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2. << Contents >>. NPP Overview I
May. 23 - 25, 2005, Vienna
by Hang Bae Kim
KOREA POWER ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. National Report on Nuclear Power Plant I&Cin the Republic of Korea
2. 2
3. 3 NPP Overview(1) Nuclear Power Plants
4. 4 NPP Overview(2)
5. 5 NPP Overview(3)
6. 6 NPP Overview(4) Projection of Electricity Generation
7. 7 I&C Overview (1) I&C Programs (2003-2005)
New Construction
APR1400 MMIS (Shin-Kori 3&4)
Core Protection System for OPR1000+
Research and Development
KNICS (Korea Nuclear I&C System)
Automatic Spec. and Code Generation
Ultrasonic Flow Meter
I&C Upgrade Strategic Plan
8. 8 I&C Overview(2) 1st Generation: use of relay technology
Implemented by various relays
Kori unit 1: Reactor Protection Systems (RPS), etc.
1st upgraded with digital modules in Korea(1998)
2nd Generation: use of solid-state technology
Implemented by analog Integrated Circuit (IC) chips
Kori 2,3&4, Yonggwang 1&2, Ulchin 1&2: RPS, ESFAS, etc.
3rd Generation: use of hybrid technologies
Implemented by microprocessor-based and relay components
Wolsong 1,2,3&4, Yonggwang 3,4,5&6, Ulchin 3&4: RPS, ESFAS, PCS, etc.
9. 9 I&C Overview(3) 4th Generation: use of PLC-based computer technologies
Implemented by digital PLC-based computers and software systems
Ulchin 5&6, Shin Kori 1&2, Shin Wolsong 1&2: DPPS, DESFAS-AC, data communications, etc.
5th Generation: use of advanced HMI technologies
Implemented by digital computers and software systems
Integrating advanced human-system interfaces into main control room and remote shutdown stations
Shin Kori units 3&4(APR-1400): DPPS, ESF-CCS, MCR, Soft Controls, Graphic Display Systems, etc.
10. 10 I&C Overview(4)
11. 11 New Construction (APR1400 MMIS) (1)
12. 12 New Construction (APR1400 MMIS) (2) Computer-based Advanced MCR
Compact workstation
Large Display Panel
Safety Console
Soft Control
Fully Digitalized NSSS and BOP I&C Systems
PLC for safety and DCS for non-safety I&C Systems
Human Factors Engineering Verification & Validation
Computerized Operating Procedures
13. 13 New Construction (APR1400 MMIS) (3)
14. 14 New Construction (APR1400 MMIS) (4) Block Diagram for APR1400 I&C Systems
15. 15 New Construction (APR1400 MMIS) (5) Dynamic Mock up
16. 16 New Construction (APR1400 MMIS) (6) Soft Control Template
17. 17 Core Protection Calculator (CPC) Overview
Safety system for DNBR, LPD trip
Four independent channels
CEA signals shared between CPC and CEAC using fiber optic isolation devices
Obsolete hardware
Difficult maintenance of software
Implemented with assembly language
Single point of failures
Two channels of CEAC (actuated by ½ logic)
Failure of signal Isolators (CEA input signals to CEAC) New Construction (OPR1000+ CPC) (1)
18. 18 Hardware and Configuration
PLC for safety function
Color flat panel display for operator’s module
Network for intra-channel communication
Serial data communication for inter-channel data sharing
Function block structure
Customized function blocks for PLC using C language
Independent verification and validation of software
Preliminary software hazard analysis
Requirement traceability matrix
Code review
Module, unit, system integration testing New Construction (OPR1000 + CPC) (2)
19. 19 SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM New Construction (OPR1000 + CPC) (3)
20. 20 R&D (KNICS) (1)
21. 21 R&D (KNICS) (2) Major Activities
Development of digital systems and equipment
Localization and licensing of safety-grade PLC and digital RPS and ESF–CCS
Safety-grade software qualification
Development of Control Rod Control System
Localization for existing & next-generation NPPs
Development of Distributed Control System
Localization of hardware platform for monitoring and control systems for NPPs
22. 22 R&D (KNICS) (3)
23. 23 R&D (Software Tool) (1) Main Purpose
Develop the methodology to generate the automated software design specification and source code for the nuclear I&C systems.
Software Engineering Tools Integrated into the System
Requirements management and traceability analysis tool
Modeling and auto-code generation tool
Object oriented compiler such as C++ and JAVA
Code auto testing tool
Configuration management tool
24. 24 R&D (Software Tool) (2) Overall Scheme
25. 25 R&D (Software Tool) (3) Prototype
26. 26 R&D (UFM) (1) Background
Utility concerned the power derating since 1998
Derating : 20 – 40 MWe
Fouling was presumed as main cause
Needs for alternative method to measure the feedwater flow
Main Purpose
Develop the technology for adopting UFM in feedwater flow measurement in Korea NPPs
Measurement accuracy : < ±0.6%
Prepare topical report
Support licensing
27. 27 R&D (UFM) (2) Activities
Develop the technology for application of UFM in feedwater measurement
Select UFM vendor
Perform performance and reliability tests
Measure feedwater flow in operating plants and verify applicability of UFM
Verifying actual measurement uncertainty
Perform analyses
Effects of application of flow correction factor
Calculations of uncertainty of reactor power
Prepare topical report for UFM application
28. 28 R&D (UFM) (3) Flow Measurement Using UFM
29. 29 I&C Upgrade (Plan) (1) Objective
30. 30 I&C Upgrade (Plan) (2) Overall Flow
31. 31 I&C Upgrade (Plan) (3) Process
32. 32 Conclusion
33. 33 Suggestions