的处理的费用(2005年8月13日以后) • Guarantee finance for the management of their own WEEE. 为他们自己WEEE的管理费用提供经济担保. • Pay, by market share per type of EEE, for the treatment of “historical” WEEE (placed on the market before 13 August 2005) through a collective scheme. 根据每种型号的电子电器产品的市场份额,通过一个回收计划支付历史性WEEE的处理费用(2005年8月13日以前的投放市场的产品). • Can show consumers a “visible fee” for the costs of historical WEEE until 13 February 2011 (13 February 2013 for large household appliances). 到2011年2月13日(对于大型家用电器是2013年2月13日),对于历史性WEEE费用,可以显示给消费者一个“明显的费用”. • May arrange for non-household users (e.g. B2B) to pay some or all of the WEEE management costs. 可以为非家用电器的使用者(如 B2B)安排支付一些或全部的WEEE管理费用.
WEEE DirectiveMarking - All WEEE 1 标记- 所有WEEE 1 EEE placed on the market after 13 August 2005 shall bear: 2005年8月13日以后投放市场的电子电器应注明: • Name or trademark of the producer. 产品的名称或商标 • New marking indicating that it was placed on the market after this date. 新的标记标明: 它是在这一日起以后投放市场的产品. A standard is being developed by CEN/CENELEC to define the format. CEN/CENELEC正在为定义这一格式建立相应的标准. • Crossed wheelie bin symbol. 大叉有轮垃圾箱标志
WEEE DirectiveMarking - All WEEE 2 - Crossed Wheelie Bin Symbol标记- 所有WEEE 2 - 大叉有轮垃圾箱标志 In exceptional cases, where the product’s size and function prevent this, the symbol shall be placed on:如果产品的大小和功能不适于加贴上述标志时,可印在 Packaging; AND包装 Instructions for use; AND说明书 Warranty.保证卡
WEEE DirectiveInformation Supplied - All WEEE 信息提供- 所有WEEE Within one year after the product is placed on the market, producers shall provide information to re-use centres, treatment and recycling facilities regarding:产品投放市场一年内,生产者应向再用中心、处理和再循环机构提供下列内容: • Different components and materials used; 产品所用的元件和原料 • Locations of any dangerous substances & preparations.有毒物质的存在位置及制备方式 This information shall be in the form of: • Manuals; OR • Electronic media (e.g. CD-ROM or online).信息可以由手册、或电子媒体形式(如 CD- ROM或网上)提供
WEEE DirectiveInformation Supplied - Household WEEE信息提供- 家用WEEE Details to be supplied to consumers:提供如下资料给消费者 • Not to dispose of WEEE as unsorted municipal waste, but collect it separately; 不要将WEEE当做未分类垃圾随意丢弃,应进行分类回收 • Available return and collection systems;有效的回收系统 • The role of consumers in the reuse, recycling and other forms of recovery;消费者应如何处理这些需要重复使用、再生及回收的事项 • The potential effects on the environment & human health of hazardous substances in the WEEE.WEEE中有害物质对环境和人身健康的潜在影响 • Meaning of the crossed wheelie bin symbol. 带大叉有轮垃圾桶标志的含义 • May be required in the instructions and/or at point of sale. 可以在说明书或/和销售地点获得
WEEE DirectiveReporting By Member States 成员国的报告 • Register of their producers. 生产者的登记 • Annual, substantiated estimates of the quantities and categories of separately collected WEEE. 每年,实质性的对分类回收WEEE数量和种类的评估 • EEE sold by distance is counted in the Member State of the purchaser. 在成员国的购买者,通过远程销售的电子电器产品也被计算在内。
Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive包装和包装废物指令
Packaging Waste Directive 包装废物指令Overview 概述 • Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive 94/62/EC. 包装和包装废物指令 94/62/EC. • Published in the Official Journal 31 December 1994 (OJ L 365, 31.12.1994, p. 10). 该指令在1994年12月31日发布(OJ L 365, 31.12.1994, p. 10). • Reducing the amount of packaging used. 减少包装物料的数量. • Increasing the re-use, recycling and recovery of packaging waste. 提高包装废物的再用、回收再用和再循环 • Minimising the remaining waste for disposal. 最低限度内减少废物的丢弃 • Improving the cradle-to-grave environmental performance of packaging.改善包装物从生产到废弃个过程,以符合环保功能。
Packaging Waste Directive 包装废物指令Scope 范围 • All types and materials of primary, secondary tertiary packaging, components and packaging waste.所有一级、二级、三级包装材料、组件和包装废物E.g. boxes, bags, tapes, bindings etc.(如箱子、包、带子、绑扎带等) • From all sources of packaging waste, such as household, industrial, commercial and institutional.任何来源的包装废物,比如家用、工业用、商业用和公共机构使用的。
Packaging Waste Directive 包装废物指令Definitions - Packaging Types 定义- 包装类型 • Primary or sales packaging:一级包装或销售包装 • Point of sale packaging to the final consumer.在销售点给最终消费者的包装 • Secondary or grouped packaging: 二级或整箱包装 • Consumer display unit, holds a group of products单位包装 • Will not affect the product’s characteristics if removed. 当包装去除后,不会影响到产品的特性 • Tertiary or transport packaging:三级包装或运输包装 • Protects a group of units in transit.保护运输中的整批产品 • Does not including ship, road, air or rail containers.不包括船运、公路、空运和铁路中使用的集装箱
Packaging Waste Directive 包装废物指令Definitions – Producer 定义- 生产者 Not defined by the Packaging Waste Directive!! 没有在包装指令中定义 A “producer” of packaging is considered to be any person placing packaging on the market, such as the: 一个包装物料的“生产者”被认为是在市场上生产处置包装的任何人,包括: • Manufacturer of packaging materials; 包装物料的生产者 • Converter of packaging materials into packaging; 将包装材料装变为包装的人 • Packer or filler of products into packaging; 将产品放入包装的打包工人或填充者 • Seller or retailer of filled packaging; 使用包装的零售商或售货者 • Importer of packaging materials or filled packaging into the EU. 将包装材料或使用包装的产品进口到欧盟的进口商
Packaging Waste Directive 包装废物指令Requirements 要求 “Producers” (placing the packaging on the market) shall: “生产者”(在市场上生产处置包装的人) 应: • Meet the heavy metal limits for the packaging. 满足包装的重金属限量要求 • Ensure that the packaging complies with the essential requirements. 确保包装遵守相关的重要规定 • Contribute to the packaging waste recovery targets in each Member State. 在欧盟每一个成员国中实现包装废物的回收目标. Between 50% and 65% recovery, of which 25% to 45% shall be recycled with a minimum 15% for each material. 成员国应设立其包装废物的回收率目标达50% -65%,在这一目标下,25%-45%的废物应可再循环的。每种材料的再循环率至少在于15%。 Usually achieved by joining a compliance scheme, such as Green Dot. 通常通过设立废物回收机制,如“绿点标志” 来实现. • Keep technical documentation, showing compliance with these requirements, readily available for inspection by the competent authorities. 拥有技术文件, 标明符合以上这些要求,以及愿意接受有能力的权威机构的检查.
Packaging Waste Directive 包装废物指令Other Requirements 其他要求 The Directive also requires: 指令还要求: • A material identification system, using category numbers for each type of material (e.g. 1 to 19 for plastics) to accompany recyclable and reusable marks. 建立材料的识别系统,利用分类码来区分材料种类(比如用1-19代表塑胶),并配合可再循环和再用的标志。 • Waste recovery schemes to be set up. E.g. the Green Dot scheme. 设立废物回收机制(比如,绿点标志)
Packaging Waste DirectiveHeavy Metal Limits • After 30 June 2001, all packaging and packaging components shall contain a maximum 100 ppm sum of the total concentrations of lead, cadmium, hexavalent chromium (chromium (VI)) and mercury. That is, Pb + Cd + Cr(VI) + Hg = 100 ppm maximum. Like the US CONEG requirements 2001年6月30日起,所有包装和包装组件所含总铅、镉、六价铬和汞的总量不超过100ppm. (类似于美国CONEG的要求) • “Packaging components” are the smallest parts of packaging easily separated by hand. “包装部件”是包装的最小部分,可以用手方便的分离. • Compliance may shown by testing the packaging or based on calculations from heavy metal testing of the packaging materials. 通过检测 或基于从包装材料重金属检测计算出的结果显示出对指令的 符合性.
Packaging Waste Directive 包装废物的指令Essential Requirements – Outline 重要的要求- 概要 Packaging shall: 包装应: • Use the minimum volume and weight necessary to give the required level of safety, hygiene and acceptance for the product and consumer. 在确保产品安全、卫生和消费者可接受的条件下,最低限度地使用包装 • Be designed, produced and used to maximise its:在设计上,尽可能生产及使用 • Reuse; OR 可再用的, • Recovery including recycling. 可再用的再循环的 • Minimise the use of hazardous materials.尽量减少使用有害物质 In addition to the heavy metal limits. 除重金属限量以外
Packaging Waste Directive 包装废物指令Essential Requirements – Reuse 重要要求- 在使用 If claimed, reusable packaging shall meet all of the following: 如果被再使用,可再用的包装应符合以下要求 • Have adequate robustness to withstand several cycles of normal predictable use; 材料稳固,可被多次使用 • Be capable of being cleaned or processed as necessary in a safe manner; 在安全方式下可以进行清洁和处理 • Comply with the “recoverable” packaging criteria when it can no longer be reused. 当不能再用时,还应符合可回收再用的包装的要求
Packaging Waste Directive 包装废物指令Essential Requirements – Recovery 重要要求- 回收再用 All packaging shall ultimately be recoverable as follows: 所有的包装将最终达到以下可回收再用的要求 • Material recycling; ORA minimum percentage should be recyclable. 原料可再循环,或达到最低的再循环百分率 • Energy recovery; OR On incineration more heat is produced than put in. 能量转换,或灰化后能释放更多的热量 • Composting (buried in the ground); OR 可堆制成肥料(土埋),或 • Biodegradation. Can decompose to carbon dioxide, biomass and water.生物降解,可分解成二氧化碳,有机物和水
Packaging Waste Directive 包装废物指令Standards Overview 1 标准一览 1 • European standards have been written with regard to the essential requirements of the Directive. 目前已有一些欧洲标准阐述基本的安全要求 • Only EN 13432 fully covers the relevant requirements and offers a presumption of conformity. 只有EN13432完全覆盖了相关的要求和提供了一个一致符合性的假设。 • The others are being revised (expected Spring 2004). 其他的标准正在被修订(预期2004年春季) • In the interim, these standards still offer the easiest route to compliance, though further testing may be required. 再零时过渡期间,这些标准仍提供了最简便的符合通道,当然进一步的检测是必要的。
Packaging Waste Directive 包装废物指令Standards Overview 2 标准一览 2 • EN 13427:2000 - Use of packaging waste standards.EN 13427:2000 - 包装废物标准的使用 • EN 13428:2000 – Material (source) reduction.EN 13428:2000 - 材料缩减 • EN 13429:2000 – Reusable packaging.EN 13429:2000 – 再使用包装 • EN 13430:2000 – Material recycling. EN 13430:2000 – 材料的循环使用 • EN 13431:2000 – Energy recovery.EN 13431:2000 – 能源的恢复行使用 • EN 13432:2000 – Composting & biodegradation.EN 13432:2000 – 堆制成肥和生物降解 EN 13432 offers full presumption of conformity. EN 13432提供了完全的符合性假设 EN 13428 only offers a partial presumption of conformity. Covering only the minimum volume/weight, but not the hazardous materials. EN 13428仅提供了一部分的符合性假设 仅覆盖了最小体积/重量,但没有有害物质的规定。
Packaging Waste Directive包装废物指令EN 13428 - Material Reduction EN13428- 减少材料 The “producer” shall: 生产者应当: • Minimise the content of any environmentally harmful substances. 减少所有环境有害物质的含量。 • Evaluate and document the key aspects of the packaging against 10 performance criteria. 根据十项包装功能评估和记录包装的主要功能。 • Identify the “critical area” which limits the further reduction of the packaging mass and/or volume. 确定“临界面积”,以进一步减少包装的重量和/或容量 • Reduce the mass and/or volume of the packaging of the critical area (and other areas as far as practical). 减少包装重量和/或容量,并切实可行 • Prepare a statement of conformity. E.g. a checklist. 准备符合性声明(如检查表) • Retain it and test reports etc for inspection. 保留声明和测试报告备查
Packaging Waste Directive 包装废物指令EN 13428 - Performance Criteria EN13428- 执行标准 5. Product presentation & marketing;产品介绍和销售 6. User/consumer acceptance;使用者/消费者接受 7. Information; 信息 8. Safety; 安全 9. Legislation; 法例 10. Other issues.其他 • Product protection; 保护产品 • Packaging manufacturing process; 包装生产程序 • Packing/filling process;包装/填充程序 • Logistics (e.g. transport, warehousing & handling);Evaluated using ISTA packaging performance tests.物流(比如 运输、仓储、处理)用ISTA包装测试评估
Packaging Waste Directive 包装废物指令EN 13429 - Reusable Packaging 1 EN 13429- 包装再利用 1 “Reusable” packaging must be 可再用包装必须: • Deliberately intended for reuse. 重新使用 • Emptied with no or only repairable damage. 完好无损,或有轻微损伤,但可以修复 • Cleanable/repairable and remain fit for purpose. 经清洁或修理后符合要求 • Reconditioned in a safe way. 可安全地修理 • Refilled without harming the product, humans or the environment. 重新装填时不会对产品本身、人类或环境造成伤害 • Compatible with reuse systems available in the relevant Member State. These systems shall be closed, open or hybrid. 再使用系统必须在相关成员国内是可行的 这些系统应可为单一封闭式、开放或混合使用. • Recoverable when it can no longer be reused. 可以从新获得,当不能被再利用时,
Packaging Waste Directive 包装废物指令EN 13429 - Reusable Packaging 2 EN13429- 包装的再利用 2 The “producer” shall: 生产者应: • Prepare a statement of conformity with these criteria. 根据标准准备符合性声明 • Ensure that when the packaging can no longer be reused it may be recovered by: 如果包装不能再重复使用时,就该要符合以下要求 • Recycling; OR 可再生 • Energy recovery; OR 能量转换 • Composting/biodegradation. 堆肥/生物降解 • Retain the statement of conformity and supporting documents for inspection.保留符合性声明并提供支持文件以备检查
Packaging Waste Directive 包装废物指令EN 13430 - Material Recycling EN13430- 材料的再循环 Packaging shall to be designed to: 设计包装时应考虑: • Use a single material or different materials that can be recycled together (e.g. PC & ABS). 使用一种材料或可以一起被再循环的不同材料 • Minimise the number of different materials used. 尽可能避免使用过多种类的材料 • Readily separate materials not recycled together. 容易地分类的材料不要一起在循环 • Reduce heavy metals and other harmful contaminants. 减少重金属和其他有害污染 • Locate and shape openings in sales packaging to allow easy emptying and cleaning. 销售包装的开口及形状应容易倒空和清洁 • Be compatible with available recycling systems. 适合一般再循环处理
Packaging Waste Directive 包装废物指令EN 13431 - Energy Recovery 1 EN 13431- 能量回收 1 • When incinerated, more heat shall be produced than was required to burn the packaging. 灰化后,释放的能量比提供燃的能量多Net calorific gain. (总热能增加) • Compliance route depends upon the composition of the packaging. 符合性程序视包装的成份而定
Packaging Waste Directive 包装废物指令EN 13431 - Energy Recovery 2 EN 13431- 能量回收 2 Packaging Containing more than 50% Organic Material E.g. cardboard, paper, plastics, wood etc. 如果包装含有超过50%的有机物,比如 纸板、纸、塑胶、木头 • Deemed to comply with the energy recovery requirements.这些有机物可认为达到能量回收的要求 • Aluminium foil up to 50 µm is also considered to meet these requirements.厚度50微米以下的铝箔都可认为是符合要求的
Packaging Waste Directive 包装废物指令EN 13431 - Energy Recovery 3 EN 13431- 能量回收 3 Packaging Containing more than 50% Inorganic Material E.g. metals, ceramics, glass, clay etc. 包装含有超过50%的无机物时, 比如,金属,陶瓷,玻璃,粘土 • Many of these materials are not combustible, so the net calorific gain for the packaging has to be determined by:这些材料不易燃烧,可用以下的计算方式计算能量 • Calculated for all the raw materials in the composition from standard handbooks; OR从标准手册中计算合成物中的原材料净热值 • Experimentally determined per prEN ISO 1716:1998, at constant volume in a bomb calorimeter. 根据prEN ISO 1716:1998,通过在爆炸量热器中的恒定容量来计算
Packaging Waste Directive 包装废物指令EN 13432 - Composting & Biodegradation EN 13432 –肥料和生物降解 Packaging may only be deemed biodegradable by meeting ALL of the following: 被认为可以生物降解的包装物仅应该是能满足以下所有条件的产品: • Any non-biodegradable materials are readily separable;能容易与不能分解的物质分离 • Chemical characterisation (heavy metals & volatiles);化学特征 (重金属和易挥发物) • Biodegradability (if needed testing can take many months);生物降解(测试需要花数月) • Disintegration; 分解 • Compost quality; 可制成堆肥 • Recognizability by the end user. 可以被最终用户分辨的